
I ADORE THEE EVOE, I ADORE THEE, I A O! 1. O Thou golden sheaf of desires, That art bound by a fair wisp of poppies! CHORUS: I adore Thee, Evoe, I adore Thee, I A O! __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I a-dore Thee, Evoe! I a dore Thee, I A O! 2. O Thou golden wine of the sun, That art poured over the dark breasts of Night! CHORUS: 3. O Thou crimson vintage of life, That art poured out into the jar of the grave! CHORUS: 4. O Thou red cobra of desire, That art unhooded by the hands of maidens! CHORUS: 5. O Thou burning sword of passion, That art torn on the anvil of flesh! CHORUS: 6. O Thou mad whirlwind of laughter, That art meshed in the wild locks of folly! CHORUS: 7. O Thou Dragon-prince of the Air, That art drunk on the blood of sunsets! CHORUS: 8. O Thou fragrance of sweet flowers, That art wafted over blue fields of air! CHORUS: 9. O Thou foursquare Crown of Nothing, That circlest the destruction of Worlds! CHORUS: 10. O Thou snow-white chalice of Love, That art filled up with the red lusts of man! CHORUS: 11. O Thou vampire Queen of the Flesh, Wound as a snake around the throats of men! CHORUS: Š12. O Thou fierce whirlpool of passion, That art sucked up by the mouth of the sun! CHORUS: I adore Thee, Evoe, I adore Thee, I A O! 13. O Thou outrider of the Sun, That spurrest the bloody flanks of the wind! CHORUS: 14. O Thou dancer with gilded nails, That unbraidest the star hair of the night! CHORUS: 15. O Thou bird-sweet river of Love, That warblest through the pebbly gorge of Life! CHORUS: 16. O Thou storm-drunk breath of the winds, That pant in the bosom of the mountains! CHORUS: 17. O Thou low moan of fainting maids, That art caught up in the strong sobs of Love! CHORUS: 18. O Thou scarlet dragon of flame, Enmeshed in the web of a spider! CHORUS: 19. O Thou naked virgin of love, That art caught in a net of wild roses! CHORUS: 20. O Thou sparkling wine-cup of light, Whose foaming is the heart's blood of the stars! CHORUS: 21. O Thou frail bluebell of moonlight, That art lost in the gardens of the stars! CHORUS: 22. O Thou trembling breast of the night, That gleamest with a rosary of moons! CHORUS: 23. O Thou tortured shriek of storm, That art whirled up through the leaves of the woods! CHORUS: 24. O Thou bright star of the morning, That art set betwixt the breasts of the night! CHORUS: 25. O Thou purple breast of the storm, That art scarred by the teeth of the lightning! CHORUS: 26. O Thou unvintageable dew, That art moist on the lips of the Morn! CHORUS: 27. O Thou brave soldier of Life, Sinking into the quicksand of Death! CHORUS: 28. O Thou laughter that art heard, Re-echoing from the tombs of the dead! CHORUS: 29. O Thou goat-dancer of the hills, That art seen upon the green hills of Arcadia! CHORUS: 30. O Thou ever turning Wheel of stars and fates That art the seed-pod of the Cosmos! CHORUS: 31. O Thou Dragon-prince of the air, That art drunk on the blood of the sunsets! CHORUS: 32. O Thou Unicorn of the storm, That art crested above the purple air! CHORUS: 33. O Thou burning sword of passion, That art tempered on the anvil of flesh! CHORUS: 34. O Thou slimy lust of the grave, That art tangled in the roots of the Tree! CHORUS: 35. O Thou smoke-shrouded sword of flame, That art ensheathed in the bowels of earth! CHORUS: 36. O Thou scented grove of wild vines, That art trampled by the white feet of love! CHORUS: 37. O Thou molten comet of gold, That art seen through the wizard's glass of Space! CHORUS: 38. O Thou shrill song of the eunuch, That art heard behind the curtain of shame!CHORUS: 39. O Thou lidless eye of the world, That art seen through the sapphire veil of Space! CHORUS: 40. O Thou smiling mouth of the dawn, That art freed from the laughter of the night! CHORUS: 41. O Thou dazzling star-point of hope, That burnest over oceans of despair! CHORUS: 42. O Thou iron