Posted-By: auto-faq
Archive-name: medicine/tinnitus-faq
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 8 Nov 1994
Version: 1.0
Tinnitus Frequently Answered Questions
Last update v1.0, November 8, 1994
What's New
This document is now an official Usenet FAQ, posted monthly to the various
*.answers newsgroups. The last version to be widely posted was 0.7; there was a
0.8 proto-official FAQ version available from my site that did not contain any
new medical information. The only new medical information in this 1.0 version
is an important caution about DMSO.
I am once again accepting new submissions to be included in this document. I
hope to be able to process the existing backlog and issue version 1.1 sometime
in December 1994.
This FAQ is a work in progress. Areas where I know I need more advice are
delineated by "*****[]*****", but please feel free to comment on anything.
Welcome to the Tinnitus FAQ. At the present time, there are many questions
about tinnitus, but few definitive answers that apply to all sufferers. If you
have any additional insights not covered in the document, please help your
fellow tinnitus sufferers by contacting the FAQ Maintainer, Mark Bixby , at
In addition to being posted monthly to Usenet, this FAQ can also be found at:
Topics covered:
1) What is tinnitus?
2) What does tinnitus sound like?
3) How is tinnitus diagnosed?
4) What causes tinnitus?
5) How can I avoid getting tinnitus?
6) What are some ototoxic drugs?
7) What is Meniere's Disease?
8) What is hyperacusis?
9) What drugs, vitamins, and herbs are available for treating tinnitus?
10) What other treatments are available for tinnitus?
11) What is masking?
12) What types of ear plugs or other hearing protection are available?
13) What organizations can I turn to for more information?
14) What books can I turn to for more information?
15) What online resources are available?
16) What can I do when all else fails?
17) Where did the medical advice in the FAQ come from?
18) What clinics or physicians can I turn to for real medical advice?
19) Who are the contributors to this FAQ?
1) What is tinnitus?
Tinnitus can be described as "ringing" ears and other head noises that are
perceived in the absence of any external noise source. It is estimated that 1
out of every 5 people experience some degree of tinnitus.
Tinnitus is classified into two forms: objective and subjective. Objective
tinnitus, the rarer form, consists of head noises audible to other people in
addition to the sufferer. The noises are usually caused by vascular anomalies ,
repetitive muscle contractions, or inner ear structural defects. Subjective
tinnitus is much less understood, with the causes being many and open to
debate. Anything from the ear canal to the brain may be involved.
Hearing loss, hearing hypersensitivity , and balance problems may or may not be
present in conjunction with tinnitus.
2) What does tinnitus sound like?
Many sufferers in the online community report that their tinnitus sounds like
the high-pitched background squeal emitted by some computer monitors or
television sets. Others report noises like hissing steam, rushing water,
chirping crickets, bells, breaking glass, or even chainsaws. Some report that
their tinnitus temporarily spikes in volume with sudden head motions during
aerobic exercise, or with each footfall while jogging.
Objective tinnitus sufferers may hear a rhythmic rushing noise caused by their
own pulse. This form is known as pulsatile tinnitus.
3) How is tinnitus diagnosed?
The following flowchart from the Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 1992 (19th ed.),
W.B. Saunders, shows the logic for diagnosing the common causes of tinnitus:
ear exam--->(audible sounds)-+-->sync w/respiration--->patent eustachian tube
| |
| +-->sync w/pulse--->aneurysm, vascular tumor,
v | vascular malformation,
(no audible sounds) | venous hum
| |
| +-->continuous--->venous hum, acoustic emissions
neurological exam-->(normal)-->audiogram
| |
| +-->normal--->idiopathic tinnitus
| |
| +-->conductive hearing loss
v | |
(brain stem signs) | v
| | impacted cerumen, chronic
| | otitis, otosclerosis
v |
multiple sclerosis, +-->sensorineural hearing loss
tumor, ischemic |
infarction v
BAER test
| |
v v
abnormal (neural) normal cochlear
| |
v v
acoustic neuroma noise damage
other tumors ototoxic drugs
vascular compression labyrinthitis
Meniere's Disease
perilymph fistula
4) What causes tinnitus?
* overexposure to loud noises
Repeated exposure to loud noises such as guns, artillery, aircraft, lawn
mowers, movie theaters, amplified music, heavy construction, etc, can
cause permanent hearing damage. Some people report auditory fatigue from
driving automobiles long distances with the windows down. Anybody
regularly exposed to these conditions should consider wearing ear plugs or
other hearing protection (see below).
* MRI, CAT, and other non-invasive scanning machines
These high-tech machines may take great images, but they are very, very
LOUD. Do not attempt this type of imaging without wearing approved
earplugs ; any competent imaging facility should be able to supply the
earplugs. [Ed. note: I've had knee MRIs done, and even with earplugs and
my head outside the bulk of the machine it was very loud.]
* wax/dirt build-up in the ear canal
If you're experiencing tinnitus, this is one of the first things you
should check for. NEVER try digging or suctioning the ear canal yourself
or allow a physician to do it as SERIOUS damage may result. Numerous
over-the-counter chemical washes are available from your drugstore which
will clean the ear canal in a safe and gentle manner.
* acoustic neuromas
Acoustic neuromas are small tumors that press against the auditory nerves.
If your tinnitus is only in one ear, you should see your physician to rule
this one out. An MRI will probably be required for a definitive diagnosis,
but one contributor's ENT felt that an MRI wasn't warranted unless
frequent dizziness was present. Acoustic neuromas are removable by
* ototoxic drugs
Many prescription and over-the-counter drugs may cause tinnitus and/or
hearing loss that may be permanent or may disappear when the dosage is
reduced or eliminated. See the next section for more detail. These drugs
salicylate analgesics (aspirin)
naproxen sodium (Naprosyn, Aleve)
many other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
aminoglycoside antibiotics
loop-inhibiting diuretics
oral contraceptives
* severe ear infections
Many tinnitus cases onset after severe ear infections. But this may also
be related to the use of ototoxic antibiotics (see above).
* high blood cholesterol
High blood cholesterol clogs arteries that supply oxygen to the nerves of
the inner ear. Reducing your cholesterol level may reduce your tinnitus.
* vascular abnormalities
Arteries may press too closely against the inner ear machinery or nerves.
This is sometimes correctable by delicate surgery.
* Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) syndrome
This jaw disorder may cause tinnitus and is characterized by many
symptoms, including headaches, earaches, tenderness of the jaw muscles,
dull facial pain, jaw noises, the jaw locking open, and pain while
chewing. For a good online document on TMJ, see:
* traumatic head injuries
Some automobile crash victims have reported a sudden onset of tinnitus.
* cochlear implant or other skull surgeries
Sometimes poking around inside the skull will accidentally damage the
hearing system. Tinnitus can result, or even profound deafness caused by
severe inner ear infections.
