Disease Name PSORIASIS Cross Ref Skin, psoriasis;
Etiology Unknown; inherited predisposition.
Symptoms Slight pruritus. Physical Signs Most common in young
to middle-aged adults, possibly
1-2% of all persons with white skin; rare in infants
under 2 years; distinctive silvery gray papules or
plaques, margins becoming sharply defined, possibly
heaped up over scalp, elbows, knees, lumbosacral region;
peripheral extension possibly forming ring,
geometrical pattern with central clearing.
Lab Data
Removal of crust by stripping with Scotch tape
revealing numerous points of bleeding or Auspitz sign.
Disease Variable; recurrent; possibly disappearing
Course in summer, reappearing in winter; frequently
Prognosis disfiguring; general health usually good; psoriatic
arthritis; psoriatic erythroderma; unfavorable reaction
to physical, chemical trauma called Koebner phenomenon.
Pathology In corium: moderate infiltrate, neutrophilic cells
possibly clumping, forming Munro microabscesses beneath
stratum corneum. In epidermis: parakeratotic scaling,
thinning; elongation, narrowing of epidermal pegs;
enlargement, edema of papillae; capillary dilatation;
Author sutton 923 ff., 1370, 291; moschella 410;
roxburgh 372-74; allen ac 61; harrison 8:263;
Reference Shuster S: Br Med J 3:236-239, 1971.; Molin L: Acta
Derm Venereol (Suppl)(Stockh) 53:1-125, 1973.; Baden HP,
et al: DM:3-47, Sep 1973.; McDonald CJ: Minn Med
57:813-820, 1974.;
Disease Name ARTHRITIS, PSORIATIC See Also Psoriasis;
Cross Ref Joint, arthritis;
Other Terms Psoriasis, arthropathic;
Etiology Unknown; manifestation of psoriasis; possibly
Symptoms Psoriatic skin lesion commonly precedes arthritis; less
pain, disability than rheumatoid arthritis. Physical Signs
Affects about 7% of patients with psoriasis; more
common in those with severe skin involvement; primarily
arthritis of distal interphalangeal joints; pitted,
discolored, thickened nails with longitudinal ridging,
splintering, erosion; exacerbations, remissions of
articular, dermatological processes. Distinguished from
rheumatoid arthritis by: absence of subcutaneous
nodules; less symmetry; high incidence of sacroiliac
involvement; dactylitis; spondylitis.
Lab Data Blood:anemia; elevated ESR; rheumatoid factor negative;
increased alpha-2 globulins; high incidence of
positive HLA-B27.
Radiology Gross destructive changes of isolated small joints;
peripheral arthritis mutilans with osteolysis and
ankylosis; "whittling" of terminal phalanges,
"pencil-in-cup" appearance resulting from bony erosion;
"fluffy" periostitis; atypical spondylitis with
nonmarginal as well as marginal syndesmophytes;
osteosclerosis; sacroiliitis.
Disease More favorable than rheumatoid arthritis.
Pathology Dense acellular fibrous tissue replacing articular
spaces; synovitis similar to rheumatoid arthritis.
Author hollander 655; cecil 1486; harrison 8: 2063; sutton 929;
price 873; JAMA Supplement 224:732, April 30, 1973;
McCarty DJ: Arthritis and Allied Conditions, 642-652,
1979.; Kelley WN, et al: Textbook of Rheumatology, 539,
1047-1060,; 1981.;
Reference Moll JM, et al: Semin Arthritis Rheum 3:55-78, 1973.;
Baker H, et al: Ann Int Med 58:909-925, 1963.; Wright
V: Arth Rheum 21:619-623, 1978.;
Cross Ref Skin, psoriasis;
Other Terms Pseudopsoriasis, pustular;
Etiology Unknown; possibly infection, primary or secondary;
contact with irritating substance; malnutrition;
metabolic imbalance.
Symptoms Mild pruritus. Physical Signs Antecedent history of
psoriasis; deep vesicles or
vesicopustules in crops on skin of palms, soles;
bilateral, symmetrical; later drying, crusting,
exfoliating; fever.
Lab Data Pustules sterile on culture.
Disease Uncertain; protracted; recurrence;
Course often totally resistant to therapy.
Pathology Flat, coalescent microabscesses forming pustules under
epidermal layers of keratin; absence of characteristic
psoriatic changes under pustular eruption.
Author sutton 291; roxburgh 221; ormsby 276; tobias 113, 577;
becker 196; moschella 419;
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