turret of death, That art rusted with the bright blood of war! CHORUS: 43. O Thou bubbling wine-cup of joy, That foamest like the cauldron of murder! CHORUS: 44. O Thou icy trail of the moon, That art traced in the veins of the onyx! CHORUS: 45. O Thou frenzied hunter of love, That art slain by the twisted horns of lust! CHORUS: 46. O Thou frozen book of the seas, That art graven by the swords of the sun! CHORUS: 47. O Thou flashing opal of light, That art wrapped in the robes of the rainbow! CHORUS: 48. O Thou purple mist of the hills, That hideth shepherds from the wanton moon! CHORUS: 49. O Thou fleeting beam of delight, That lurkest within the spear-thrusts of dawn! CHORUS: 50. O Thou mighty bastion of faith, That withstandest all the breachers of doubt! CHORUS: 51. O Thou silver horn of the moon, That gorest the red flank of the morning! CHORUS: 52. O Thou grey glory of twilight, That art the hermaphrodite triumphant! CHORUS: 53. O Thou thirsty mouth of the wind, That art maddened by the foam of the sea! CHORUS: 54. O Thou couch of rose-leaf desires, That art crumpled by the vine and the fir! CHORUS: 55. O Thou golden network of stars , That art girt round the cold breasts of Night! CHORUS: 56. O Thou white hand of Creation, That holdest up the dying head of Death! CHORUS: 57. O Thou purple tongue of Twilight, That dost lap up the lucent milk of Day! CHORUS: 58. O Thou thunderbolt of Science, That flashest from the dark clouds of Magic! CHORUS: 59. O Thou red rose of the Morning, That glowest in the bosom of the Night! CHORUS: 60. O Thou flaming globe of Glory, That art caught up in the arms of the Sun! CHORUS: 61. O Thou snow-clad volcan of scarlet fire, Thou flame-crested pillar of fury! Yea, as I approach Thee, Thou departest from me like unto A wisp of smoke blown forth trom the window from the window of my house. CHORUS: 62. O Thou summer-land of eternal joy, Thou rapturous garden of flowers! Yea, as I gather Thee, My harvest is but as a drop of dew Shimmering in the golden cup of the crocus. CHORUS: 63. O Thou throbbing music of life and death, Thou rhythmic harmony of the world! Yea, as I listen to the echo of Thy voice, My rapture is but as the whisper of the wings of the butterfly. CHORUS: 64. O Thou burning tempest of blinding sand Thou whirlwind from the depths of Darkness! Yea, as I struggle through Thee, My strength is but as a dove's down Floating forth on the purple nipples of the storm. CHORUS: 65. O Thou crown`ed giant among great giants, Thou Crimson-sworded soldier of war! Yea, as I battle with Thee, Thou masterest me as a lion That slayeth a babe that is cradled in lilies. CHORUS: 66. O Thou shadowy vista of Darkness, Thou cryptic Book of the firclad hills! Yea, as I search the key of Thy house, I find my Hope but as a rushlight in the hands of a child. CHORUS: 67. O Thou great labour of the Firmament, Thou tempest-tossed roaring of the Aires! Yea, as I sink in the depths of Thine affliction, Mine anguish is but as the smile on the lips of a sleeping babe. CHORUS: 68. O Thou depths of the Inconceivable, Thou cryptic, unutterable Goddess! Yea, as I attempt to understand Thee, My wisdom is but as an abacus in the lap of an aged man. CHORUS: 69. O Thou transfigured dream of blinding light, Thou beatitude of wonderment! Yea, as I behold Thee, Mine understanding is but as The glimpse of a rainbow Through a storm of blinding snow. CHORUS: 70. O Thou steel-girdered mountain of mountains, Thou crested summit of Majesty! Yea, as I climb Thy grandeur, I find I have but surmounted one mote of dust floating in a beam of Thy glory. CHORUS: 71. O Thou Empress of Light and of Darkness, Thou pourer-forth of the stars of night! Yea, as I gaze upon Thy Countenance, Mine eyes are as the eyes of a blind man smitten by a torch of burning fire. CHORUS: 72. O Thou crimson gladness of the midnight, Thou