Posted-By: auto-faq
Archive-name: geology-faq/petroleum-resources
This posting is the Frequently Asked Questions - Internet Resources (FAQ-IR)
file for the sci.geo.petroleum newsgroup. Please send additions, corrections,
comments and suggestions to Scott Guthery (guthery@slb.com).
1. Can I obtain information about the petroleum industry from the Internet?
2. What are some good Gopher and Mosaic starting points for the geosciences?
3. What are some other resources on the Internet that pertain to the
petroleum industry and geoscience?
1. Can I obtain information about the petroleum industry from the Internet?
Many petroleum companies, research organizations and academic departments
make information available on publically accssible Internet servers.
These servers can have special Internet addresses but there is a convention
that more and more organizations are following. This convention makes
the address of the server be the type of server followed by the domain
name of the organization. For example, the ftp server of the Petrotechnical
Open Software Corporation would be ftp.posc.org.
Below are the domain names of many of the petroleum organizations on
the Internet. The server names to prepend to these domain names are:
Directory - email & phone ph
File Transfer (FTP) ftp or info
Gopher gopher
Prospero prospero
Telnet telnet
WAIS wais
WorldWideWeb www
Few organizations support all server types.
If the organization doesn't have a ph directory you can often get an email
address by sending an email requesting the address to
For example, to inquire about an email address for somebody at the POSC,
send an email to postmaster@posc.org.
Petroleum Companies Domain Name
------------------- -----------
ADNOC (Abu Dhabi)
AGIP (Italy) agip.geis.com
Amerada Hess
American Overseas Petroleum amoseas.com
Amoco amoco.com
Anadarko Petroleum anadarko.com
ANCAP (Uruguay)
Arco arco.com
Alaska aai.arco.com
???? aet.com
???? apti.com
ARAMCO (Saudi Arabia) aramco.com
Ashland Oil aoi.com
AZERIGAZ, SOCAR (Azerbaijan)
Balkanneft (Turkmenistan)
Banaco (Bahrain)
Bechtel Petroleum Operations
Berry Petroleum
Broken Hill Proprietary (BHP) bhp.com.au
BHP Petroleum (Melbourne) bhppmel.bhp.com.au
BHP Petroleum (Americas) (BHPPA) bhppa.com
BOC (Benin)
BP bp.com
BPC,Bangladesh Oil, GMC (Bangladesh)
BRPM (Morocco)
Brunei Shell (Brunei)
Canadian Hunter Exploration Limited chel.cuc.ab.ca
Canadian Occidental Petroleum canoxy.ab.ca
Chevron chevron.com
China National Petroleum
Citgo Petroleum citgo.com
Costal Natural Gas costalta.com
Columbia Gas System cgs.com
Consolidated Natural Gas
CPC (SriLanka)
CPC (Taiwan)
CUPET (Cuba)
DEP (Greece)
DONG (Denmark)
DynMcDermott Petroleum Operations
Ecopetrol (Colombia)
Eestikutus (Estland)
EGPC (Egypt)
El Paso Natural Gas
ELF (France)
Elf Aquitaine elf-p.fr
ELF GABON (25%equity) (Gabon)
ENAP (Chile)
Enemalta (Malta)
ENH (Mocambique)
Enogedo (Ethiopia)
Enterprise Oil entoil.co.uk
ETAP (Tunisia)
Exxon exxon.com
???? ere-net.com
???? ereng.com
Exxon Research (New Jersey) erenj.com
Fletcher Challenge Petroleum
Fina fina.com
Gerrity Oil & Gas gerrity.com
GNPC (Ghana)
J. M. Huber Corporation huber.com
Oil & Gas Division oil.huber.com
Husky Oil husky.com
Hydrocongo (Congo)
Idemitsu Oil & Gas Co., Ltd.
Imperial Oil iol.ca
Inanaftaplin (Croatia)
Iraq National Oil Co. (Iraq)
Japan National Oil Corporation (Japan) jnoc.go.jp
Koa Oil
KMG, KCS (Kazakhstan)
KPC (Kuwait)
Kyrgysneft (Kyrgystan)
Kuwait Petroleum q8petroleum.com
Latvijasnafta (Latvia)
Lousiana Land & Exploration lle.com
Marathon Oil moc.com
Maxus maxus.com
Meridan Oil
Mitsubishi Oil Corporation mocoil.co.jp
Mobil mobil.com
MOC (Myanmar)
MOL (Hungary)
Morrison Petroleums Ltd.
