Xref: info.physics.utoronto.ca news.answers:30033 sci.answers:1624 sci.geo.geology:14457
Path: amthyst!news
From: R. Spencer Ramshaw
Newsgroups: sci.geo.geology,sci.answers,news.answers
Subject: sci.geo.geology FAQ 5/5 Appendices
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 11:34:41 EDT
Reply-To: amethyst@amthyst.dweomer.org
Followup-To: sci.geo.geology
Distribution: world
Organization: Ramshaw's Computer Solutions
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Lines: 829
Archive-name: geology-faq/appendices
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 1994/08/22
Version: 11.0
sci.geo.geology FAQ 5/5 Appendices
E-mail Contact List
[Make sure you mention that you got their address from the s.g.g. faq,
thanks - rsr]
Organization - Address
------------ -------
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) - 73163.3035@CompuServe.com
American Geological Institute
AGI Education Clearing House - educate@agi.umd.edu
Geotimes - Geotimes@agi.umd.edu
GeoRef - kyost@agi.umd.edu
Goverment Affairs Program - cschiff@agi.umd.edu
Director or other contacts - lsutherl@agi.umd.edu
Canadian Geoscience Information Centre
Information - Library@gsc.emr.ca
Interlibrary loans - ILL@gsc.emr.ca
Map Library - Map_Library@gsc.emr.ca
Geophysics Library - Geophysics_Library@gsc.emr.ca
Elsevier Publishing Earth Sciences Department
(including Sed-Abstracts) - earthscience@elsevier.nl
Geological Survey of Israel - Library@vms.gsi.gov.il
Geological Survey of the Netherlands - geopost@rgd.nl
Geological Survey of Canada Bookstore - gsc_bookstore@gsc.emr.ca
Ontario Ministry of Northern Development & Mines - webbj@gov.on.ca
Paterson, Grant & Watson Limited - pgw@gpu.utcc.utoronto.ca
UNIX geophysical applications software - gipsi@gpu.utcc.utoronto.ca
POSC (Petrochemical Open Software Corporation) - info@posc.org
United States Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Information Office - miostaff@rgborafsa.er.usgs.gov
Reference List for s.g.g. posters
Digital Elevation Models
for the guide from Bruce Gittings:
Send email to geoinfo@geovax.ed.ac.uk including
the command "SEND DEM"
Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Fractals with Applications to
Geological Systems, edited by G.V. Middleton, 1991, Geological
Association of Canada Short Course Notes #3
Geoscience Departments/Graduate Schools
Directory of Geoscience Departments, published annually by the
American Geological Institute, Alexandria VA, USA
FAQ: Schools in Meteorology/Oceanography/Environmental Science
posted frequently to s.g.g.
Geographic Information Systems
There is a list of GIS software available for several platforms
on the geovax mail server. Send the command "SEND PACKAGES" to
Internet General
Send a message to:
and leave the "Subject" line blank.
Here's a suggested initial message:
send about-information-services/background
send about-information-services/contact-info
[from Mike Moraes', How to get information about Networks]
Internet Addresses for Person X
Send a message to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with the following as
the body of the message.
send usenet/news.answers/finding-addresses
Ore Deposits
Ore Deposit Models, edited by R.G.Roberts and P.A. Sheahan
1988, Geoscience Canada Reprint Series 3
Sea Level Change
FAQ: Sea-level change
posted frequently to s.g.g.
Facies Models, edited by Roger G. Walker, 1979
Geoscience Canada Reprint Series 1
Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology, by John C. Davis, 1986,
John P. Wiley & Sons Inc.
anonymous FTP Servers
Server Name Directory Comments
----------- --------- --------
c.scs.uiuc.edu Mineral Formula Database
DSC.BLM.GOV /ftp/pub/gis dlg2dxf pc files
edcftp.cr.usgs.gov pub/data/DEM/250 USA DEMS
ftp.cica.indiana.edu TRIPLOT
ftp.csn.org COGS Computer-Oriented Geological Society
anon FTP holdings
geology.cornell.edu /pub/rwa_programs/Stereonet
Macintosh Stereonet program
gps.mit.edu GPS_contrib Fault data & tectonic info
eastern Mediterranean
Turkey, Southern California
hyowon.cc.pusan.ac.kr //pub/UPLOAD/GEOLOGY/ -GEOLOGY directory geosoftwares
in Korean or in English!