flamingo North of brooding light! Yea, as I rise up before Thee, My joy is but as a raindrop smitten Through by an arrow of the Western Sea. CHORUS: 73. O Thou golden crown of the Universe, Thou diadem of dazzling brightness! Yea, as I burn up before Thee, My light is but as a falling star Seen between the purple fingers of the Night. CHORUS: 74. O Thou silver arrow of Hope, That art shot from the rainbow! CHORUS: 75. O Thou starry virgin of Night That art strained in the arms of the morning! CHORUS: 76. O Thou sworded soldier of life That art sucked down in the quicksands of death! CHORUS: 77. O Thou bronze blast of the trumpet, That rollest over emerald tipped spears! CHORUS: 78. O Thou opal mist of the sea, That art sucked up by the beams of the sun! CHORUS: 79. O Thou red worm of formation, That art lifted by the white whorl of Love! CHORUS: 80. O Thou mighty anvil of Time That outshowerest the bright sparks of Life! CHORUS: 81. O Thou curling billow of joy, Whose fingers caress the limbs of the world! CHORUS: 82. O Thou emerald vulture of Truth, That art perched upon the vast Tree of Life! CHORUS: 83. O Thou lonely eagle of night, That drinkest at the moist lips of the Moon! CHORUS: 84. O Thou wild daughter of Chaos, That art ravished by the strong son of Law! CHORUS: 85. O Thou ghostly night of terror, That art slaughtered in the blood of the Dawn! CHORUS: 86. O Thou poppied nectar of Sleep, That art curled in the still womb of slumber CHORUS: 87. O Thou burning rapture of girls, That disport in the sunset of passion! CHORUS: 88. O Thou molten ocean of stars, That art a crown for the forehead of Day! CHORUS: 89. O Thou little brook in the hills, Like an asp betwixt the breasts of a girl! CHORUS: 90. O Thou mighty oak of Magic, That art rooted in the mountain of Life! CHORUS: 91. O Thou sparkling network of pearls, That art woven of the waves by the Moon! CHORUS: 92. O Thou wanton swordblade of Life, That art sheathed by the harlot call'd Death! CHORUS: 93. O Thou mist-clad spirit of Spring, That art unrob'd by the hands of the wind! CHORUS: 94. O Thou sweet perfume of Desire, That art wafted through the valleys of Love! CHORUS: 95. O Thou sparkling wine cup of Light, Whose foaming is the heart's blood of the stars! CHORUS: 96. O Thou silver sword of madness, That art smitten through the midden of life! CHORUS: 97. O Thou hooded vulture of Night, That art glutted on the entrails of Day! CHORUS: 98. O Thou pearl-grey arch of the world, Whose keystone is the ecstasy of man! CHORUS: 99. O Thou silken web of movement, That art blown through the atoms of matter! CHORUS: 100. O Thou rush-strewn threshold of Joy, That art lost in the quicksands of Reason! CHORUS: 101. O Thou wild vision of Beauty, But half seen betwixt the cusps of the Moon! CHORUS: 102. O Thou pearl cloud of the sunset, That art caught up in a murderer's hand! CHORUS: 103. O Thou rich vintage of slumber, That art crushed from the head of the poppy! CHORUS: 104. O Thou great boulder of rapture, That leapest adown the mountains of joy! CHORUS: 105. O Thou breather-out of the winds, That art snared in the drag-net of reason! CHORUS: 106. O Thou Pillar of phosphor foam, That Leviathan spouteth from's nostrils! CHORUS: 107. O Thou song of the Harp of Life, That chantest forth the perfection of death! CHORUS: 108. O Thou veil`ed beam of the stars, That art tangled in the tresses of Night! CHORUS: 109. O Thou flashing shield of the sun, As a discus hurled by the hand of Space! CHORUS: 110. O Thou ribald shout of laughter, That echoest among the tombs of death! CHORUS: 111. O Thou unfailing curse of joy, That art filled with the tears of the fallen! CHORUS: 112. O Thou burning lust of the Moon, That art clothed in the mist of the ocean! CHORUS: 113. O Thou one measure of all things, That art Dam of the great order of worlds! CHORUS: 114. O Thou