
Xref: info.physics.utoronto.ca news.answers:30032 sci.answers:1623 sci.geo.geology:14456 Path: amthyst!news From: R. Spencer Ramshaw Newsgroups: sci.geo.geology,sci.answers,news.answers Subject: sci.geo.geology FAQ 3/5 faq Message-ID: Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 11:34:26 EDT Reply-To: amethyst@amthyst.dweomer.org Followup-To: sci.geo.geology Distribution: world Organization: Ramshaw's Computer Solutions Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu Lines: 367 Archive-name: geology-faq/faq Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 1994/08/22 Version: 11.0 sci.geo.geology FAQ 3/5 faq **** 1. What is the s.g.g. charter? Name: sci.geo.geology Type: unmoderated Scope: geology: "the science dealing with the structure of the earth's crust and formation and development of its various layers: it includes the study of individual rock types and early forms of life found as fossils in rocks." Webster's Possible subjects for discussion would include all aspects of solid earth geology and geophysics. (Including, but NOT limited to: plate tectonics tectonophysics, petrology, mineralogy, volcanology, structural geology, paleontology, sedimentary processes, basin analysis, seismic exploration, seismic stratigraphy, petroleum geology, seismology, geochemistry, glaciation, groundwater hydrology, geochronology, paleomagnetism, paleoclimatology.) Purpose: The newsgroup 'sci.geo.geology' is intended primarily for discussions at a level which would be relevant and informative to active researchers (i.e. earth scientists and students), but is open for general discussions as well. It hosts discussions, debates, and comments that are less formal and more timely than is possible in juried scientific journals. It is a clearinghouse for exchange of information, including ideas, programs, images, data, and citations. It can help us keep each other informed on upcoming events of interest to earth science researchers and computing in the earth sciences. 19-Oct-1993 [williams@pangea.Stanford.EDU (Tom Williams)] **** 2. Where do I look for the On-line Resources for Earth Scientists Guide (formerly called the Earth Sciences Internet Resource Guide) anonymous ftp ftp.csn.org COGS subdirectory ores.txt ftp-by-mail instructions Send the following message to bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu FTP ftp.csn.org CD COGS GET ores.txt CLOSE The guide will arrive in a couple pieces that you will have to reassemble. 20-Jun-1994 **** 3. When did s.g.g. start? The results of the vote (For:266 Against:11) were announced on the 7th of February 1991. Effectively the group became active five days after that date but of course this would vary from system to system. **** 4. Where should I look for information on geoscience software? Directory of Mining Software Gibbs Associates PO Box 706 Boulder, CO 80306 - 0706 USA tel: 303.444.6032 fax: 303.444.6032 GeoTimes; GeoMedia Review Column - published monthly by the American Geological Institute, Alexandria, Virginia Journal of Geological Education; Down-to-Earth Software Column 5-Jan-1994 [rsr@amthyst.dweomer.org (R. Spencer Ramshaw)] **** 5. How many people are reading the newsgroup? Re: Usenet readership stats, the arbitron ratings for October show s.g.g to be in the 74th percentile among the 2500 most popular newsgroups, and propagated to 73% of surveyed sites, based on the detection of 612 apparent readers. Also, it 37th out of 87 in order of popularity among the sci.* groups. All in all, s.g.g seems quite popular, even though most readers never contribute publicly. 30 Nov 1993 Una Smith **** 6. How do I start a new newsgroup? Frequently, people start message threads concerning the creation of new newsgroups that they feel aren't covered by sci.geo.geology. If this interests you, then start in the news.newusers.questions newsgroup, so you can find out how it is done. It should be pointed out that from the traffic standpoint of s.g.g. there is no evidence that any new geology-related newsgroups are required. Please note that the charter of the group covers everything geological. So if your new newsgroup is covered by the charter then the only way you could get a new newsgroup is to use s.g.g. so much that the other subjects in s.g.g. get swamped. So go ahead try to swamp it (within the charter. of course). 