
A sample of the electronic magazines that one can acquire around various networks is provided here.

* AS01.ZIP anime stuff: 01
* AS10.ZIP anime stuff issue 10
* AS11.ZIP animae stuff issue 11
* AS12.ZIP animie stuff issue 12
* AS13.ZIP animae stuff issue 13
* AS14.ZIP animae stuff issue 14
* AS15.ZIP anime stuff issue 15
* AS16.ZIP anime stuff issue 16
* AS17.ZIP anime stuff issue 17
* AS18.ZIP anime stuff issue 18
* ATI01.ZIP Cia Campus Recruiting
* ATI02.ZIP Infomaniac Bbs
* ATI03.ZIP First Numbers Run
* ATI04.ZIP Gov't Contractors Issue
* ATI05.ZIP General Dynamics Issue
* ATI06.ZIP Police Issue
* ATI07.ZIP Anarchist Cookbook Warnings
* ATI08.ZIP The Jesus Christ Incarnate Tour
* ATI10.ZIP 40 Column Manifesto
* ATI11.ZIP Ground Zero Joins The Crew
* ATI12.ZIP The New Fnord Torment!
* ATI13.ZIP Thirteen Colonies Issue
* ATI14.ZIP Sprint Harrassment 88
* ATI15.ZIP It Ain't The Machine, Its The Operator!
* ATI16.ZIP Continuation Of #15
* ATI17.ZIP Tip The Scales Of Justice
* ATI18.ZIP How To Get It Done
* ATI19.ZIP More Phed Phun
* ATI20.ZIP Fbi Library Scams
* ATI21.ZIP Special Condom Issue
* ATI22.ZIP Special New Jersey Bell Issue
* ATI23.ZIP Special Yipster Issue
* ATI24.ZIP Ati Gets Sentimantal
* ATI25.ZIP First 80 Column Issue
* ATI26.ZIP Odds & Ends Issue
* ATI27.ZIP Scared, Real Scared
* ATI28.ZIP Hackers: One Mans Definition
* ATI29.ZIP Pot Issue
* ATI30.ZIP Chatline Info
* ATI31.ZIP Misanthropic Thoughts In Jersey
* ATI32.ZIP Anarchy Issue
* ATI33.ZIP Chicken Alert
* ATI34.ZIP Bust Info 89
* ATI35.ZIP Unix Security
* ATI36.ZIP Mayday Issue + Car Revenge
* ATI37.ZIP Spotlight: Don Luby's
* ATI38.ZIP Environmnetal Issue
* ATI39.ZIP Abbie Hoffman Was Not Famous
* ATI40.ZIP I Got The Blues Issue
* ATI41.ZIP War On Drugs Issue
* ATI42.ZIP Continuation Of Issue 41
* ATI43.ZIP Star Trek Issue
* ATI44.ZIP Ati Issue 44
* ATI45.ZIP Bits & Pieces Issue
* ATI46.ZIP Ati Issue 46
* ATI47.ZIP We're Back, And We're Bad
* ATI48.ZIP Ati Issue 48
* ATI49.ZIP Sundevil Info
* ATI50.ZIP Equal Access Hackers Guide
* ATI51.ZIP Ati Issue 51
* ATI52.ZIP Poor Man's Shortwave + The Star Trek War
* ATI53.ZIP Reprint Of Midnites Unix File
* ATI54.ZIP Thoughts On The Draft
* ATI55.ZIP Birth Of A Cocot
* ATI56.ZIP Legal Stuff
* ATI57.ZIP Letters To Ati
* ATI58.ZIP More Letters To Ati!
* ATI59.ZIP More Mail + Rodney King Discussion
* ATI60.ZIP Moscow Modem Hunt
* ATI61.ZIP Activist Times 61
* ATI62.ZIP Actavist Times 62
* C0RPSE02.ZIP how to spot a lamer
* C0RPSE03.ZIP tom the unfortunate aardvark
* CHEAP001.ZIP intro to cheap truth / quest for decay
* CHEAP002.ZIP public shudder's at 'best of the year'
* CHEAP003.ZIP barrington balley retrospective
* CHEAP004.ZIP reptile news / robots of dawn
* CHEAP005.ZIP exploring the 21st centrury pop ideology
* CHEAP006.ZIP radical, hard s.f.
* CHEAP007.ZIP state of the field
* CHEAP008.ZIP real s.f. fans don't read priest
* CHEAP009.ZIP ghettoes are insular places
* CHEAP010.ZIP how the other half reads
* CHEAP011.ZIP s.f. writer eats own foot to survive!
* CHEAP012.ZIP punk postures
* CHEAP013.ZIP pop agitprop
* CHEAP014.ZIP cheap truth tours central america
* CHEAP015.ZIP report on the sophmore class dress code
* CHEAP016.ZIP fault line skirmishing
* DOG01T.ZIP introduction to dogma
* EFF601.ZIP clipper escrow agents chosen
* EFF602.ZIP VERY IMPORTANT: critical files to remove from your BBS!
* EFF603.ZIP notes from house hearing on cryptography export controls
* EFF604.ZIP markey applauds initiative to put s.e.c. files on internet
* EFF605.ZIP new e.f.f. platform statement available online
* EFF606.ZIP a superhighway thru the wasteland?
