TL: DUMPING SEWAGE SLUDGE AT SEA SO: Greenpeace UK (GP) DT: May 1989 Keywords: toxics oceans sewage sludge waste disposal ocean dumping greenpeace uk reports gp / REPORT FOR GREENPEACE UK BY MIRANDA MACQUITTY Ph.D. May 1989 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Origin and composition of sewage sludge 2. UK disposal of sewage sludge 2.1 Sewage sludge production and disposal routes 2.2 UK policy on dumping sewage sludge at sea 3. Disposal of sewage sludge by other European countries 3.1 Sewage sludge production and disposal routes 3.2 European view of the acceptability of dumping sewage sludge at sea 4. Disposal of sewage sludge by the USA 5. Alternatives to marine disposal 5.1 Productive use of sewage sludge 5.2 Unproductive disposal of sewage sludge 5.3 Cost considerations 6. Sewages sludge quality 6.1 Contamination 6.2 Controls and improvements 6.3 Monitoring for marine dumping 7. Fate of sewage sludge dumped at sea 7.1 Site characteristics 7.2 Choice of sites - accumulating versus dispersing sites 7.3 Recovery of sites 8. Environmental impact of dumping sewage sludge at sea 8.1 Effect on the benthos 8.2 Assessment by biological response tests 8.2.1 Bioassays 8.2.2 Stress tests 8.3 Contaminants 8.3.1 Field assessment 8.3.2 Laboratory assessment 8.4 nutrients 8.5 Fish and crustacean diseases 8.6 Bacteria, viruses and protozoans 9. Sewage sludge dumping by Ireland 10. Summary 11. Conclusions References 1. Origin and composition of sewage sludge Sewage sludge is the residue left after the treatment of the liquid and solid wastes discharged into sewers. Sewage is either of domestic origin or a mixture of both domestic and industrial wastes. During the first stage of treatment, sewage is screened to remove grit and large solids and then is settled in sedimentation tanks. The solids which settle-out are known as primary or raw sludge and are disposed of separately to the liquid supernatant. In addition to these solids, secondary sludges are produced from the further treatment (secondary treatment) of the liquid fraction of sewage. (1,2,3). Secondary treatment increases the amount of sludge produced by a factor of two compared to primary treatment solely, as more particulates are extracted (123). Secondary sludges (usually surplus activated sludge) are often added to primary sludges before disposal (4). The composition of sewage sludge varies according to its origin and treatment but all sludges have a high water content (about 93-97%). The solids consist mostly of organic matter like cellulose fibres, fatty acids and oils. Sludge contains traces of toxic substances including metals, organochlorines, pesticides, detergents,and petroleum hydrocarbons (2, 5, 83, 84). The degree of contamination of sludge depends upon the extent and type of industrial wastes entering the sewers in the catchment area. Where storm water runoff contributes to the inflow of sewers, it is also a source of contaminants, particularly lead and petroleum hydrocarbons (35). Some sludges contain high levels of dissolved ammonia which may be toxic to marine life. Nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorous, are another component of sewage sludge which may be considered pollutants if they contribute to eutrophication or excessive algal growth. The solid phase of the sludge contains 95% of the nutrients and toxic contaminants (15). The bacterial content of sludge varies according to treatment but includes methogenic bacteria (which help to degrade the sludge), faecal bacteria and sometimes pathogenic bacteria, like Salmonella. Viruses are also present and may include pathogenic enteroviruses. Other pathogens, such as the eggs of tapeworms and roundworms, fungi, and cysts of protozoans, may be present (6, 123). The long term survival of bacteria, viruses and protozoa in the marine environment is not well understood (5). Sewage sludge may be digested at sewage treatment works before disposal so that the organic material is broken down by natural fermentation of the sludge. Digestion reduces the numbers of pathogens and the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) which could significantly depress dissolved oxygen levels (1, 3, 7). In addition, digestion reduces the organic matter by 30-40% so there is less sludge for disposal (6). In general, sewage treatment is not an effective way to bring about reduction in the total amount of contaminants through biological, physical or chemical breakdown processes (123). However, chromium can be reduced to a relatively insoluble and less toxic form (+3 valence form). Some organic contaminants undergo microbial transformation during sewage treatment. Digestion results in the degradation of phenols, some phthalates and chlorinated pesticides (83). Other contaminants, such as some of the PCBs, are more resistant to breakdown [see section 6.1]. While the degradation products of some contaminants are more toxic that the original compounds (123) (See section 6.1]. 2. UK disposal of sewage sludge 2.1 Sewage sludge production and disposal routes The amount of sludge produced by a country depends on the size of the population and the degree of development of the sanitary system (7). The UK has about 95% of its population served by sewers and is the second largest producer of sludge in Europe (8). Per head of population the UK produces 27 kg/year of sewage sludge (dry weight) in comparison to Belgium where 7 kg/year per person is produced as only 55% of the population is served by sewers (7). In total the UK produces about 30 million tonnes (wet weight) of sewage sludge annually which represents about 1.5 million tonnes (dry weight) (8, 9). After treatment of the sludge 50% is used as soil conditioner and fertiliser on agricultural and other land, 16% is tipped (landfill), 4% is incinerated and the remaining 30% is disposed at sea. Most of the sludge disposed at sea is dumped by vessels (28% of the total) and the remainder (2%) is discharged by pipeline (10). Approximately 9 million tonnes of sewage sludge is dumped at 14 sites around the UK (Table 1). Over 