26-Nov-1993 **** 7. What questions/statements shouldn't be posted to s.g.g.? If you asking yourself whether or not a subject is appropriate for s.g.g. then I suggest you re-read the charter for the newsgroup (Question 1). Since the group is un-moderated nothing can be done if you choose to post a message outside the charter of the group. Not-withstanding this, the following is a list of subjects and suggested newsgroups that are more appropriate than s.g.g. Subject A More Appropriate Newsgroup ------- ---------------------------- Creationism/Evolution talk.origins Digital geography or cartography comp.infosystems.gis GPS sci.geo.satellite-nav Make Money Fast [suggestion needed] 13-April-1994 **** 8. Where is the earthquake information? A good place to look is the ca.earthquakes newsgroup. There is also an FAQ posted to that newsgroup. Note the ca indicates that this is a California newsgroup but it is possible to find feeders of this group outside California. 11-May-1994 **** 9. Why should my geoscience institution or company use the INTERNET? [This is provided to help you convince management types that you should be here. It isn't a frequently asked question within s.g.g. but rather an often asked question by managers unaware of the Internet - rsr ] SOME POTENTIAL OIL AND SERVICE COMPANY BENEFITS ON INTERNET - informal conferencing and continuing education - global access to a diverse pool of E&P specialists - rapid communications at a reduced cost - easy monitoring of new developments in petroleum technology - access to unpublished research data and reports - questions and answers (non-confidential information) - literature searches - general public relation promotions - E&P software/hardware technical support and customer service - geological survey maps, free geo-software etc. via remote ftp SOME POTENTIAL BENEFITS FOR ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS - continuing education benefits - establish research links with industry/government organizations - advertizement of specialist skills within departments - wider exposure of research results outside academia - more rapid feed-back - inter-academic linking (more efficient use of available resources) - exposure to industry needs - access to company data for teaching or research purposes - better employment prospects for graduates - short-term oil company vacation training for students - increased public awareness of specialist sciences (some overlap between these categories) 28 May 1994 [jorgsr@pet2.ncpgg.adelaide.edu.au (Jorg Schulz-Rojahn)] 10. Who has Internet Access? [Anyone care to flesh out the other geoscience areas? - rsr] OIL & SERVICE COMPANIES WITH KNOWN INTERNET ACCESS * Amoco Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ARCO Atlantic Richfield Oil and Gas Company BHP Petroleum British Petroleum Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd. Chevron Elf Aquitaine Exlog Exxon Fina Geomatic (Norway) Geoquest Systems GeoScience Green Mountain Geophysics Intera (UK) Kuwait Petroleum Landmark Marathon Oil Company Maxus (Dallas) Mincom Ltd. Mobil Norsk Hydro (Norway) Occidental Petroleum Corp. Oryx Energy Company Pancanadian Petroleum Company Petrobras (Brazil) Phillips Petroleum POSC (Petrochemical Open Software Corporation) Repsol Exploracion (Spain) Saga Petroleum (Norway) Santos Ltd. (Australia) Scandpower (Norway) Schlumberger/Geo-Prakla Shell Simon Petroleum Technology SSI Statoil (Norway) Sysdrill (UK) Texaco Unocal Western Atlas International (* at least local access; this list is very incomplete) KNOWN PETROLEUM EDUCATIONAL/RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS WITH INTERNET ACCESS Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre (APCRC): Centre for Petroleum Engineering, UNSW, Sydney CSIRO, Division of Petroleum Resources (Sydney, Melbourne) Curtin Univ., Dpt of Exploration Geophysics (Perth) Curtin Univ.: Petroleum & Environm. Organic Geochemistry Centre National Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Adelaide Brock University, Department of Earth Sciences (Canada) Bureau of Economic Geology, Texas Chalmers University of Technology, Dpt of Geology (Sweden) Centre de Recherches Entreprises et Societe (CRES), Geneva Colorado School of Mines Heriot-Watt University, Department of Petroleum Engineering IKU Petroleum Research, Norway Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Norway Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP), France Institute for Petroleum Research and Geophysics (IPRG), Israel