* stress
Stress is not a direct cause of tinnitus, but it will generally make an
already existing case worse.
* diet and other lifestyle choices
Like stress above, a poor diet can worsen an existing case of tinnitus.
Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, quinine/tonic water, high fat, high sodium can
all make tinnitus worse in some people.
* food allergies
Specific foods may trigger tinnitus. Problem foods include red wine,
grain-based spirits, cheese, and chocolate. One contributor reported
hearing tones after consuming honey.
* foods rich in salicylates
There is a long list of foods that are supposed to be "rich" in
salicylates. See the Shulman book listed below for details. [Ed. note: I'm
not listing the foods here since no data is given on exactly how rich the
foods are, i.e. "13 mangoes = 1000mg aspirin" as a hypothetical example.]
* glaumous tumors
These tumors can cause pulsatile tinnitus . They are confirmed with a CAT
scan or other imaging, and may be surgically removable by a delicate
* mercury amalgam tooth fillings
Researchers June Rogers and Jacyntha Crawley (P.O. Box 413, London SW7
2PT, U.K.) have found a possible connection between mercury tooth fillings
and tinnitus. They publish a booklet on the subject available for 6
International Reply Coupons, and they also have a questionnaire that
interested people can fill out. Their research suggests following a
vegetarian diet, plus eating 2 raw African green chillies one day,
followed by 1 chilli the next day for temporary relief.
* marijuana
Marijuana usage may worsen pre-existing cases of tinnitus.
* Lyme Disease
Lyme is a parasitic, tick-borne disease, which in the United States is
most commonly seen in eastern states. In some cases, tinnitus has been a
side-effect of Lyme.
Lyme disease deserves special mention partly because it is so difficult to
diagnose objectively; the commonly available serological tests have very
high rates of false negatives. In the only study (by McDonald) in the
literature which used objective measures (histopathology) to confirm test
results, over 50% of currently infected patients were negative by ELISA
and/or Western Blot. False positives are infrequent, occurring primarily
in pts. exposed to other nasties such as syphilis or rocky mountain
spotted fever. So serologies can be used to confirm but not to rule out
The Lyme Urine Antigen Test is a useful supplement test to serologies; it
tests for current infection, as opposed to a history of exposure. It has
some problems with low sensitivity; these can be improved by the following
regimen. Give amoxicillin 500mg tid q5d; on days 3,4,5 take and test
first-in-the morning urine specimens. The LUAT can be ordered by your MD
from Immugenex, 1-415-424-1191. Other, better tests (including PCR) are
under development, expected to be available for clinical use within the
next few years.
For further online information about Lyme Disease, you may send the
following command in the body of an e-mail message to
subscribe LymeNet-L yourfirstname yourlastname
A regular newsletter is published here, and patients & physicians may
exchange their stories.
5) How can I avoid getting tinnitus?
Avoid the causes listed above. Really. The number one cause of tinnitus is
exposure to excessively loud noise. Either avoid these noisy situations, or
wear hearing protection as described below. Rock concerts, movie theaters,
nightclubs, construction sites, guns, power tools, stereo headphones and
musical instruments are just some of the things that can be hazardous to your
ears. Damage can result from either a single exposure or cumulative trauma. If
you ever experience temporary ringing after a sound exposure, YOU ARE AT A
If you already have tinnitus, educate your family, friends, and neighbors so
that they can keep their ears healthy.
6) What are some ototoxic drugs?
In her book _When the Hearing Gets Hard_ (Insight Books 1993, ISBN
0-306-44505-0), author Elaine Suss names several potentially ototoxic
substances. She lists them in three categories: (1) substances that most
physicians consider ototoxic; (2) substances that many physicians consider
potentially ototoxic; and (3) substances that may be ototoxic in rare cases.
The ototoxic effects of the substances in the third list are considered to be
reversible--the effects diminish when you stop taking the drug. Ms. Suss does
not list dosages.
The first group includes a few antibiotics and several diuretics . Not being a
physician, I don't recognize them all, though Capreomycin, Gentamicin ,
Kanamycin, Neomycin, Streptomycin, Tobramycin sulphate, Vancomycin, and
Viomycin are obviously antibiotics. Ms. Suss mentions that Streptomycin is used
only for certain cases of tuberculosis.
The first group also includes aspirin--whose effects are usually
reversible--and other salicylates such as Oil of Wintergreen (Ben Gay). The
other substances in the first group are: Amikacin, Amphotericin B (Fungizone),
Bumetanide (Bumex), Carboplatin (Paraplatin), Chloroquine (Aralen), Cisplatin
(Platinol), Ethacrynic acid (Edecrin), Furosemide (Lasix), and
Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil).
The second group includes the analgesic Ibuprofen (Advil) and the tricyclic
anti-depressant Imipramine (Tofranil), along with Chloramphenicol
(Chloromycetin), lead, and quinine sulphate.
The third group includes alcohol, toluene, and trichloroethylene, as well as
Chlordiazepoxide (Librium), Chlorhexidene (Phisohex, Hexachlorophene),
Ampicillin, Iodoform, Clemastin fumarate (Tavist), Chlomipramine hydrochloride
(Anafranil), and Chorpheniramine Maleate (Chlor-trimeton and several others).
Ms. Suss points out that the _Physicians Desk Reference_ (PDR) did not list
ototoxic drugs until the 1989 and later editions. She refers to a separate
document, _Drug Interactions and Side Effects Index_, which is keyed to the
PDR. She then points out that the Index is incomplete: several problem drugs
are not listed there.
Although the lists of ototoxic drugs are useful, I cannot recommend this book
to tinnitus sufferers in general because it is devoted almost entirely to the
problems of the hearing impaired and methods for ameliorating them. The book
mentions tinnitus primarily as a precursor to hearing loss. (I do not believe
that is the general case.)
The book _Tinnitus: Diagnosis/Treatment_ (Lea & Febiger, 1991, ISBN
0-8121-1121-4) adds that ototoxic symptoms may arise days or even weeks after
the termination of aminoglycoside antibiotics. Some of these aminoglycosides
not listed above are Netilmycin and Erythromycin. Other trouble antibiotics
include Colistimethate, Doxycycline and Minocycline.
7) What is Meniere's Disease?
Meniere's is a very serious disease of the inner ear, resulting in extended
vertigo attacks, major hearing loss, and frequently tinnitus. Here is one
sufferer's story:
What are the symptoms?
In my case it started with a constant fullness in my right ear and
the constant ringing. I also noticed I wasn't hearing very well and I
was having some vertigo attacks.
Originally I had my Allergist treat me. She thought it might just be
an inner ear infection or a sinus infection. It manifested itself in
the fall which is one of my worst allergy seasons.
