
New message By: Speaker to Fundies To: All Re: Graham exposes himself St: Local ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @MSGID: 1:102/890.666@FidoNet 5c91120c @PID: FM 2.02 The Devil Made Nixon Do It He has dined (and prayed) with every President since Kennedy, so when Billy Graham was asked what happened to his friend and confidant Richard Nixon, he offered this rather unique explanation: "Sleeping pills and demons. I think there was definitely demon power involved. He took all those sleeping pills, and all through history, drugs and demons have gone together -- demons have always worked through drugs. My conclusion is that it was just all those sleeping pils -- they just let a demon come in and play over him." Will we now see a government ban on sleeping pills in the White House? - Skeptic Vol 3., No. 3, 1995 How's that for fitting in with the typical fundy death cultist lack of education tied to superstition? No one's ever responsible for their actions any more these days. No, it's always someone else's fault. All the better when one can concoct ghosts, demons, devils, and gods to place the fault upon.


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