75% of this sludge is disposed at three major sites: Barrow Deep, Thames Estuary; Liverpool Bay; and Garroch Head, Firth of Clyde and arises respectively from the three population centres of London, the Mersey basin and Strathclyde. The total amount of sewage sludge dumped at sea has remained fairly stable since 1981 (11, 85). The amount of sewage sludge dumped by Thames Water Authority (TWA) reached a maximum of 5 million tonnes wet weight in 1979 (23) but declined to 4.2-4.5 million tonnes per year (1983 to 1986). Latest figures indicate a substantial reduction from 4.5 million tonnes in 1986 to 3.9 million tonnes wet weight in 1988 (85, pers.comm. McEvoy, 127). This drop is also reflected in the dry weight figures 99 000 dry tonnes dumped in 1985 and 89 000 tonnes dumped in 1988 (86, 127) and is due to changes in the amount of sludge stored at the treatment works concerned (127). TWA are installing centrifuges at Crossness and Beckton sewage works to thicken the sludge from about 2.5% dry solids to 6-6.5% dry solids in order to reduce its shipping costs. It is anticipated that not all the sludge will have to be centrifuged to reach the required volume reduction (127). As the centrifuges become fully operational wet weight figures for TWA sludge dumped will continue to fall but the dry weight figures are expected to stabilize in the long term (7, 127). The current licence permits TWA to dump 3.6 million tonnes wet weight at 4.1% solids. The amount of sludge dumped by North West Water Authority (NWWA) in Liverpool Bay is increasing due to the new Sandon Dock sewage treatment scheme where sewage formerly discharged to the Mersey Estuary is being treated. The amount of sewage sludge produced will exceed the amount currently licensed for disposal in Liverpool Bay by the mid 1990s (12, 13)1. Lothian Council anticipates that its sewage sludge production will also increase as untreated discharges are diverted to treatment works (88). The majority of sewage sludge dumped at sea is digested at treatment works and includes about 3.6 million tonnes (wet weight) from Thames Water Authority and about 1.6 million tonnes (wet weight) from NWWA. The rest of the sewage sludge dumped at sea is mainly undigested primary sludge. Sewage sludge dumping comes under the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985, Part II (which replaces the Dumping at Sea Act 1974) and requires licences to be issued. These designate the boundaries of the dumping grounds and dictate the quantity of sludge that ray be dumped. The licensing authorities are the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) in England and Wales, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for Scotland (DAFS) and Department of the Environment (DOE) for northern Ireland. The Food and Environment Protection Act 1985, Part II implements the provisions of the London Dumping Convention (a global agreement) and the Oslo Dumping Convention North Sea and North East Atlantic). (North Sea and North East Atlantic). 1 NWWA currently dumps approximately 67,000 dry tonnes per year into Liverpool Bay and is licensed to dump up to 80,000 dry tonnes. It is anticipated that by the mid 1990s dumping may increase to 90,000 dry tonnes (13, 87). Dumping sites off the coasts of England and Wales are surveyed by MAFF and the water authorities, and those off the coast of Scotland by the Scottish Marine Biological Association and the Forth River Purification Board under requirements set out by DAFS (14, 15). Additional surveys have been carried out by the DOE (especially of Liverpool Bay) and by consultants under contract to the water authorities. Despite the imminent privatisation of the water industry MAFF is passing on some of the responsibility of field monitoring to the water authorities (89). MAFF anticipates that this will generate more environmental impact data. It remains to be seen if this information will be published as is the case for the major MAFF surveys which are documented in the fisheries technical report series (albeit up to ten years after the survey). By comparison there is virtually no published information available on the impact of dumping liquid industrial wastes at sea by UK companies. It is unclear if the National Rivers Authority will have any role in monitoring sewage sludge disposal. It is envisaged that the NRA will be concerned with tidal waters and coastal waters up to 3 miles from land. Table 1. Sewage sludge dumped dt sea by the UK in 1987 (Omitted .. unscannable) 2.2 UK policy on dumping sewage sludge at sea Since its inception in the 1890s and early 1900s, marine dumping has been regarded as a convenient way to get rid of the large quantities of sewage sludge arising from cities such as London, Manchester and Glasgow with easy access to the sea. This attitude has continued, typified by the report from a government working party entitled 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' (16) although with increasing awareness of the environmental aspects of sewage sludge disposal. In 1981 the Department of the Environment's Standing Committee on the Disposal of Sewage Sludge (4) reported that: "on operational and economic grounds and also on the basis of current known environmental effects, deposition of sewage sludge at sea is an acceptable disposal method particularly for large urban areas with ready access to the sea." The UK generally follows the 'Best Practicable Environmental Option' (BPEO) approach in its waste disposal strategy where the option that has the least environmental impact is selected (3, 17). In evaluating the BPEO scientific, technical, practical, economic and geographic actors are also taken into consideration (11). The Royal commission on Environmental Pollution (90) emphasised that BPEO: "is a procedure that would lead, if properly implemented, to reductions in environmental pollution and to improvements of the environment as a whole." However, the Royal Commission noted that BPEO may be misinterpreted, and used to describe: "any course of action which takes some account of environmental