By Spring she referred me to an ENT.
What tests would a physician do to diagnose it?
First was a hearing test. This was followed by an MRI to ensure there
wasn't a tumor to deal with. There was also the physical to ensure
there was no other underlying cause, including Diabetes. Then being
referred to a surgeon who specializes in this kind of thing. He did
further hearing tests and another test which I will have to get the
name for you. It consists of lights on the wall that you follow with
your eyes. They also insert warm and cold water into each ear (ENG/AU
test) to measure the response; a short vertigo spell is the result
for healthy ears. There is also a special set of hearing tests that
they do.
Are there any known environmental causes, or is it one of those things that
"just happens" to people?
One possible cause is Diabetes. Other than that no one that I have
spoken with knows. It may also be hereditary. Usually doesn't show up
until later in life 40 and beyond, and can burn itself out in 3 - 5
years. Some have it earlier in life (me at 35) and could have it the
rest of our lives.
What are the common treatments? Anti-vertigo drugs? Surgical operations on the
inner ear balance mechanisms?
The most common treatment for mild episodic Meniere's I guess would
be to rule out Diabetes and allergies. For the vertigo attacks
usually the prescription drug Antivert is used or the over the
counter drug Meclizine . Both tend to relive the vertigo. For more
chronic cases a low dosage of Valium can help. When things get bad
enough the next procedure is an Endolymphatic Transmastoid Shunt.
This helps to keep some of the pressure of the inner ear. Changes in
diet can help. Removal of sodium, caffeine and alcohol can help.
Usually a mild diuretic is prescribed.
I know of several folks who keep it under control with allergy shots
and restricting their sodium intake.
If it progresses to a point where the patient can no longer 'live'
with it an Eighth Nerve Section can be done. But according to my
surgeon this is an absolute last resort. It guarantees deafness in
the ear and some patients report balance problems at night. He also
claims the risks are high with this procedure including partial face
In general, imagine yourself back when you first encountered Meniere's. What
kind of summary info would have been helpful to you?
Knowing that it can be treated with medication and there is the hope
that it will burn itself out keeps me going. There does seem to be a
connection with the tinnitus and the Meniere's. I have noticed over
the last two years that the tinnitus gets worse and my hearing
decreases prior to a vertigo episode or series of vertigo episodes.
25mg of Meclizine usually has the vertigo under control in 20 - 30
minutes for a mild attack. A severe attack can leave you completely
disoriented such that there is no real up or down. An attack this
severe usually has bouts of nausea and vomiting with it. I find lying
down in a quiet dark room helps while the medicine kicks in.
Anti-nausea drugs can help. In my case when I have had a severe
episode I usually feel 'out-of-sorts' for a couple of days.
If you experience pretty intense tinnitus coupled with vertigo and
the inability of hold your eyes steady on an object I would suggest
seeing an ENT who knows about Meniere's. I have found that it is not
well known or understood.
8) What is hyperacusis?
Hyperacusis is an extreme sensitivity to sound, where even small sounds are
perceived as painfully strong. Usually occurs in combination with tinnitus. May
also be a side effect of certain ear/skull surgeries.
Information describing hyperacusis can be found in the ATA pamphlet
"Hyperacusis - A life-altering supersensitivity to sound". Available by writing
or phoning them at the place listed in this FAQ.
Hyperacusis is like tinnitus in that severity and ways it exhibits itself
varies. Severity can be as low and a mild annoyance to normal sounds to the
point where maximal ear protection cannot stop the sound of something like a
mini computer disk drive whine from causing great pain. It differs from
recruitment, where only loud sounds are uncomfortable, in that *all* sounds are
uncomfortable. Apparently the ear's volume regulation system from efferent
nerve fibers lose control and the ear's "volume knob" is broken on maximum.
There is some overlap between hyperacusis and tinnitus. Some tinnitus sufferers
have some hyperacusic symptoms. Further damage might take them toward full
blown hyperacusis. Hyperacusis is caused almost always by loud sound, usually
music. Usually no hearing loss occurs in the hyperacusic person.
9) What drugs, vitamins, and herbs are available for treating tinnitus?
* niacin
Niacin supplements produce a temporary flushing effect that is supposed to
pump more oxygen into the inner ear due to vasodilation. Take niacin on an
empty stomach for best results. You may experience a flush ranging from a
mild sunburn to wondering about spontaneous skin combustion. ;-) You may
also experience a "dry mouth" sensation.
day is a common dose for tinnitus. If you experience the flush, then you
are getting the maximum benefit.
Some people report good results from niacin, other people gain nothing.
Your mileage may vary.
* lecithin
The following anecdotal report advocates lecithin in combination with
niacin [Ed. note: my nutrition book does not cover lecithin, so I cannot
speculate as to toxicity and side-effects]:
After reading the tinnitus faq I emailed to my father, he
replied that he has helped a number of people cure their own
tinnitus by using Niacin and Lecithin. His theory is that the
lecithin, being an emulsifier, helps disperse the build up of
fats in the capillaries, and the niacin helps dilate the
capillaries to let the lecithin in.
He had meier's [sic - Meniere's ?] syndrome in the 70's, and
cured it this way. Our neighbor, a police officer, retired on
disability for the same reason, and Dad practically cured him
that way.
I got tinnitus as a result of childhood ear infections, and it
has done nothing for me, but then, mine is not what I would call
It does seem that after chelation, the noise is less.
CAUTION: Smart Drugs & Nutrients, Dean & Morgenthaler, 1991, Heath Freedom
Publications, ISBN 0-9627418-9-2, says that phosphatidyl choline is the
active ingredient of lecithin, and as a precursor of acetylcholine should
be avoided by people who are manic-depressive because it can deepen the
depressive phase.
* gingko biloba
Gingko biloba leaves have been used therapeutically by the Chinese for
centuries for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. In western countries
a standardized 50:1 concentrate of 24% gingko flavoglycosides is used,
either in liquid or capsule form. Gingko has been shown to increase
circulation throughout the body and the brain.
The article "Ginkgo biloba", The Lancet, Vol 340, Nov 7, 1992, pp.
1136-1139, examines numerous studies on the efficacy of ginkgo on
intermittent claudication (pain while walking), and cerebral
insufficiency, a wide collection of vascular impairment symptoms including
tinnitus. Typical dosages range from 120-160mg per day, divided equally at
meal time.
Most studies showed that between 30-70% of subjects had reduced symptoms
over a 6-12 week period. No serious side effects were observed, and any
minor side effects were not statistically significant compared to subjects
treated only with placebo.