frail virgin of Eden, That art ravished to the abode of Hell! CHORUS: 115. O Thou dark forest of wonder, That art tangled in a gold web of dew! CHORUS: 116. O Thou tortured shriek of the storm, That art whirled up through the leaves of the woods! CHORUS: 117. O Thou dazzling opal of light, That flamest in the crumbling skull of space! CHORUS: 118. O Thou red knife of destruction, That art sheathed in the bowels of order! CHORUS: 119. O Thou storm-drunk breath of the winds, That pant in the bosom of the mountains! CHORUS: 120. O Thou loud bell of rejoicing, That art smitten by the hammer of woe! CHORUS: 121. O Thou red rose of the sunset, That witherest on the altar of night! CHORUS: 122. O Thou bright vision of sunbeams, That burnest in a flagon of topaz! CHORUS: 123. O Thou virgin lily of light, That sproutest between the lips of a corpse! CHORUS: 124. O Thou blue helm of destruction, That art winged with the lightnings of madness! CHORUS: 125. O Thou voice of the heaving seas, That tremblest in the grey of the twilight! CHORUS: 126. O Thou unfolder of heaven, Redwindged as an eagle at sunrise! CHORUS: 127. O Thou curling tongue of red flame, Athirst on the nipple of my passion! CHORUS: 128. O Thou moonlit pearl of rapture, Clasped fast in the silver hand of the Dawn! CHORUS: 129. O Thou wanton mother of love, That art mistress of the children of men! CHORUS: 130. O Thou crimson fountain of blood, That spoutest from the heart of Creation! CHORUS: 131. O Thou warrior eye of the sun, That shooteth death from the berylline Byss! CHORUS: 133. O Thou Witch's hell-broth of hate, That boilest in the white cauldron of Love! CHORUS: 134. O Thou Ribbon of Northern Lights, That bindest the elfin tresses of Night! CHORUS: 135. O Thou red sword of the Twilight, That art rusted with the blood of the Moon! CHORUS: 136. O Thou sacrificer of Dawn, That wearest the chasuble of sunset! CHORUS: 137. O Thou bloodshot eye of lightning, Glowering beneath the eyebrows of thunder! CHORUS: 138. O Thou bloodhound whirlwind of Lust, That art unleashed by the first kiss of Love! CHORUS: 139. O Thou wondrous chalice of Light, Uplifted by the Maenads of Dawn! CHORUS: 140. O Thou fecund opal of Death, That sparklest through a sea of mother-of-pearl! CHORUS: 141. O Thou crimson rose of the Dawn, That art fastened in the dark locks of Night! CHORUS: 142. O Thou pink nipple of Being, Thrust deep into the black mouth of Chaos! CHORUS: 143. O Thou tender nest of dove's down, Built up betwixt the hawk's claws of the Night! CHORUS: 144. O Thou concubine of Matter, Anointed with love-nard of Motion! CHORUS: 145. O Thou flame-tipp'd bolt of Morning, That art shot out from the crossbow of Night! CHORUS: 146. O Thou tall mast of wreck'd Chaos, That art crowned by the white lamp of Cosmos! CHORUS: 147. O Thou pearly eyelid of Day, That art closed by the finger of Evening! CHORUS: 148. O Thou wild anarch of the hills, Pale glooming above the mists of the Earth! CHORUS: 149. O Thou moonlit peak of pleasure, That art crowned by the viper tongues of forked flame! CHORUS: 150. O Thou wolfish head of the winds, That frighteth the snow-white lamb of winter! CHORUS: 151. O Thou dew-lit nymph of the Dawn, That swoonest in the satyr arms of the Sun! CHORUS: 152. O Thou mad abode of kisses, That art lit by the fat of murdered fiends! CHORUS: 153. O Thou sleeping lust of the Storm, That art flame-gorg'd as a flint full of fire! CHORUS: 154. O Thou soft dew of the Evening, That art drunk up by the mist of the Night! CHORUS: 155. O Thou wounded son of the West, That gushest out thy blood on the heavens! CHORUS: 156. O Thou burning tower of fire, That art set up in the midst of the seas! CHORUS: 157. O Thou silver cresent of Love, That burnest over the dark helm of War! CHORUS: 158. O Thou snow-white ram of the Dawn, That art slain by the lion of the noon! CHORUS: 