NAMCOR (Namibia)
Nimir Petroleum
NIOC (Iran)
NIP (Israel)
NNPC (Nigeria)
NOC (Libya)
NOCK (Kenya)
Norsk Hydro nho.hydro.com
Norsk Hydro (Bergen) bg.nho.hydro.com
Northwest Natural Gas gasco.com
NPC (Sudan)
Nunaoil (Greenland)
Occidental Petroleum oxy.com
OGDC (Pakistan)
OK Petroleum
OKP (Sweden)
OMV (Austria)
ONGC (India)
Oryx Energy oryx.com
Ozark Exploration oil.com
PanCanadian Petroleum pcp.ca
Panhandle Eastern pel.com
PDO (Oman)
PDVSA (Venezuela)
PEDCO (SouthKorea)
PEMEX (Mexico)
Pennzoil pepco.com
PERTAMINA (Indonesia)
Petrocorp Exploration fclcorp.co.nz
Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA)
Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX)
Petrobas (Brazil) petrobras.anrj.br
Petrocanada (Canada)
Petro Corp (New Zealand)
Petroecuador (Ecuador)
Petrogal (Portugal)
Petrom, Romgas (Romania)
Petronas (Malaysia) petronas.my
Petronas Research Institute prss.my
Petroperu (Peru)
Petrosen (Senegal)
Petrotrin (Trinidad/Tobago)
Petrovietnam (Vietnam)
Petrozaire (Zaire)
Plains Petroleum Operating Co. ppoc.com
Phillips Petroleum ppco.com
PNOC (Phillipines)
PTTEP,PTT (Thailand)
QGPC (Qatar)
REPSOL (Spain)
Rosneft, Gazprom (Russia)
Saga Petroleum saga.no
Santos santos.com.au
Saudi Arabian Oil Company
Shell shell.com
Brunei Shell
SNOC (Seychelles)
Soekor (South Africa)
Sonangol (Angola)
Sonatrac (Algeria)
Sopecam (Cameroon)
Statoil statoil.no
Suncor Inc., Resources Group sunrg.cuc.ab.ca
Syncrude Canada syncrude.com
Teikoku Oil
Transco Energy
Tesoro Petroleum
Texaco texaco.com
???? texhrc.com
???? texpsp.com
The Cosmo-Oil Company Ltd.
TOTAL total.fr
TPAO (Turkey)
Triton Energy tritonenergy.com
Ugandian Oil Corp (Uganda)
Ukrnaftogaz (Ukraine)
Unocal unocal.com
Union Pacific Resources uprc.com
Union Texas Petroleum uniontexas.com
USA Petroleum usa-pet.com
Uzbekneft (Uzbekistan)
Valero Energy
Wellington Gas Resources
West Coast Energy
Western Australian Petroleum (WAPET) wapet.com.au
Western Gas Resources
WMC Petroleum wmc.telememo.au
Woodside Offshore Petroleum woodside.otc.au
Yemeni Oil Co (Yemen)
YPF (Argentina)
YPFB (Bolivia)
Service Companies
Advance Geophysical advance.com
Atlantic Resource Management frntline.com
Baker Hugues INTEQ inteq.com
Cogniseis cogniseis.com
Compagnie General de Geophysique cgg-massy.fr
Dailey Petroleum Services dpsc.com
Delft Geotechnics delftgeot.nl
Digicon Exploration digicon-egr.co.uk
Digicon Geophysical digicon-hou.com
DRD Corporation drd.com
Drilltech drilltech.com
DuPont dupont.com
Dwights Energy Data dwi.com
Edinburgh Petroleum Services Ltd.
Enron Gas Services egs.com
Exploration Computer Sciences minex.com
Geographix geographix.com
Geomath geomath.fr
Geomatic geomatic.no
Geomatics geomatics.com
Geomatics Info geoinfo.com
GeoQuest Technology gqt.com
GeoRef kyost@agi.umd.edu
GeoScene Systems ngc@metronet.com
Geosignal geosig.com
Geoware geoware.com
Green Mountain Geophysics gmg.com
Halliburton hgs.com
???? halnet.com
Halliburton Logging Services
Halliburton Reservoir Services
S.A. Holditch & Associates holditch.com
Intera intera.co.uk
Integrated Geochemical Interpretation igi-itd.demon.co.uk
Intergraph Corporation ingr.com
ISS International
J.M. Huber Corp. huber.com
Landmark landmark.com
Landmark Graphics lgc.com
McDermott mcdermott.com
Mincom minpet.com
???? mincom.oz.au
Neosoft neosoft.com
North Atlantic Energy Service naesco.com
Odin Reservoir Software and Service odin.no
Oilnet oilnet.com
Oil Systems oilsystems.com
Oilware Inc.