- reported closed 28 Jul 94
iamg.org pub/CG Computers & Geoscience Listings
jplinfo.jpl.nasa.gov sircxsar Radar Images of Volcanoes
kiawe.soest.hawaii.edu graphics package GMT
opal.geology.utoronto.ca /pub/geology/corel/symbols Coreldraw symbols
/patterns Coreldraw patterns
perry.berkeley.edu ftp/outgoing/donovan ROCK FORMING MINERAL
(exe.zip & xray.zip)
ridfisd.er.usgs.gov software
sepftp.stanford.edu, decimated version of the USGS earth
(kiawe.soest.hawaii.edu) topography database, sound files for
an earthquake aftershock sequence,
tsunami info, miscellaneous collections
sparky2.esd.mun.ca Newpet geochemistry software
sunsite.unc.edu /pub/academic/geography/COGS
torsken.nfh.uit.no STEREO Demo Stereonet Program
utkux.utcc.utk.edu /pub/smoky Great Smokies Database
Gopher Servers
name = Atlantic Geoscience Centre - GSC
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = agcgopher.bio.ns.ca
URL = gopher://agcgopher.bio.ns.ca:70
name = Atlantic Marine Geology Gopher - USGS
type =
port =
path =
host = bramble.er.usgs.gov
URL = gopher://bramble.er.usgs.gov
name = Australian Dept. of Industries and Energy
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = candelo.dpie.gov.au
URL = gopher://candelo.dpie.gov.au:70
name = Brock University, Earth Sciences
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = craton.geol.brocku.ca
URL = gopher://craton.geol.brocku.ca:70
name = Colorado School of Mines
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.mines.colorado.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.mines.colorado.edu:70
name = Colorado School of Mines - Centers
type = 1
port = 80
path = 1/csm/centers
host = gn.mines.colorado.edu
URL = gopher://gn.mines.colorado.edu:80/11/csm/centers
name = Colorado School of Mines - Geochemistry Gopher
type = 1
port = 3853
path =
host = geochem.mines.colorado.edu
URL = gopher://geochem.mines.colorado.edu:3853
name = Colorado School of Mines, Instute for Groundwater Research
type = 1
port = 3851
path =
host = igwmc.mines.colorado.edu
URL = gopher://igwmc.mines.colorado.edu:3851
name = Durham University, Geological Science Gopher
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = piglit.dur.ac.uk
URL = gopher://piglit.dur.ac.uk:70
name = Energy Mines resources, Canada
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = emr1.emr.ca
URL = gopher://emr1.emr.ca:70
name = Energy Mines Resources - Geodetic Survey Division
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.geod.emr.ca
URL = gopher://gopher.geod.emr.ca:70
name = Institute for Space and Terrrestrial Science
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.ists.ca
URL = gopher://gopher.ists.ca:70
name = Michigan Technical University, Dept of Geology
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.geo.mtu.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.geo.mtu.edu:70
name = Michigan Technical University, Dept of Mining
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = empire.mg.mtu.edu
URL = gopher://empire.mg.mtu.edu:70
name = Michigan Technical University, Geology
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = geolabserver.geo.mtu.edu
URL = gopher://geolabserver.geo.mtu.edu:70
name = North Western University, Geology
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = somalia.earth.nwu.edu
URL = gopher://somalia.earth.nwu.edu:70
name = Penn State University, College of Earth and Mineral Science
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.essc.psu.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.essc.psu.edu:70
name = Penn State University, Pangea
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.ems.psu.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.ems.psu.edu:70
name = School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = wombat.es.mq.edu.au
URL = gopher://wombat.es.mq.edu.au:70
name = Univ. of California, Davis, Geology Dept
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = geogopher.ucdavis.edu
URL = gopher://geogopher.ucdavis.edu:70
name = Univ. of California, Santa Barbara Geological Sciences
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.geol.ucsb.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.geol.ucsb.edu:70
name = Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Museum of Palaeontlogy
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = ucmpl.berkeley.edu
URL = gopher://ucmpl.berkeley.edu:70
name = Univ. of Minnesota, Soil Science
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.soils.umn.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.soils.umn.edu:70
name = University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = galaxy.uci.agh.edu.pl
URL = gopher://galaxy.uci.agh.edu.pl:70
name = University of Southern California
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = bigcheese.math.scarolina.edu
URL = gopher://bigcheese.math.scarolina.edu:70
name = Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville, Geology Dept.
