
From the Docs accompanying KILLRQ: "In political Newspeak, people who are perfectly free to say whatever they want to nevertheless claim that they are being 'censored' if other people refuse to pay for their words." "The cry of 'censorship' is raised even against private individuals and organizations when they don't go along with things that are said and done by those who demand not only freedom but also an audience." "'I have a right to say what I want to!' one musician declared indignantly. It never seemed to occur to him that other people also have rights -- including the right not to touch his stuff. Once you start talking about rights as if they override other people's rights, then you are really talking about privileges." From an article in 12/30/91 Fido News: "... there is a ... category of material which can pose legal trouble for a sysop. This is libelous text, material that defames a person. Somebody who writes material of this nature, and a sysop who allows his system to be used in the dissemination of such things, could be the subject of a lawsuit in today's litigious climate."


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