Other references on gingko biloba:
As to tinnitus, Hobbs in reference (1) says:
For example, in 1986 a study statistically proved the effectiveness of
treatment with ginkgo extract for tinnitus: the ringing completely
disappeared in 35% of the patients tested, with a distinct improvement in
as little as 70 days!(2)
Similarly, when 350 patients with hearing defects due to old age were
treated with ginkgo extract, the success rate was 82%. Furthermore, a
follow-up study of 137 of the original group of elderly patients 5 years
later revealed that 67% still had better hearing(3).
1.) Ginkgo Elixir of Youth; Christopher Hobbs; Botanica Press, Box 742,
Capitola, CA 95010; 1991; pages 50-51
2.) Tinnitus-multicenter study. A multicentric study of the ear; Meyer,
B.; 1980; Ann. Oto-Laryng. (Paris) 103:185-8
3.) Tebonin-therapy with old hard-of-hearing people. Koeppel, F. W.; 1980;
Therapiewoche 30: 6443-46
Here's an abstract of a recent paper in Audiology:
Holgers KM; Axelsson A; Pringle I
Ginkgo biloba extract for the treatment of tinnitus.
Department of Audiology, Sahlgren's Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden.
Language: Eng
Source: Audiology 1994 Mar-Apr;33(2):85-92
Unique Identifier: 94234927
Previous studies have shown contradictory results of Ginkgo
biloba extract (GBE) treatment of tinnitus. The present study
was divided into two parts: first an open part, without placebo
control (n = 80), followed by a double-blind placebo-controlled
study (n = 20). The patients included in the open study were
patients who had been referred to the Department of Audiology,
Sahlgren's Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden, due to persistent severe
tinnitus. Patients reporting a positive effect on tinnitus in
the open study were included in the double-blind
placebo-controlled study (20 out of 21 patients participated). 7
patients preferred GBE to placebo, 7 placebo to GBE and 6
patients had no preference. Statistical group analysis gives no
support to the hypothesis that GBE has any effect on tinnitus,
although it is possible that GBE has an effect on some patients
due to several reasons, e.g. the diverse etiology of tinnitus.
Since there is no objective method to measure the symptom, the
search for an effective drug can only be made on an individual
And still another abstract:
I searched the medline for your using PHYSICIANS ON LINE
software, from 1988 to present obtained the following:
Remacle J, Houbion A, Alexandre I, Michiels C
[Behavior of human endothelial cells in hyperoxia and hypoxia:
effect of Ginkor Fort]
Laboratoire de Biochimie Cellulaire, Facultes Universitaires
N.D. de la Paix, Namur, Belgique.
Phlebologie 1990 Apr-Jun;43(2):375-86
Article Number: UI91046351
Recent discoveries have shown that venous diseases have a
multifactorial etiology. One of the factors which is definitely
involved in this pathologic process is the change in the
concentration of oxygen. An increase in the concentration of
oxygen, hyperoxia, or reoxygenation following hypoxia, damages
the tissues by stepping up the production of free radicals. In
addition, a reduction in oxygen concentration, or hypoxia, is
also damaging, probably through a reduction in ATP synthesis.
From a therapeutic standpoint, the veins, and more particularly
the endothelium, must be protected against the impact on the
tissue of these changes in oxygen concentration. In this study,
the effects of Ginkor Fort were tested on cultured endothelial
cells subjected to varying oxygen pressures. The results show
that Ginkor Fort can provide good protection of endothelial
cells against hyperoxia and hypoxia-reoxygenation. These
beneficial effects are probably due to the presence of
flavonoids in the **Ginko** biloba extract; these flavonoids
have an anti-oxidant effect. In addition, this substance also
protects the cells against hypoxia, possibly by increasing the
availability of oxygen for ATP synthesis. This dual protective
effect, which is produced by two different mechanisms, may
account for the wide spectrum of Ginkor Fort in its use in
venous diseases.
* anti-depressants , tranquilizers, and muscle relaxants
Many tinnitus sufferers become depressed from having to deal with the
constant noise. Treating the depression may make the tinnitus seem less
severe. But beware that certain ototoxic anti-depressants may _worsen_
Tricyclic anti-depressants, such as Nortriptyline and benzodiazepines,
such as Alprazolam (Xanax) were used in one study in which some people
reported improvement.
Possible reasons:
(1) Patients just think they feel better.
(2) Since these drugs are central nervous system depressants, auditory
responsiveness diminishes.
(3) Tinnitus is stress-related - i.e. muscle tension in neck & jaw
restricts blood and lymph flow.
Alprazolam (Xanax)
A double-blind study with placebo control showed 76% of the subjects
benefited with tinnitus reductions of at least 40%, whereas only 5% of the
placebo subjects had an improvement. Try 0.5mg at bedtime. Can be
addicting, and may make you feel excessively mellow.
Same class of drug as Xanax, but somewhat less effective and less
A word of warning:
Big-time antidepressants like the tricyclics and Prozac cannot be expected
to have an effect if the tinnitus sufferer does not suffer from an
affective disorder originating in brain chemistry. Minor tranquilizers may
help. But people should beware of trusting their friendly local
internist/GP to prescribe drugs of this type. Current knowledge of
psychopharmacology is essential. GP prescriptions of these drugs have
messed up more facets of people's lives than just their hearing.
* anti-convulsants
Carbamazepine (Tegretol), phenytoin (Dilantin), primidone (Mysoline),
valproic acid (Depakene) have all shown some effectiveness in reducing
tinnitus. But there is no standard dosage for tinnitus applications, and
some of these drugs may cause serious side-effects that require careful
monitoring via blood chemistry and other tests.
* intravenous lidocaine
An initial injection of lidocaine followed by an IV drip may provide
temporary relief to some sufferers.
* tocainide hydrochloride
This is an oral relative of lidocaine thought to act in a similar manner.
* histamine
On p.32 of Conn's Current Therapy, 1994, W.B. Saunders Co., MDs Jack C.
Clemis and Sally McDonald write "The authors' choice for pharmacotherapy
is histamine. In a study awaiting publication, nearly 70% of patients
treated with histamine achieved complete or partial resolution of their
* anti-histamine
[Ed. note: Yes, I realize this is in contradiction with the above
paragraph.] The theory is that the mild sedative effect eases anxiety, and
that mucous reduction allows the inner ear to dry out, thus relieving
cochlear pressure.
* meclizine
This is an over-the-counter (USA) anti-vertigo drug. While it is obviously
relevant to the severe vertigo that comes with Meniere's, there was one
anecdotal report submitted to this FAQ by a tinnitus sufferer who did not
_have_ vertigo but took meclizine to successfully reduce his tinnitus.
The following appeared in a recent article in Alternatives regarding
"Ask your doctor to review the following article, Annals of the
New York Academy of Sciences 75:243:468:74. 'In this study,15
patients were suffering from tinnitus. Every four days 2
milliliters of a medicated DMSO solution containing
anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory compounds were applied
locally to the external auditory canals of their ears. They were
also given an intramuscular injection of DMSO at the same time.