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = tanasi.gg.utk.edu
URL = gopher://tanasi.gg.utk.edu:70
name = Univ. of Texas, El Paso, Geological Sciences
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = dillon.geo.ep.utexas.edu
URL = gopher://dillon.geo.ep.utexas.edu:70
name = United States geological Survey
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = info.er.usgs.gov
URL = gopher://info.er.usgs.gov:70
name = US Bureau of Mines
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.usbm.gov
URL = gopher://gopher.usbm.gov:70
name = USGS Atlantic Marine Geology
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = bramble.er.usgs.gov
URL = gopher://bramble.er.usgs.gov:70
name = Colorado School of Mines, Centre for Wave Phenomena
type = 1
port = 3852
path =
host = cwp.mines.colorado.edu
URL = gopher://cwp.mines.colorado.edu:3852
name = Earthquake Information Gopher
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = nisee.ce.berkeley.edu
URL = gopher://nisee.ce.berkeley.edu:70
name = Oklahoma Geological Survey Observatory
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = wealaka.okgeosurvey1.gov
URL = gopher://wealaka.okgeosurvey1.gov:70
name = RiceInfo (Rice University CWIS) (Geology)
type = 1
port = 70
path = 1/Subject/Geology
host = riceinfo.rice.edu
URL = gopher://riceinfo.rice.edu:70/11/Subject/Geology
name = Univ. of California, San Diego, Centre for Coastal Studies
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = coast.ucsd.edu
URL = gopher://coast.ucsd.edu:70
name = Univ. of Minnesota, Forestry, Remote Sensing (GIS) Lab
type = 1
port = 70
path = 1/gopher/rsgisinfo
host = walleye.forestry.umn.edu
URL = gopher://walleye.forestry.umn.edu:70/11/gopher/rsgisinfo
name = University Water Information Network (UWIN)
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.c-wr.siu.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.c-wr.siu.edu:70
name = University of Texas, Austin, Petroleum Engineering Dept.
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.pe.utexas.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.pe.utexas.edu:70
name = Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.whoi.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.whoi.edu:70
Name = University of Memphis, Center for Earthquake Research and Information
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.ceri.memst.edu
URL = gopher://gopher.ceri.memst.edu:70
Name = University of Pisa, Dept of Earth Sciences
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.dst.unipi.it
URL = gopher://gopher.dst.unipi.it:70
Name = New Mexico Tech, Geophysics Server
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = griffy.nmt.edu
URL = gopher://griffy.nmt.edu:70
Name = Listserves in Geology
type = 0
port = 3001
path = 0/.Sciences/.Geology/.geol-lists
host = ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu
URL = gopher://ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu:3001/00/.Sciences/.Geology/.geol-lists
Name = Periodic Table of the Elements
type = 1
port = 3001
path = 1/.Sciences/.Chemistry/.periodic.table
host = ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu
URL = gopher://ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu:3001/11/.Sciences/.Chemistry/.periodic.table
Name = CERI, Earthquake Center
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = pippin.ceri.memst.edu
URL = gopher://pippin.cer.memst.edu:70
Name = University of Alberta Geophysics Centre
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = geonext.phys.ualberta.ca
URL = gopher://geonext.phys.ualberta.ca:70
Name = University of British Columbia, Dept. of Geophysics and Astronomy
type = 1
port = 70
path =
host = gopher.astro.ubc.ca
URL = gopher://gopher.astro.ubc.ca:70
8 Jul 1994 [Phil Ingram ]
World Wide Web Servers
Organization URL reference
------------ --------------
Geological Survey of Finland http://www.gsf.fi
Manchester University Department of Geology http://info.mcc.ac.uk
U.S. Geological Survey http://info.er.usgs.gov
University of Bristol http://www.gly.bris.ac.uk
[ I don't claim expert knowledge on WWW and Phil Ingram kindly provided the
following information - 20 April 1994]
The USGS is attempting to list all geologically based www servers.