Petroleum Abstract pa.utulsa.edu
Petroleum Exploration Computer
Consultants Ltd.
Petroleum Information piics.com
Petroleum Information Products Exchange pipe.com
Petroleum Science International psi-wvti.com
Petrosoft petrosoft.com
Petrosystems petrosys.oz.au
Petrosys petrosys@cix.compulink.co.uk
Petrotechnical Data Systems BV
Petrovision petrovision.com
PGS Geoteam (Norway) geoteam.no
Pipetronix pipetronix.com
???? ptxinc.com
Precison Seismic pgs.com
Repsol Exploracion repsol-expl.es
Reservoir Consulting reservoir.com
Rust-Geotech doegjpo.com
SAS sas.com
Scandpower A/S, Norway scandpower.no
Scandpower, Inc., USA scpinc.com
Schlumberger slb.com
Anadrill anadrill.slb.com
Dowell dowell.slb.com
Geco-Prakla geco-prakla.slb.com
GeoQuest geoquest.slb.com
Schlumberger Austin Research sar.slb.com
Schlumberger Cambridge Research scr.slb.com
Schlumberger-Doll Research sdr.slb.com
Sedco-Forex sedco-forex.slb.com
Wireline and Testing wireline.slb.com
Simon Petroleum Technology tigress.co.uk
Sperry-Sun sperry-sun.com
Scientific Software - Intercomp ssii.com
SSI ssiinc.com
Sysdrill sysdrill.co.uk
Tektronix tek.com
Tensor Geophysical tensor-geo.com
Titan Geophysical titangeo.com
Tobin Surveys tobin.com
Veritas Seismic
Wascana Energy Inc. wei.sk.ca
Wellex wellex.com
Western Atlas waii.com
Atlas Wireline Services aws.waii.com
Core Laboratories coreuslaf/coreuscs.waii.com
Western Atlas Software was.waii.com
Western Geophysical wgcgps.com
Whitestar whitestar.com
Workstation Integrations neosoft.com
Petroleum Educational/Research Institutions
Alberta Research Council arc.ab.ca
Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Canada agc.bio.ns.ca
Australian Petroleum Cooperative
Research Centre (APCRC)
Centre for Petroleum Engineering unsw.edu.au
CSIRO, Division of Petroleum Resources dpr.csiro.au
Curtin University (Geophysics) geophy.curtin.edu.au
Curtin University (Petroleum and curtin.edu.au
Environmental Organic Geochemistry
National Centre for Petroleum Geology ncpgg.adelaide.edu.au
and Geophysics (NCPGG), Adelaide
Brock University, Department of geol.brocku.ca
Earth Sciences
Bureau of Economic Geology, Texas
Chalmers University of Technology, chalmers.geo.uu.se
Department of Geology (Gothenburg)
Centre de Recherches Entreprises cres@dial.eunet.ch
et Societe (CRES), Geneva
Centre de Recherches crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr
Petrographiques (CRPG)
Coal Research Association of New Zealand vuw.ac.nz
Colorado School of Mines mines.colorado.edu
Cornell Department of Geology geology.geo.cornell.edu
Ecole National Superieure de Geologie ensg.u-nancy.fr
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, geo.polymtl.ca
Department of Geology
Gas Research Institute gri.org
GEOMAR Research Center for Marine geomar.de
Heriot-Watt University, Department of pet.hw.ac.uk, petsun.hw.ac.uk
Petroleum Engineering
IKU Petroleum Research, Norway iku.sintef.no
Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) ife.no
Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP) ifp.fr
Institute for Petroleum Research and iprg.energy.gov.il
Geophysics (IPRG), Israel
Institute of Colombian Petroleum (ICP)
Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum gsc.emr.ca
Geology, Calgary
Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo
King Fahd University of Petroleum kfupm.edu
and Minerals
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (California) lbl.gov
Geology Department geo.lbl.gov
Memorial University of Newfoundland,
Department fo Earth Sciences esd.mun.ca
Mississippi State University, pte.msstate.edu
Petroleum Engineering Department
Norwegian Comnputing Centre nr.no
NORSAR (Norwegian Seismic Array) norsar.no
Osaka Gas Information System Research ogis-ri.co.jp
Pennsylvania State University, psu.edu
Petroleum Engineering Department
Petroleum Open Projects Consortium popc.com
Petroleum Recovery Research Center baervan.nmt.edu
Petroleum Science and Technology psti.co.uk
Institute (UK)
Rice University, Houston rice.edu
