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00000 0000 00000 The blasphemy _continues_ every day on
0 0 0 0 Internet Relay Chat channel #holysmoke
0 0000 0 on IRC servernet: Undernet
0 0 0 0
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The HolySmoke Central Committee's resounding successes continue!
Every night on #holysmoke "empty" heathens gather to rip tender
evil fundies to bloody shreds -- all for their own good! If you
haven't checked it out yet, drop by and get a good look.
o Want to vent yourself upon some clown who justifys inhuman
tyranny using his deity constructs? Chances are you'll be
able to nightly!
o Want to ask a homophobic bigot in person whether they wear
mixed fibres, eat pork, or cut their beards? Wang chung!
If they don't lie, you can beat them up for their selected
o Don't get enough anti-woman hatred from fundies in the real
world and want to rap some knuckles real time? #holysmoke
gets more than enough anti-woman bigots to go around!
o Feel like swapping heathen files with fellow heathens? Like
to keep up on the theocracizing of America, Canada, and
Asutralia? #holysmoke's a good place for that, too!
Typical sign-in times are any time after 6:00p.m. Pacific, 8:00p.m.
Central, and 10:00p.m. Eastern. If you're late, don't worry! The
most "empty" of us are on until morning!
The possibilities are _STILL_ incalcuable!
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