The URL for geology is:
The URL for earthquakes is:
The URL's for other geology based www servers include:
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
- MIT Earth resources Laboratory
- NASA Earth and Space Science Application Centre
- Museum of Paleontlogy at UCal, Berkeley
- University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Ocean & Earth Science
- Explorer from the University of Kansas
- University of Oxford, Dept of Earth Sciences
- McGill University, Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Macquarie University, School of Earth Sciences
- Dalhousie University, Earth Sciences
- Geosciences Departments Erlangen/Germany
- Plant Fossil Records, version 2
8 Jul 1994 [Phil Ingram ]
- University of Edinburgh, Department of Geology and Geophysics
Telnet Sites
Name = Earth Observation Centre - Information System
Port = 23
host = nsaeoc.eoc.nasda.go.jp
Name = IRIS DMC Electronic Bulletin Board
Login = bulletin, with password board
port = 23
host = dmc.iris.washington.edu
Name = IRIS DMC Gopher Data Retrieval
Login = gopher, with password guts
Port = 23
host = dmc.iris.washington.edu
Name = USGS Branch of Global Seismology and Geomagnetism
Login = QED
Port = 23
Host = neis.cr.usgs.gov
Name = USGS Quick Epicentre Determination Bulletin Board
Login = QED, with password QED
Port = 23
Host = isdres.er.usgs.gov
Name = QUAKELINE, National Centre for Earthquake Eng. Res.
Login =
Port = 23
Host = bison.cc.buffalo.edu
Name = World Paleomagnetic Database (Pittsburgh)
Login = Search
Port = 23
Host = earth.eps.pitt.edu
Name = Ocean Information Centre
Port = 23
Host = delocn.udel.edu
8 Jul 1994 [Phil Ingram ]
Telnet Addresses
Address Sign-on Comments
---------------- ------- --------
neis.cr.usgs.gov qed Quick Epicenter Determinations
Earthquake list
geomagnetic field values
library.er.usgs.gov at PW: GSL USGS Library
at ID: LS2K
geoinfo.gsc.emr.ca opac GSC Library
canlib.emr.ca opac CANMET Library
hqlib.emr.ca opac Natural Resources Canada HQ Library
Mailing Lists
If you aren't familiar with how lists work then don't start here. I will
include a reference to a beginner's list user guide as soon as I find one.
Mailing List(name) Subscription Address(problems)
------------------ -------------------------------
AI apps to Natural Resources Majordomo@adfa.oz.au
Australia & New Zealand Hydrology LISTSERV@eng.monash.edu.au
(hydrology) (roger.hadgraft@eng.monash.edu.au)
Computer Modelling in Geoscience mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Canadian Quaternary(QUATERNARY) listserv@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
Dinosaur (dinosaur) listproc@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu
Earthquakes discussion(QUAKE-L) LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU
Experimental Petrology(exp-pet) majordomo@s100.es.llnl.gov
Generic Mapping Tools(gmthelp) listserv@soest.hawaii.edu
Newfoundland Geology (nlgeo) listserv@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
Rockhounds(Rockhounds) rockhounds-request@infodyn.com
Soil(Soils-l) listserv@unl.edu (jp@unl.edu)
Volcano (volcano) AIJHF@ASUACAD.BITNET
Equipment Suppliers
[No editorial control is used regarding the following companies.
You are on your own. - rsr]
For Brunton compasses (Repairs and to find nearest dealer):
Brunton Company
620 E. Monroe
Riverton, WY 82501 (U.S.A.)