'After one month, 9 of the 15 patients had a total cessation of
the tinnitus and it didn't return during the one year
observation period. It was diminished in two others and in the
remaining four it became only an occasional problem instead of
permanent (cold temperatures seemed to be the main factor
causing it to return).
'In addition, all of the five patients that were suffering from
vertigo noted significant improvement...'
CAUTION: DMSO was recently implicated in the mysterious case of the
"fume-emitting body" from Riverside, California. A terminal cancer patient
was brought by paramedics to an emergency room, where toxic fumes from the
patient incapacitated and in certain cases seriously injured the attending
physicians. Investigation has revealed that the patient used DMSO (to
relieve pain and inflammation?), and that due to several unusual
coincidences, the DMSO was metabolized into a toxic substance used in
chemical warfare.
* vinpocetine and vincamine
The following is an anecdotal report concerning vinpocetine, a drug that
is NOT registered in the United States. A search of the Physician's Desk
Reference and several CDROM databases turned up nothing on the drug or its
manufacturer. Be skeptical, but also remember that some of today's wonder
drugs were once new and unregistered. Judge for yourselves:
I started taking vinpocetine (a nootropic drug available
mail-order from Europe) a couple months ago, and my tinnitus
(due to listening to a walkman for the entire eighties) is now
almost gone. Occasionally the tinnitus will re-occur, but I
think that's due to what I happen to be eating (or not eating)
that day, as the FAQ states.
In short, vinpocetine cured what I thought was incurable, and
made me a whole-lot happier -- especially since I'm in the music
industry and depend on my ears.
From what I understand, vinpocetine repairs damaged nerve cells,
among other things. There are no side effects -- you don't
notice anything while taking it except that you may remember
things better, and your tinnitus may improve.
"VINPOCETINE: A side effect free synthetic derivative of
vincamine. Vinpocetine is three to four times as potent as
vincamine at improving cerebral circulation and overall is OVER
TWICE as potent as vincamine in humans. Vinpocetine has wide
ranging effects and can be used to improve memory, treat stroke,
menopausal symptoms, macular degeneration, impaired hearing and
tinnitus. The usual oral starting dose is 1-2 tablets three
times daily, to be followed by a maintenance dose of 1 tablet
three times daily for a longer period of time. Vinpocetine has
not been reported to interact with other drugs and may be used
in combination." -- 'Recommended Dosages' sheet from Interlab.
You can order vinpocetine by sending a letter to Interlab asking
for an order form. Currently, vinpocetine is US$26 for 100
tablets. For Canadians, you can only order a three month
personal supply at a time. For Americans, you may need a
doctor's prescription, and can only order a three month personal
supply at a time. Call your government's "Customs" agency, or
"Food and Drug" administration to be sure.
BCM box 5890
How did you find out about vinpocetine? Did you explicitly try it for
tinnitus, or was it for some other condition and the tinnitus cure was an
unexpected side-effect? Did a doctor recommend it to you?
I read about it in a document regarding drugs that the FDA won't
approve because they don't consider the problem the drug cures
important enough (such as tinnitus.) It was on the net somewhere
-- I don't have it.
I got it specifically for tinnitus. A doctor didn't recommend it
-- I "prescribed" it to myself. I have a degree is psychology,
so I'm not completely in the dark as to its effects.
The literature from the manufacturer almost has that "too good to be true"
ring to it. Have you ever seen any other literature on this drug that
didn't come from the manufacturer?
Nothing really substantial, except personal reports from people
who say it works with them.
Do you have any info regarding undesirable side-effects or toxicity
Non-toxic at any level, no side-effects . It's available OTC
(Over The Counter) in Europe and South America. It is not
available in North America because drug laws stipulate that a
drug has to cure an existing condition before it can be
approved. I guess tinnitus isn't a real problem to them. The
only way we can find out if it really works is if several people
try it and report back. I doubt tinnitus is something that
placebo response can overcome, and I'm sure that if other
peoples tinnitus was as annoying as mine, they'll jump at the
chance to try vinpocetine.
Another FAQ contributor reports:
In a quick review of the medline literature I did not find any
papers dealing with vinpocetine and tinnitus, but did find some
with information I will share....I found some information in the
merck index as well as in two articles on vinpocetine-side
effects in the Journal of the American Geriatics Society ..JAGS
35:425(1987); 37:515(1989).....
ethyl apovincaminate
3,16-eburnamenine-14-carboxylic acid ethyl ester
registered drug names...cavinton,ceractin,eusenium,finacilen
mode of action...cerebral vasodilator used to treat cerebral
dysfunction resulting from reduced blood addition has
other complex metabolic actions..."In humans, the effect on
cerebral blood flow is not certain, with some investigators
reporting no change, while others report an increase". It has
been reported that vinpocetine can be used safely to treat
patients with "chronic cerebral dysfunction of vascular origin".
The drug is not without some side effects but these.. "were mild
and not considered to be of a serious nature". These papers also
discussed the concentration of drug administered to groups of
patients in controlled studies...There was mention made in the
1989 paper that vinpocetine was under investigation in the US
assessing its value in patients with multi-infarct dementia...
The information that vinpocetine helps some people that have
tinnitus is at the moment one with tinnitus, I
certainly would approach self treatment very conservatively....I
take niacin for my hypercholesteremia and haven't noticed any
change in the ringing...I would be willing to take lecithin and
ginko but I don't think I will attempt vinpocetine until I am
sure of its efficacy....most of the people with tinnitus do not
have cerebral dysfunction!... I can also appreciate trying
anything to reduce the discomfort of tinnitus...please be
cautious when it comes to the use of we know even
niacin in excess is potentially harmful....
Smart Drugs & Nutrients, Dean & Morgenthaler, 1991, Health Freedom
Publications, ISBN 0-9627418-9-2, has this to say about vinpocetine and
"Vinpocetine is a powerful memory enhancer. It facilitates
cerebral metabolism by improving cerebral microcirculation
(blood flow), stepping up brain cell ATP production (ATP is the
cellular energy molecule), and increasing utilization of glucose
and oxygen.
Vinpocetine is often used for the treatment of cerebral
circulatory disorders such as memory problems, acute stroke,
aphasia (loss of the power of expression), apraxia (inability to
coordinate movements), motor disorders, dizziness and other
cerebro-vestibular (inner-ear) problems, and headache.
Vinpocetine is also used to treat acute or chronic
ophthalmological diseases of various origin, with visual acuity
improving in 70% of the subjects.
Vinpocetine also is used in the treatment of sensorineural
hearing impairment.
