By: David Rice
To: Jesse Jones
Re: Holy Smoke!
JJ> A support forum?!? You gather here for support?!? To attack
JJ> that which is sacred gleefully, taking joy in every wound?
Actually, I come here for contrast, not support. It is very
refreshing and revitalizing to express THE PAINFUL TRUTH for
a few minutes every day, and then slip back into comfortable
social lies for the sake of "politeness." One may not, and I
will say SHOULD NOT, tell a co-worker that her idiot beliefs
are silly, inane, and ultimately self-destructive. HOLYSMOKE
is a haven for reason and rational thinking in a world full
of insanity, superstition, imaginary fear, and ignorance
that has been spawned by the theists' fear of the unknown,
then fed by their own ego-gratification as "piousness."
Here at work a great many of my co-workers wear Christian
symbols, such as crucifixes, doves, or JESUS pins. They also
tend to have psalms framed and displayed in their offices and
cubicles. These same self-gratified, self-bloated egotistical
"pious" HYPOCRITES get upset and complain when =I= wear a
symbol for my religion, Wicca. This kind of BULLSHIT is fine
for work where the minority can get shat upon in the name of
"diversity," but here in HOLYSMOKE it is not tollerated:
the freedom of religious expression found in HOLYSMOKE is a
healthy tonic that so many others could greatly benefit from.
You should thank God HOLYSMOKE exists, Jesse, instead of
bitching and complaining about it.
... "Evidence" is a dirty word if you don't have any. Hector Plasmic
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