Brunton's phone # is +1 307 856-6559 and FAX is +1 307 856-1840
26-Nov-1993 [FATAQ@cc.usu.edu]
Canadian Suppliers
Neville Crosby Inc., 325 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1L1
Deakin Equipment Ltd.,1610 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, V5L 1H4
CFE Equipment, 1540 Trinity Drive, Unit 4, Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 1L6
United Kingdom Suppliers
Geo Supplies Ltd., 16 Station Road, Chapeltown, Sheffield, S30 4XH, U.K.
Telephone +742 455746, FAX +742 403405
(equipment, books, maps, field guides)
send 9" * 6" SAE for free catalogue.
Ken Mannion, 71 Roslyn Road, Hull, East Yorkshire, HU3 6XQ, U.K.
Catalogue - 1 pound sterling
(Fossils, minerals, meteorites, antiquities)
Manchester minerals, Rooth Street, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK4 1DE, England.
Telephone +61 477 0435 FAX +61 480 5095
(Lapidary and Geological supplies)
Catalogue 2.50 pounds sterling, 5.00 if overseas.
(credit cards accepted)
Northern Geological Supplies, 66 Gas Street, Bolton, Lancashire, BL1 4TG,
Telephone +204 388754, FAX +204 389863
(Rocks, fossils, minerals, equipment)
Catalogue supplied on request. Can also supply museums,
gift shops etc. Educational suppliers.
5-Nov-1993 [G.B.D.Brown@bnr.co.uk]
USA Suppliers
Forestry Suppliers, Inc.
P.O. Box 8397
Jackson, MS 39284-8397
Miners Inc.
P.O. Box 1301
Riggins, Idaho 83549-1301 USA
FAX 208-628-3749
19-Oct-1993 [williams@pangea.Stanford.EDU (Tom Williams)]
Software Suppliers
[No editorial control is used regarding the following companies.
You are on your own. - rsr]
Earth in Motion Technologies - PDGIS/Mac, Paleogeographic GIS
2476 Bolsover, Suite 491 - Paleoclimate, Climate modelling
Houston, Texas 77005
tel: 713.660.0231
fax: 713.660.0114
GeoPak Software - RTI-CAD, geophysics & CAD package
47 Jefferson Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
M6K 1Y3
tel: 416.588.7075
Geosoft Inc. - various Geophysics & Mapping programs
#500 - 204 Richmond St. W.
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 1V6
tel: 416-971-7700
Graphics Information Technologies, Inc.
400 W. 15th, Suite 1000 -CADXplor, Map Utilities for AutoCAD
Austin, TX 78701
tel: (512)472-0900
Minpet Geological Software - Minpet, Mineralogical and Petrological
146 Du Chateau, data processing system for Windows
Masson-Angers, Quebec
J8M 1J3
tel/fax: (819)281-6772
Pangaea Software - GeoSymbol, Geological Symbol Set (DOS & Mac)
RR #5 - GMM, Geological Map Maker (Windows)
Brockville, Ontario - METPET, metamorphic diagrams & reactions
K6V 5T5 - Parallax 3D, shape maker & perspective tool
tel/fax: (613)342-1513 - Quake!, earthquake simulation
- RockFill, lithological fill patterns (CorelDRAW)
- SpheriStat, orientation analysis and plotting
- SpheriStat-S, orientation analysis(student ver)
RockWare Scientific Software - the catalogue is free
2221 East St. - a multitude of programs
Golden,CO 80401
tel: 303.278.3534
fax: 303.278.4099
Schreiber Instruments - QuickSurf AutoCAD contouring
Golden, CO - Spatial Explorer
tel: 303.759.1024
Systematik in der Mineralogie - MDAT & MDATAUTO, database and
D-55270 Ober-Olm, Ulmenring 11 identification-system for minerals
Germany and inorganic phases
tel: +49(0)6136-89888
fax: +49(0)6136-88970
Compuserve: 100333,2771
**** End of FAQ sci.geo.geology FAQ 5/5 Appendices ****