159. O Thou crimson spear-point of life, That art thrust through the dark bowels of Time! CHORUS: 160. O Thou black waterspout of Death, That whirlest, whelmest the tall ship of Life! CHORUS: 161. O Thou mighty chain of events, That art strained betwixt Cosmos and Chaos! CHORUS: 162. O Thou towering eagre of lust, That art heaped up the the moon-breasts of youth! CHORUS: 163. O Thou serpent-crown of green light, That art wound round the dark forehead of Death! CHORUS: 164. O Thou waveless Ocean of Peace, That sleepest beneath the wild heart of man! CHORUS: 165. O Thou whirling skirt of the stars, That art swathed round the limbs of the Aethyr! CHORUS: 166. O Thou fragrant garden of Joy, Firm-set betwixt the breasts of the Morning! CHORUS: 167. O Thou pearly fountain of Life, That spoutest up in the black court of Death! CHORUS: 168. O Thou brindle hound of the Night, With thy nose to the sleuth of the Sunset! CHORUS: 169. O Thou leprous claw of the ghoul, That coaxest the babe from its chaste cradle! CHORUS: 170. O Thou assassin word of Law, That art written in ruin of earthquakes! CHORUS: 171. O Thou Holy Sphinx of rebirth, That crouchest in the black desert of death! CHORUS: 172. O Thou diadem of the suns, That art the knot of this red web of worlds! CHORUS: 173. O Thou ravished river of law, That outpourest the arcanum of Life! CHORUS: 174. O Thou glimmering tongue of day, That art sucked into the blue lips of Night! CHORUS: 175. O Thou Queen-Bee of Heaven's hive, That smearest thy thighs with honey of Hell! CHORUS: 176. O Thou scarlet dragon of flame, Enmeshed in the web of a spider! CHORUS: 177. O Thou magic symbol of Light, That art frozen on the black book of blood! CHORUS: 178. O Thou swathed image of Death, That art hidden in the coffin of Joy! CHORUS: 179. O Thou red breast of the sunset, That pantest for the ravishment of Night! CHORUS: 180. O Thou serpent of malachite, That baskest in a desert of turquoise! CHORUS: 181. O Thou green cocktrice of Hell, That art coiled around the finger of Fate! CHORUS: 182. O Thou lambent laughter of fire, That art wound round the heart of the waters! CHORUS: 183. O Thou gorilla blizzard Air, That tearest out Earth's tresses by the roots! CHORUS: 184. O Thou reveller of Spirit, That carousest in the halls of Matter! CHORUS: 185. O Thou red-lipped Vampire of Life, That drainest blood from the black mount of Death! CHORUS: 186. O Thou little lark of Beyond, That art heard in the dark groves of knowledge! CHORUS: 187. O Thou summer softness of lips, That glow hot with the scarlet of passion! CHORUS: 188. O Thou pearly foam of the grape, That art fleck with the roses of love! CHORUS: 189. O Thou frenzied hand of the seas, That unfurlest the black banner of storm! CHORUS: 190. O Thou shrouded book of the dead, That art sealed with the seven souls of man! CHORUS: 191. O Thou writhing frenzy of love, That art knotted like the grid-flames of Hell! CHORUS: 192. O Thou primal birth-ring of thought, That dost encricle the thumb of the soul! CHORUS: 193. O Thou blind flame of Nothingness, As a crown upon my brow! CHORUS: 194. O Thou burning sword of passion, That art tempered on the anvil of flesh! CHORUS: 195. O Thou slimy lust of the grave, That art tangled in the roots of time! CHORUS: 196. O Thou scented grove of wild vines, That art trampled by the white feet of Love! CHORUS: 197. O Thou smiling mouth of the Dawn, That art freed from the laughter of the night! CHORUS: 198. O Thou dazzling star-point of hope, That burnest over oceans of despair! CHORUS: 199. O Thou flaming globe of Glory, That art caught up in the arms of the Sun! CHORUS: 200. O Thou red rose of the Morning, That glowest in the bosom of the Night! CHORUS: 201. O Thou purple breast of the Storm, That art scarred by the teeth of lightning! CHORUS:


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