
Jim Gifford 03-Jul-93 10:17am Rep. Henry Gonzalez Here's another one: In 1988, Bush challenged Dukakis for vetoing a bill that would have made the Pledge of Allegiance mandatory in Massachusetts. The House of Representatives responded in knee-jerk fashion, adding the Pledge to the beginning of their work days. On June 14, Flag Day, Representative Henry Gonzalez, D-Texas, vented his spleen at the practice. "Nothing is sadder," he said in a speech on the floor of the House, "than to see the herd instinct in taking the Pledge of Allegiance here in the House of Representatives. What is that pledge? That pledge was not around until just three to four decades ago. We have taken an oath, and that oath is to the Constitution, not to the flag. "So here we are, like a good little herd, reminiscent of the Hitlerian period: 'Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!'" House Minority Leader Bob Michel (R-Ill.) and House Whip Newt Gingrich are asking House Speaker Tom Foley to punish Gonzalez for comments that "reflect poorly on the honor and dignity of the House and violate clear precedents and House rules." [Yet another fascist neo-Nazi action.] Gonzalez for President, eh?


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