RF-Rogaland Research, Stavanger rf.no
Stanford University stanford.edu
Stanford Exploration Project sep.stanford.edu
Texas A&M (Department of Geology) tamu.edu
Texas A&M (Petroleum Engineering Dpt) tamu.edu
TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience, Delft igg.tno.nl
University of Aberdeen, Department of aberdeen.ac.uk
Geology and Petroleum Geology
University of Adelaide, geology.adelaide.edu.au
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Alberta, Department of phys.ualberta.ca
Physics Seismology & Rock Physics)
University of Berne, Geological Institute geo.unibe.ch
University of Bergen, Geological Institute geol.uib.no
University of Calgary, Department of geo.ucalgary.ca
Geology & Geophysics
University of Edinburgh, Department glg.ed.ac.uk
of Geology & Geophysics
University of Glasgow, Department of geology.glasgow.ac.uk
Geology and Applied Geology
University of Houston (Institute for uh.ed
Improved Oil Recovery)
University of New South Wales csd.unsw.edu.au
University of Newcastle, UK newcastle.ac.uk
(Geochemistry Group)
University of Oslo, Department of Geology geologi.uio.no
University of South Carolina gondwana.geol.scarolina.edu
Stratigraphic Modeling Group
University of South Carolina/University esri.esri.scarolina.edu
of Utah, Earth Sciences and Resources
University of Texas at Austin, Department geo.utexas.edu
of Geological Sciences
University of Texas, Austin, Petroleum gopher.pe.utexas.edu
Engineering Dept.
University of Trondheim, Department of ipt.unit.no, petra.unit.no
Petroleum Technology
University of Tulsa vax1.utulsa.edu
University of Uppsala, Institute of geo.uu.se
Earth Sciences (Sweden)
University of Wyoming at Laramie uwyo.edu
Geological Surveys/Other Government Organizations
Alberta Geological Survey (ARC) arc.ab.ca
Australian Geological Survey (AGSO) agso.gov.au
[formerly known as BMR]
British Antarctic Survey nbs.ac.uk
British Columbia Geological Survey Branch
British Geological Survey nkw.ac.uk
Bureau des recherches geologiques et brgm.fr
minieres, Orleans, France
Bureau of Resource Science, Petroleum brs.gov.au
Resources Branch (Australia)
California Division of Mines and Geology cdmg.uucp.netcom.com
Department of Energy, Mines and emr.ca
Resources, Canada
Department of Primary Industry and dpie.gov.au
Energy, Australia
Geological Survey of Canada geod.emr.ca
Geological Survey of Finland gsf.fi
Geological Survey of Victoria, Australia
Illinois State Geological Survey isgs.uiuc.edu
Information System Department Petroleum
Authority of Thailand
Montana Bureau of Mines & Technology mtech.mtvms2.edu
Nebraska Geological Survey
Newfoundland and Labrador Geological
Survey Branch
Northern Territory Department of Mines dme.nt.gov.au
and Energy
Oklahoma Geological Survey Observatory okgeosurv1.gov
Ontario Geological Survey
Rijks Geologische Dienst, Netherlands rgd.nl
Survey and Land Information Department,
New Zealand
United States Department of Energy doe.gov
United States Geological Survey usgs.gov
Utah Geological Survey
American Association of Petroleum 73163.3035@compuserve.com
Geologists (AAPG, Tulsa)
American Gas Association agal.org
American Geological Institute agi.umd.edu
Americal Geophysical Union agi.com
Calgary Unix User's Group cuug.ab.ca
Drilling Resource Development Corp. drd.com
Elsevier Publishing Earth Sciences earthscience@elsevier.nl
Department (including Sed-Abstracts)
European Petroleum Applications Center
Gas Research Institute
GeoNet geonet.org
Geophysical & Environmental Research Corp. ger.com
GISnet gisnet.com
Society of Petroleum Engineers spe.org
Laboratories, Research Institutions, and Government Organizations
Return to The Skeptic Tank's main Index page.
sci.geo.petroleum Internet Resources
Table of Contents
Collections of Internet Resources
Maintained by Scott Guthery <guthery@slb.com>
----------------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------------
3. What are some other resources on the Internet that pertain to the
petroleum industry and geoscience?
