By: ryan shaw
Re: article from local paper
ALBANY [that's Oregon] -- A manslaughter trial began Monday for a Brownsville
couple whose son died of leukemia after they refused, for religious reasons, to
allow him to have medical treatment.
Prospective jurors were questioned about their religious beliefs Monday in the
trial of Loyd and Christina Hays.
The Hayses are accused of manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in the
Novermber 1994 death of their 7-year-old son Tony.
They boy died of leukemia without ever seeing a doctor.
The Hayses belong to the Christian fundamentalist Church of the First Born,
which emphasizes the healing power of prayer over modern medicine.
[From the Register Guard -- Eugene, Oregon -- April 16, 1996]
I hope they are convicted and rot in jail.
* Origin: The Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues (1:152/67)
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