Institute of Colombian Petroleum (ICP) Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, Calgary Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (California) Mississippi State University (Petroleum Engineering) NORSAR ('Norwegian Seismic Array') Pennsylvania State University, Petroleum Engineering Dpt. Petroleum Recovery Research Center, Socorro (New Mexico) Rice University, Houston Rogaland Research, Stavanger Stanford University Texas A&M University of Aberdeen, Dpt of Geology and Petroleum Geology University of Alberta, Dpt of Physics (Seismology & Rock Physics) University of Bergen, Geological Institute, Norway University of Calgary, Dpt of Geology & Geophysics University of Glasgow, Dpt of Geology & Applied Geology University of Newcastle, UK (Geochemistry Group) University of Oslo, Dpt of Geology, Norway University of South Carolina/University of Utah: Earth Sciences and Resources Institute University of Texas at Austin University of Trondheim, Dpt of Petroleum Technology University of Uppsala, Institute of Earth Sciences (Sweden) University of Wyoming at Laramie, Wyoming KNOWN GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS/GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS ON THE INTERNET Alberta Research Council Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) [formerly known as BMR] British Antarctic Survey British Geological Survey Canadian Provincial Geological Surveys: British Columbia Geological Survey Branch Nfld. and Labrador Geological Survey Branch Ontario Geological Survey Geological Survey of Canada Geological Survey of Finland Geological Survey of the Netherlands Geological Survey of Victoria, Australia Survey and Land Information Department, New Zealand United States Geological Survey United States State Geological Surveys: Illinois State Geological Survey Nebraska Geological Survey Oklahoma Geological Survey Observatory Utah Geological Survey WHO ELSE IS ON THE INTERNET? Many other petroleum E&P organizations worldwide, every major university in the world, numerous government departments, some 20 Million InterNet users worldwide. According to FORTUNE Magazine, of the InterNet networks registered globally, 63% belong to businesses or their research labs. Twenty thousand of Schlumberger's 50,000 employees routinely use e-mail and many depend on the InterNet to communicate with customers, suppliers, and university researchers (FORTUNE, March 14 issue, 1994). 12 Jun 1994 [jorgsr@pet2.ncpgg.adelaide.edu.au (Jorg Schulz-Rojahn)] **** 11. Are there more earthquakes now than in ancient history? No. There has been an improvement in the collection of earthquake information which has caused an apparent rise in the number of earthquakes but this is due to improved seismology networks and not due to increased activity within the earth. **** 12. Are there any song lyrics related to Geology? There is enough material in the present discussion in sci.geo.geology. I have tried to compile a list: - Carl Ruggles: "Of Men and Mountains" - PDQ Bach: "The Stoned Guest" - Paul Simon: "Love me like a rock" - John Prime: "Paradise" - Daddy, won't you take me back to Muelenberg County, - Down by the Green River where Paradise lay? - I'm sorry my son, but you're too late in asking, - Mr. Peabody's coal train has hauled it away. - Mendelsson: "Fingal's Cave" (The Hebridean Overture) - Tori Amos's last but one album: "Little Earthquakes." - Bob Dylan: "Blowin' in the Wind" - How many years can a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea? - Pete Seeger: - If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the mornin', - I'd hammer in the evenin', all over this land - Grofe: "Grand Canyon Suite" - "Fossils" from Carnival of Animals (Saint-Saens) - Hovhaness: "Mt. St. Helens Symphony" - a Czech composer whose name escapes me: "volcano symphony - on Vesuvius" - Cass Elliot: "The fault line runs right through here" - Antoine Brumel: "Missa Et ecce terrae motus" - The Earthquake Mass - Stravinsky: "Rites of Spring" with reference to Disney's Fantasia. - Holst: "The Planets" - Warren Zevon (I can't remember the name of the song): - And if California slides into the ocean - like the mystics and statistics say it will - I predict this hotel will be standing - until I pay my bill 18 Aug 1994 [aronsson@lysator.liu.se (Lars Aronsson)] **** End of sci.geo.geology FAQ 3/5 faq ****


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