This excellent mailing list operates out of the U.K. and provides a
high-quality discussion forum for all matters related to organic
geochemistry. A recent service includes forwarding of article titles for
forthcoming issues of Organic Geochemistry and Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Acta (GCA). To become a member of this mailing list, simply send an e-mail
message to "mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk", subject line empty, with the
following text in the main message:
join org-geochem XYZ
where XYZ = your name, e.g. Harry Belafonte. Please be aware that you are
communicating with a computer, not a human being, therefore no extra text
should be included. Within a few minutes, you should then receive automatic
instructions regarding other commands. To leave this mailing list,
substitute 'leave' for 'join' in the above command line. Current traffic is
about one message per 48 hours (on average) so you will not be flooded with
This weekly text-on-demand news magazine for high-performance computing
frequently touches on petroleum-related issues. For a free 6-week trial
subscription, e-mail: trial@hpcwire.ans.net (no subject header or text),
and for subscription information e-mail sub@hpcwire.ans.net (human) - this
magazine principally discusses new developments in computing of relevance
to the business world, including oil corporations.
The objective of this mailing list is to share solutions and techniques for
increased productivity with Intergraph mapping, GIS and petroleum products.
There are no dues or fees for membership. Reply via e-mail to
"wallace@esri.esri.scarolina.edu", enter "PETRO_SIG" in the subject header.
Please include the following information: name, company, mailing address,
phone, fax, e-mail address.
Oilnet is a new and affordable (as low as $15.00 per month) online Oil & gas
Information Network created exclusively for upstream domestic and
international oil and gas professionals. Oilnet now offers or will offer:
o Internet electronic mail
o Electronic Oil and Gas conferencing
o 200-plus Industry, Association, Government, Reuter's, Usa Today and Usenet
News sources
o The Energy Exchange - an electronic marketplace for prospects, producing
properties, services and more
o Oilnet custom databases, beginning with the Geoscience Consultants Registry
o 20,000-plus freeware and shareware files for Oil and Gas, Windows,
Mac and DOS
o Online shopping for computing, books, travel and more
o Online, real-time communication with other Oil and Gas professionals
o The Water Cooler - books, movies, dining, lodging, sports, politics and more
For further information and a free 30-day trial, please e-mail info@oilnet.com
or phone (303) 220-7867.
A distribution list is simply an e-mail reflector. Any e-mail sent to the 'To
send mail to' address is reflected back out to all the people on the
distribution list. The distribution list itself is maintained by a computer
program called LISTSERV. You can put your name on a distribution list and
take it off again by sending an e-mail message to the LISTSERV at the
'Subscribe' address. You can always get going by sending an e-mail with
containing just the word 'help' to the LISTSERV address. Please DO NOT send
an e-mail to the whole group asking to join or leave the distribution list.
Group name: ACDGIS-L
Description: Geographische Informationssysteme
Subscribe: listserv@vm.akh-wien.ac.at
Administrator: acdgis-l-request@vm.akh-wien.ac.at
To send mail to the group write to: acdgis-l@vm.akh-wien.ac.at
Group name: AE
Description: Alternative Energy Discussion List
Subscribe: listserv@sjsuvm1.sjsu.edu
Administrator: ae-request@sjsuvm1.sjsu.edu
To send mail to the group write to: ae@sjsuvm1.sjsu.edu
Group name: BURG-CEN
Description: J.M. Burgers Centre for Fluid Mechanics
Subscribe: listserv@nic.surfnet.nl
Administrator: burg-cen-request@nic.surfnet.nl
To send mail to the group write to: burg-cen@nic.surfnet.nl
Other information:
Group name: CERES-L
Description: Collaborative Environments for Conserving Earth Resources
Subscribe: listserv@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
Administrator: ceres-l-request@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
To send mail to the group write to: ceres-l@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
Group name: CFD
Description: Computational Fluid Dynamics Group
Subscribe: listserv@ukcc.uky.edu
Administrator: cfd-request@ukcc.uky.edu
To send mail to the group write to: cfd@ukcc.uky.edu
Group name: ENERGY-L
Description: Energy List
Subscribe: listserv@vm.tau.ac.il
Administrator: energy-l-request@vm.tau.ac.il
To send mail to the group write to: energy-l@vm.tau.ac.il
Group name: GEOGRAPH
Description: Geography
Subscribe: listserv@searn.sunet.se
Human administrator: geograph-request@searn.sunet.se
To send mail to the group write to: geograph@searn.sunet.se
Group name: GEOLOGY
Description: Geology Discussion List
Subscribe: listserv@ptearn.cc.fc.ul.pt
Administrator: geology-request@ptearn.cc.fc.ul.pt
To send mail to the group write to: geology@ptearn.cc.fc.ul.pt
Group name: GEONET-L
Description: Geoscience Librarians & Information Specialists
Subscribe: listserv@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu
Administrator: geonet-l-request@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu
To send mail to the group write to: geonet-l@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu
Group name: GEOWEB
Description: Geographic Indexes and related projects.