Vinpocetine is a derivative of vincamine, which is an extract of
the periwinkle. Although they have many similar effects
vinpocetine has more benefits and fewer adverse effects than
Precautions: Adverse effects are rare, but include hypotension,
dry mouth, weakness, and tachycardia [Ed. note: this is
excessively rapid heartbeat, which can be FATAL . I do not
consider that to be "very safe"]. Vinpocetine has no drug
interactions, no toxicity, and is generally very safe.
Vincamine is an extract of the periwinkle. It is a vasodilator
and increases blood flow to the brain and improves the brain's
use of oxygen.
Vincamine has been used to treat a remarkable variety of
conditions related to insufficient blood flow to the brain,
including vertigo and Meniere's syndrome , difficulty in
sleeping, mood changes, depression, hearing problems, high blood
pressure and lack of blood flow to the eyes. Vincamine has also
been used for improving memory defects and inability to
concentrate. Vincamine has extremely low toxicity and is very
Precautions: Rarely causes gastrointestinal distress, which
disappears when usage is stopped. Vincamine has not been proven
to be safe for pregnant women or children."
Like vinpocetine, vincamine is not directly available in the United
States. For a list of mail-order suppliers of these and other "smart
drugs", send US$2.00 to the address below and request the Smart Drug
Sources List:
Cognition Enhancement Research Institute
P.O. Box 4029
Menlo Park, CA 94026-4029
* hydergine
Another "smart drug", for which Dean & Morgethaler say:
"Hydergine is reported to increase mental abilities, prevent
damage to brain cells from insufficient oxygen (hypoxia), and
may even be able to reverse existing damage to brain cells [Ed.
note: Call me skeptical].
Hydergine is an extract of ergot, a fungus that grows on rye.
Midwives in Europe traditionally used ergot with birthing
mothers to lower their blood pressure. Researchers at the
pharmaceutical giant Sandoz analyzed ergot in the late 1940s,
looking for blood-pressure medications. Of the thousands of
compounds that researchers found in ergot, three were combined
and tested for their anti-hypertensive properties. When studies
with elderly people uncovered cognition-enhancing effects,
Sandoz began spending a great deal of research money on
Hydergine. It is now one of the most popular treatments for all
forms of senility in the U.S., and is used to treat a plethora
of problems elsewhere in the world.
Hydergine probably has several modes of action for its
cognitive-enhancement properties. Its wide variety of reported
effects include the following:
* Increases blood supply and oxygen to the brain.
* Enhances brain cell metabolism.
* Protects the brain from free-radical damage during
decreased or increased oxygen supply.
* Speeds the elimination of age pigment (lipofuscin) in the
* Inhibits free-radical activity.
* Increases intelligence, memory, learning, and recall.
* Normalizes systolic blood pressure.
* Lower abnormally high cholesterol levels in some cases.
* Reduces symptoms of tiredness.
* Reduces symptoms of dizziness and tinnitus (ringing in the
Precautions: If too large a dose is used when first taking
Hydergine, it may cause slight nausea, gastric disturbance, or
ehadache. Overall, Hydergine does not produce any serious side
effects. It is nontoxic even at very large doses and it is
contraindicated only for individuals who have chronic or acute
psychosis, or who are allergic to it. Overdosage of Hydergine
may, paradoxically, cause an amnesic effect."
Hydergine is available in the United States with a doctor's prescription.
* sodium fluoride
May be helpful when the tinnitus is due to cochlear otosclerosis.
* vasodilators
Vasodilators like niacin , gingko biloba , and prescription drugs for
hypertension increase blood flow inside the skull, raising the oxygen
available for good nerve health.
* zinc
The cochlea has the body's greatest concentration of zinc. Supplements of
90-150 mg per day may be beneficial in some cases. BUT BEWARE: high levels
of zinc interfere with the body's absorption of copper, leading to anemia.
Several studies have identified the 150mg dosage as leading to toxicity
problems. Zinc therapy when prescribed by physicians is often accompanied
by frequent blood tests to monitor copper levels.
* diuretics
Diuretics may be prescribed when Meniere's Disease is present. One
contributor reported tinnitus relief from Dyazide. But be aware that some
diuretics are ototoxic and can worsen or even cause tinnitus.
10) What other treatments are available for tinnitus?
* surgery
For tinnitus caused by acoustic neuromas , vascular abnormalities , and
TMJ syndrome. But note above in the Causes section that tinnitus,
hyperacusis , or even profound deafness can _result_ from ear/skull
* maintain a healthy diet & lifestyle
This means no tobacco, no alcohol, no caffeine, low fat, low sodium. This
may not cure your tinnitus, but there are other well-proven health
benefits. Other less obvious foods like quinine/tonic water should also be
* biofeedback
Useful as a stress reduction tool, biofeedback may help some people.
*****[comments from someone who's been there?]*****
* accupuncture
May provide temporary relief to some people. One contributor reports
significant relief that enabled him to avoid the heavy-duty
anti-depressants that his Western physician had prescribed.
* stress reduction
Many people say their tinnitus is more active when they're tired and
stressed out. Get a good night's sleep and avoid unnecessary stress.
* hearing aids
Some people with severe tinnitus may benefit from hearing aids that bring
normal speech sounds above the background tinnitus sounds. In addition to
amplification, hearing aids may be useful as maskers when they also
introduce white noise into the sound stream.
* cranial sacral therapy
There is anecdotal evidence of help for tinnitus through cranial sacral
therapy by osteopaths and chiropractors.
* electrical stimulation
Various electrode placements with various voltages & frequencies may
provide some relief. External, ear canal, transtympanic, middle ear, and
cochlear electrodes have all been tried. Side effects may include pain,
and alterations to sense of taste & smell.
* surgically severing the auditory nerves
The treatment of last resort. You will be totally deaf. But beware - if
your tinnitus originates somewhere inside the brain, you will be totally
deaf AND still have tinnitus.
11) What is masking?
Masking is the technique of producing external "white noise" sounds that will
mask the tinnitus and make it less distracting. Masking machines come in both
in-the-ear and portable models that produce sounds ranging from random white
noise to waterfalls to surf, etc. Many people find that tuning a regular FM
radio to an empty frequency and listening to the static beneficial. Another
popular method is to run an electric fan. If you have an audio CD player,
consider putting on a nature sounds (ocean, jungle, whales, etc) CD in
autorepeat mode before going to bed. Some masking machine vendors:
Ambient Shapes, Inc.
P.O. Box 5069
Hickory, NC 28603
+1 800 438 2244
+1 704 324 5222
Product #1550, the Marsona Tinnitus Masker. An external masker with over 3000
settings. US$249.