* EFF608.ZIP gore endorses e.f.f.'s 'open platform' approach
* EFF701.ZIP e.f.f. board's kapor & dyson appointed to n.i.i. advisory council
* FBI-0001.ZIP assassination made easy
* FBI-0002.ZIP death grenade ][
* FBI-0004.ZIP the lidenfrost effect
* FBI-0006.ZIP how to escape your life
* ITV1N1.ZIP a war in the sand
* ITV4N1.ZIP home / auto plaza rag
* MNEWS38.ZIP modem news issue 38
* MNEWS39.ZIP modem news issue 39
* MNEWS40.ZIP modem news issue 40
* MNEWS41.ZIP modem news issue 41
* MNEWS42.ZIP modem news issue 42
* MNEWS43.ZIP modem news issue 43
* MNEWS44.ZIP modem news issue 44
* MNEWS47.ZIP modem news issue 47
* MNEWS48.ZIP modem news issue 48
* MNEWS49.ZIP modem news issue 49
* MOOSE17.TG1 DIY Moose by Trevor Gudsell
* PHRACK33.ZIP How To Access Bankruptcy Information
* PHRACK34.ZIP The At&T Mail Gateway
* PHRACK35.ZIP Pcpursuit Outdial Directory
* PHRACK36.ZIP Diet Phrack Loopback
* PHRACK37.ZIP Exploring Information America
* PHRACK38.ZIP Beating The Radar Rap
* PHRACK39.ZIP Dialog Information
* PHRACK40.ZIP The Fine Art Of Telephony
* PHRACK44.ZIP happy birthday to phrack! - 8 years and more to come!
* QUAN5N2.ZIP to touch the stars
* QUAN5N3.ZIP excerpts from 'earth rhetoric'
* REBUT40.ZIP Rebuttal to Phrack #40
* TANJ-080.ZIP to protect and serve
* TJ1.ZIP Legion of Doom Technical Journal Part 1 of 4
* TJ2.ZIP Legion of Doom Technical Journal Part 2 of 4
* TJ3.ZIP Legion of Doom Technical Journal Part 3 of 4
* TJ4.ZIP Legion of Doom Technical Journal Part 4 of 4
* TLS015.ZIP the lawless society 15 - the adventures of sheetman
* UXU-138.ZIP the final frontier
* UXU-139.ZIP letters to the state
* UXU-140.ZIP the killing trith
* UXU-141.ZIP curve: radio sessions
* UXU-142.ZIP the lynch mob
* UXU-143.ZIP prometheus syndrome
* UXU-144.ZIP vengeance!
* UXU-145.ZIP rage!
* UXU-146.ZIP the power
* UXU-147.ZIP uxu index
* UXU-148.ZIP technophilia
* UXU-149.ZIP the art of weirdness
* UXU-150.ZIP declare war!
* UXU-151.ZIP hackers against the government's new world order
* UXU-152.ZIP settle for nothing
* UXU-153.ZIP a day for tired people
* UXU-154.ZIP suicidal maniac's shitty file
* UXU-155.ZIP ripmax top tenners
* UXU-156.ZIP the sad part of raping
* UXU-157.ZIP uxu lyrics - slowdive
* UXU-158.ZIP exciting life
* UXU-159.ZIP advanced phreaking using cordless phones
* UXU-160.ZIP uxu index 23-dec-93
* DENYGUNS.ZIP bill to deny guns to abusive spouses
* DINO1.ZIP the death of the dinosaurs
* DINOARAB.ZIP u.s. archeologists unearth first fossils in rabia
* DINODNA1.ZIP cells of dinosaurs appearantly found
* DINOSAU2.ZIP did extraterrestrial hunters kill the dinosaurs?
* DISARMUS.ZIP why the govt. is voting to take away our right to bear arms
* DOS5NEWS.ZIP Some interesting facts(?) on dos 5
* FIREARMS.ZIP comparisons between civilian & police use offirearms
* HORSCARE.ZIP 19th Century text on the care of Horses
* INSLAW.ZIP the inslaw octopus: piracy/conspiracy/stonewalling
* JOHNMEDI.ZIP Hacker's Story -- 2 Days on Long Distance
* LAWSUIT.ZIP Steve Jackson Games Lawsuit Vs The Secret Service
* LAW_SJG.ZIP The Law and Steve Jackson Games
* NODISECT.ZIP Student Animal Rights Case
* NRA-LADY.ZIP congressman belittles n.r.a./self defense
* OIE_BUST.ZIP The Tony Davis Show - 'Busted'
* POLYAMOR.ZIP Commentary on Polyamory
* POLYVIR.ZIP Good info on the Polymorph virus!
* PURIT100.ZIP Purity Test - 100 Questions
* PURIT15K.ZIP Purity Test - 15,000 Questions
* PURIT400.ZIP Purity Test - 400 Questions
* PURIT500.ZIP Purity Test - 500 Questions
* SOULCATC.ZIP the 'soul catcher' anti-piracy scheme
* SUNDEV.ZIP Collated Documents from the Sun Devil Affair
* SYSLAW.ZIP Book Review: SYSLAW: The SysOp's Legal Manual


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