Subscribe: Majordomo@Census.GOV
Administrator: hoffmann@urzdfn.kartographie.tu-dresden.d400.de
To send mail to the group write to: geoweb@census.gov
Group name: GIS-L
Description: Geographic Information Systems Discussion List
Subscribe: listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
Administrator: gis-l-request@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
To send mail to the group write to: gis-l@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
Group name: GISBUS-L
Description: Geographic Information Systems for Business and Management
Subscribe: listserv@ecuvm.cis.ecu.edu
Administrator: gisbus-l-request@ecuvm.cis.ecu.edu
To send mail to the group write to: gisbus-l@ecuvm.cis.ecu.edu
Group name: MAPS-L
Description: Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum
Subscribe: listserv@uga.cc.uga.edu
Administrator: maps-l-request@uga.cc.uga.edu
To send mail to the group write to: maps-l@uga.cc.uga.edu
Group name: MEH2O-L
Description: Discussion group for information and research related to
water in the Middle East. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
limnology; oceanography; marine biotechnology; aquaculture (marine and
freshwater); conservation; reclamation; wetlands development; ecological
aspects; shared resource management; notice of upcoming conference and
Subscribe: listserv@taunivm.tau.ac.il
Administrator: Robert Chasan - chasan@hujiagri.huji.ac
To send mail to the group write to: meh2o-l@taunivm.tau.ac.il
Group name: MEMSNET
Description: Mineral Economics and Mgmt Society
Subscribe: listserv@uabdpo.dpo.uab.edu
Administrator: memsnet-request@uabdpo.dpo.uab.edu
To send mail to the group write to: memsnet@uabdpo.dpo.uab.edu
Group name: ODP-L
Description: Ocean Drilling Program Open Discussion List
Subscribe: listserv@tamvm1.tamu.edu
Administrator: odp-l-request@tamvm1.tamu.edu
To send mail to the group write to: odp-l@tamvm1.tamu.edu
Group name: ROCKHOUNDS
Description: To exchange ideas, collecting sites, tips, and other information of
general interest to gem and mineral collectors.
Subscribe: rockhounds-request@infodyn.com
Administrator: rockhounds-request@infodyn.com (Tom Corson)
To send mail to the group write to: rockhounds@infodyn.com
Description: The list purpose is to share experiences and information on
rocks, minerals,fossils, paleontology, archeology, and prehistoric
anthropology. List members exchange information on articles of interest, rock
and fossil collection sites, current legislation regarding fossil collection,
shows and exhibits, publications, or where to find material of interest on the
internet. Members may also wish to publish messages about local group
meetings, or ...
Subscribe: majordomo@world.std.com
Administrator: sshea@world.std.com (Sharon Shea)
To send mail to the group write to: rocks-and-fossils@world.std.com
Group name: SEISM-L
Description: Seismological Data Distribution
Subscribe: listserv@bingvmb.cc.binghamton.edu
Administrator: seism-l-request@bingvmb.cc.binghamton.edu
To send mail to the group write to: seism-l@bingvmb.cc.binghamton.edu
Group name: SEISMD-L
Description: Seismological Discussion
Subscribe: listserv@bingvmb.cc.binghamton.edu
Administrator: seismd-l-request@bingvmb.cc.binghamton.edu
To send mail to the group write to: seismd-l@bingvmb.cc.binghamton.edu
Group name: STAT-GEO
Description: Forum of Quantitative Methods in Geosciences.
Subscribe: listserv%ufrj.bitnet@listserv.net
Administrator: stat-geo-request%ufrj.bitnet@listserv.net
To send mail to the group write to: stat-geo%ufrj.bitnet@listserv.net
Scott B. Guthery Voice: 1-512-331-3774
Schlumberger Austin Research Fax: 1-512-331-3760
8311 North FM 620 Road EasyReach: 10-288-0-700-GUTHERY
Austin, Texas 78726 Email: guthery@austin.sar.slb.com
USA Epager: guthery@airnote.com
Version: 2.7
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