The Sharper Image
650 Davis Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
+1 800 344 4444
Product #SI420, Portable Sound Soother, US$120, and product #SI430, Digital
Sound Soother XS, US$170 (same as previous product but includes an AM/FM
radio). Both products feature alarm clocks and three classes of sound: White
Noise, Seaside, and Countryside. You get primary sounds such as waves and
crickets, plus random auxilary sounds such as fog horns, buoy bells, doves,
owls, etc. Both the primary and auxilary sounds have independently adjustable
volume. [Ed. note: my mother is a satisfied PSS user.]
*****[insert masker models, prices, manufacturers, phone numbers here]*****
12) What types of earplugs or other hearing protection are available?
Wearing ear plugs protects your ears from new damage as well as allowing them
to rest without external stimuli. Noise attenuation may vary by frequency, so
if you're a musician you may want to shop around for ear protection with fairly
flat frequency response. Hearing protection devices are assigned Noise
Reduction Ratings (NRRs) by their manufacturers under laboratory conditions and
may not reflect Real World performance. Maximal noise reduction (about 50dB
NRR) can be achieved by wearing canal plugs in combination with muffs, but
*some* noise will still be perceived via bone conduction of the skull in
extremely loud situations. The following classes of hearing protection devices
are available:
* moldable ear canal plugs
Moldable ear plugs come in foam, silicone, and wax and fit into the ear
canal itself. Because they are moldable, a tight fit is always obtained.
These are the best hearing protection devices available today, with NRRs
ranging from 15-33dB. Cheap, available in drugstores, and reusable.
* custom ear plugs
These plugs are made from impressions taken of the customer's ear canal.
NRRs range from 27-29dB, with the cost typically US$30-70. You generally
order these through a hearing specialist who will take the impressions.
* filtered musician's ear plugs
A variation on custom plugs that offer even sound attenuation across a
broad spectrum of frequencies. NRRs range from 15-20dB, and cost ranges
from US$50-150.
* ear muffs
These over the ear devices are more comfortable than canal plugs, and have
NRRs that range from 23-29dB. But they are very bulky and obviously can't
be worn discretely.
* active sportsman's ear muffs
These are active (possibly amplifying), powered devices that pass normal
levels of sound, but will attenuate extremely loud impulse-type noises
similar to gunshots, etc. They are typically sold through gun catalogs and
sporting goods stores, and when used in combination with plugs can achieve
near-maximal NRRs of about 50dB.
Note that amplified muffs actually have a negative NRR, which is one
indication that the NRR doesn't tell the whole story for "impulse" noise
such as gunshots. These muffs detect impulse noise and turn off the
amplification in time to keep that noise from reaching the ear through the
electronics. See below for a first-hand account of active muff
Date: 16 Apr 1992 8:36 EDT
Subject: Re: electronic muffs
Having just purchased a set of Peltor Tactical 7-S active muffs
from Dillon Precision, I'll add my two cents to the
The T7-S's are stereo electronic muffs with a microphone on the
front of each ear cup. They seem to be pretty sturdy in
construction. One cup contains a circuit board covered with
surface-mount parts and some trim pots. The other contains a
nine-volt battery accessible from an outside door (there may
also be a small circuit board in there, too). Each contains a
small speaker, and the two are connected via a cable that
crosses through the headband. There is a single gain control
that is switched to provide the on/off function. Side-to-side
balance is adjustable by one of the trim pots. A small concern I
have is that the foam mic covers may come to harm while being
jostled around in my range bag.
I had originally thought (from where, I don't know) that the
circuit amplified sound according to the gain control, and shut
off completely noises above 85dB. In fact, the unit never
actually shuts down, or if it does the switching is so quick and
quiet that it gets lost in the muffled sounds coming through the
muff's cups. There is constant compression, so that soft sounds
are boosted, and loud sounds are limited to 85dB or less. The
effect is strange at first, because you don't think there's much
muffling being done, but believe me, you can find out real quick
that the things work very well indeed.
I used the muffs at an outdoor .22 silhouette match, then later
in the day at a large indoor range where we were shooting .45
ACP and light .44 mag loads. At the match, they worked great. I
could hear the spotters, the range officer, and all the others.
I really didn't have a problem with distractions as another
poster stated. The only "problem" I had was that at high gain I
could easily hear the road noise of cars and trucks passing by
about a quarter-mile away. The muffs seem to preserve
directional information, since I don't remember having any
problems locating sounds (like the CLANK when a ram fell over
100 yards away).
The indoor range seemed a little different. Gunshots sounded a
bit more veiled, whereas outdoors they just sounded lower in
intensity. Voices were still easy to hear, but also sounded
funny, so it was probably the echo in the large room. For grins,
I tried the T7-S's at the indoor range without turning the
active circuitry on, and swapped back and forth between them and
some Silencio Magnum CDS-80 passive muffs (rated at -29dB -- my
previous regular muffs). In an inactive state, the TS-7's were
at least as effective as the Silencios. Further, the sound of
the shots was perceived as being about an octave lower through
the inactive T7-S's than through the Silencios. This was much
more pleasant over the long run. In fact, my buddy, who was also
wearing CDS-80's, said that his ears were starting to hurt by
the end of our indoor range time. Mine were fine. (BTW, said
buddy tried the T7-S's for a few minutes at each place -- he's
ordering his today.)
I tried sitting in a very quiet room with the muffs turned way
up. I could hear my dog breathing in another room, and ripples
on the surface of a small, nearby aquarium sounded like a set of
river rapids. I could hear my own breathing quite clearly, and
the cloth of my shirt rustling as it rose and fell. At really
high gain, there was some whitish noise that was either the
residual noise of the amplifiers, or the movement of air in the
The muffs are very comfortable. I wore them most of the day with
no problem. The ear seals are soft yet firm, and are probably
more comfortable than the Magnum CDS-80's. The seals and inner
foam pads are easily removable and replaceable. The rather
sparse instruction manual suggests replacing them once or twice
a year for hygienic reasons.
All in all, I really like these muffs. It would be difficult to
go back to passive protection after being able to hear
"normally" while shooting. Dillon currently has the T7-S's on
sale for $129.95. Regular price is $170. I have no connection
with Dillon or Peltor save being a satisfied customer.
And an addendum to the above account:
Date: 5 Jul 1994 13:39 EDT
Subject: Re: muffs review
The battery should be a nine-volt alkaline, and it will probably
last 10-30 hours (depending on gain setting used) before you'll
notice a drop in volume. I have used the muffs while mowing
(with a gasoline-powered mower), and with noisy power tools
(like a circular saw), and they really help. Your ears do get a
bit warm and sweaty on a hot day, however. Finally, I have seen
pictures of new(?) Peltor muffs on which the foam mic covers
were replaced by hard plastic grids. These might be an
Some hearing protection vendors:
Westone Labs
P.O. Box 15100
Colorado Springs, CO 80935
+1 800 525 5071
Sells custom plugs.
Dillon Precision Products
7442 E. Butherus Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85260-2415
+1 800 762 3845 for Catalog requests
+1 800 223 4570 for Sales
Praised on rec.guns have been the "Max" earplugs and Peltor Ultimate 10 muffs.
Dillon's "stealth" catalog, The Blue Press is available at no charge
*****[product #, price, manufacturer, phone number, NRRs?]*****
13) What organizations can I turn to for more information?
The following organizations all support tinnitus/hearing research and provide
information for tinnitus sufferers. Frequently they are the sole force behind
tinnitus research in their home countries. Joining one of these organizations
in the best thing that you can do so that research towards a cure will be
Tinnitus Association of Canada
23 Ellis Park Road
Toronto, ON Canada
M6S 2V4
Co-ordinator: Mrs. Elizabeth Eayrs
[Dues and services presently unknown.]
United States
American Tinnitus Association
P.O. Box 5
Portland, OR 97207-0005
+1 503 248 9985
Funds research, does lobbying, provides information, educates the public, has
professional referrals by region. US $25 per year, check, VISA, MasterCard.
H.E.A.R. (Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers)
P.O. Box 460847
San Francisco, CA 94146
+1 415 773 9590
This is the H.E.A.R. ad from Bass Player Magazine:
Hearing loss has altered many careers in the music industry. H.E.A.R. can help
you save your hearing. A non-profit organization founded by musicians and
physicians for musicians and other music professionals, H.E.A.R. offers
information about hearing loss, testing, and hearing protection . For an
information packet, send $10.00 to: H.E.A.R. P.O. Box 460847 San Francisco, CA
94146 or call the H.E.A.R. 24-hour hotline at (415) 773-9590.
(small print at bottom):
Musicians speak out about hearing loss. A video made exclusively for H.E.A.R.,
"Can't Hear You Knocking" c1990 Flynner Films, 17 minute VHS, featuring Ray
Charles, Pete Townshend, Lars Ulrich and other music industry professionals
spotlight the dangers and effects of hearing loss. Send $39.95 plus S&H, $5
US/$10 Over seas to: (above address). All donations are tax-deductible.
(even smaller print):
"CHYK" 55 minute VH-S. The Cinema Guild, NY.
Don't ask me why they first say the video is 17 minutes, then at the bottom
they say it's 55 minutes.
*****[Other orgs & countries needed, especially European]*****
14) What books can I turn to for more information?
Tinnitus: Diagnosis/Treatment
Abraham Shulman, M.D.
Lea & Febiger, 1991
ISBN 0-8121-1121-4
This is a several hundred page medical book covering all aspects of tinnitus.
It was used to confirm most of the medical statements in this document, and is
highly recommended.
15) What online resources are available?
On the Internet, the Usenet newsgroup is the primary
discussion forum. Several other peripheral newsgroups exist where people at
risk for tinnitus may be found, as well as for various health disciplines
relevant to the treatment of tinnitus. See the Newsgroups: header of this FAQ
for details.
16) What can I do when all else fails?
What caused my tinnitus? Everyone asks that question.
For some of us, there was an illness, injury, or incident that seems directly
related to the onset of tinnitus. I'm not sure how valuable being able to
answer this question is, but at least it seems to be answered.
For others, the onset is sudden, but for no obvious reason. For these people,
it may be frustrating not knowing "why" but I'm not sure of the value of
dwelling on this question.
For others like myself, the onset was gradual, over the years. Then, about a
year ago, the pace of the onset increased to where I am now aware 100% of the
time that it's there. If I'm active, I don't notice it. But if there's a lull
in my mental or physical activity or if I think about it, it's there.
The point I want to make with this post is: Just as "Sh-t Happens", I'm afraid
"Tinnitus Happens", too. And we're the victims, albeit to widely varying
Unless it can provide a path towards treatment (and only your doctor can
determine this), I don't think it is useful to dwell heavily on the "why".
In my case, I fired shotguns with no ear protection when I was a kid & I
listened to some too-loud music a few times. But that's all irrelevant now.
I've got tinnitus. At present, there's no known treatment for me. So, here's
what I'm doing about it:
* I accept that I have tinnitus and I've dispensed with "why".
* I recognize that it is my problem, not the problem of my friends, family,
& business associates. I don't complain about it to anyone.
* If, because of my tinnitus, I need to ask someone to repeat themselves, I
simply ask. No apologies, no explanations.
* I will monitor my need to ask for repeats. If I have an underlying hearing
loss, I may need a hearing aid. As unattractive to me as getting a hearing
aid may be, it is my responsibility to have my hearing evaluated & take
appropriate measures. It is not the responsibility of the people around me
to act as hearing aids.
* I will attempt the various herbal remedies, giving them enough time to see
if they're effective. However, for my own sanity, I will accept my present
condition as the "zero base line". If a remedy helps, that's a "plus". If
it doesn't, I remain at the baseline. In other words, failure to be helped
by a possible treatment is not a negative. I will not allow disappointment
or despair at a treatment failure to get me down.
* Whatever the seriousness of my tinnitus, I will remember that others have
it much worse & still others have just been diagnosed. These are the
people who need my support and encouragement. I will offer it when I meet
them and by posting to this newsgroup. I realize that by helping others, I
am also helping me.
Comments always welcome.
17) Where did the medical advice in this FAQ come from?
With only one small exception, none of the contributors to this FAQ are
physicians. Contributor advice that cannot be confirmed in tinnitus books
written by M.D.s has been labelled anecdotal. Use any of this information,
anecdotal or not, strictly at your own risk.
18) What clinics or physicians can I turn to for real medical advice?
The following clinics or physicians all specialize in the treatment of tinnitus
and related disorders.
United States
House Ear Institute
2100 W. 3rd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90057
+1 213 483-9930 voice
+1 213 483-5706 TDD
*****[more references needed]*****
19) Who are the contributors to this FAQ?
Unless otherwise requested, all contributors will be credited here.
Mark Bixby (FAQ Maintainer)
Barbara Bixby
Julie Bixby
Karl F. Bloss
Pete Brooks
W. Keith Brummet
David Charlap
Erik Christensen
Michael Claes
Michael L. Connolly
Scott Dayman
Bob Dubin, DC
Steve Gotthardt
Doug Gwyn
Norman F. Johnson
Douglas R. Jones
Laurie Kramer
Richard Landesman
Colleen Lynch
Rob McCaleb
Paul Murphy
John Setel O'Donnell
Mark A. Pitcher
Dallas Roark
Mark Sharp
Chandra Shekhar
Jeff Slavitz
Lori Snidow
Kurt Strain
Jack Trainor
Allen Watson
Mike Watterson
Steve Zimmerman
Mark Bixby E-mail:
Coast Community College District Web:
District Information Services 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA, USA 92626
Technical Support +1 714 432-5064
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