factors". Marine disposal of sewage sludge is considered by the UK water authorities, such as Thames Water Authority as the BPEO (19, although this is yet to be established as the House of Commons Environment Committee (20) pointed out in May 1987: "MAFF and the DOE need to demonstrate by published reports a thorough investigation of the best practicable environmental option for sewage sludge and sewage disposal, and should report their findings to Parliament." This long-awaited information should be included in the first annual report on disposal of waste at sea by MAFF which is due to be published sometime this year (91). Other European nations adopt the 'Precautionary Principle' which may preclude the use of certain disposal routes, such as dumping at sea, because of the uncertainties regarding their environmental effects (18, 92, 93). The UK now accepts that in certain instances a precautionary approach may be required. In the North Sea Declaration (94), the UK agreed that: "to protect the North Sea from possibly damaging effects of the most dangerous substances, a precautionary approach is necessary". The UK is obliged under its commitments to the Oslo Convention and the London Dumping Convention to consider the practical availability of alternative means of disposal. This is implemented under the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985, Part II (FEPA) which requires the licensing authority to have regard to the practical availability of alternative means of disposal or treatment when determining whether to issue a licence for sea disposal of wastes. However, since the North Sea Conference the UK's commitments concerning dumping of wastes at sea are more stringent than those required by the Oslo and London Dumping Conventions. The Ministerial Declaration (94) states that: "as from 1 January 1989, no material should be dumped in the North Sea unless there are no practical alternatives on land and it can be shown to the competent international organisations that the materials pose no risks to the marine environment." [emphasis added] Furthermore, these changes are not restricted to the North Sea as the Department of the Environment's guidance note (95) on the Ministerial Declaration states that: "the changes of policy implied by the Declaration ....will in general be applied consistently throughout the United Kingdom." Despite considerable opposition at the North Sea Conference, the sea disposal route for sewage sludge is preserved as an option. However the Declaration (94) required: "urgent action, in the case of those countries that dispose of sewage sludge in the North Sea, to reduce the contamination of such sludges by persistent, toxic or bioaccumulable materials, so that they pose no hazard to the marine environment, and ensure that the quantities of such contaminants disposed to sea by this pathway in the immediate future do not increase above 1987 levels." A definitive list of contaminants is still to be published but an action list including Annex I and Annex II metals from the Oslo Convention, and a range of organic contaminants is being considered by the regulatory authorities in consultation with the water industry (88, 95). These may be supplemented by other substances on the Department of the Environment's Red List as necessary. Monitoring of organic contaminants in English and Welsh sludges disposed to sea has proved to be inadequate and a crash programme to analyse sludges was instigated last year in order to establish "1987" baseline levels. (88) [see section 6.3]. OSCOM had already recognised the same problem in compiling data for 1985 and concluded that: "The organohalogen data available is inadequate to represent a realistic assessment of the total amounts contained in sewage sludge dumped." (21) In order to impose limits and reductions of the quantities of contaminants disposed to sea by sewage sludge dumping the UK authorities are planning to divide the marine disposal operations into two groups: those that dump sludge into the North Sea and those which dump elsewhere (88). Limits will be set for each group as a whole rather than for a particular sludge dumping operation (88). This means that disposal authorities effectively will be able to trade either quantities of sludge or contaminants so that the entire quantity of contaminants dumped for that group does not exceed 1987 levels. This gives disposal authorities which are increasing their sludge production (Lothian and NWWA - see section 2.1) room to manoeuvre. On the other hand some sludge disposers could merely take advantage of another's improvements in sludge quality. 3. Disposal of sewage sludge by other European Countries 3.1 Sewage sludge production and disposal routes The UK and Ireland are the only European countries to dump sewage sludge at sea. Ireland dumps 234,320 tonnes compared to 9 million tonnes (wet weight) dumped each year by the UK (85, 96). However, the Netherlands discharges 9% of its sewage sludge into the sea by pipeline (1.8 million wet tonnes) but this practice will be terminated by 1990 on completion of new treatment works, when the sludge will be disposed on land (20, 22). During the period from 1974-1980 (in addition to the countries above) two other European countries dumped sewage sludge at sea; the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) dumped 2% of its annual sludge production (approximately 34 000 tonnes dry weight) and Norway dumped 5% (approximately 2 500 tonnes dry weight) (23). FRG dumped sewage sludge into the German Bight from 1961 to 1980 but due to adverse environmental impact the dump site was shifted to the Atlantic Ocean (18). In 1983 FRG stopped dumping at sea entirely. Where the marine disposal route is not considered an option, sewage sludge is for the most part used on agricultural land or disposed in landfill. The FRG which ranks as Europe's largest producer of sewage sludge (2.2 million tonnes dry weight in 1977, 8) disposes of 15-20% on agricultural land, 60-70% in landfill, and 15-20% by other routes such as incineration (24). The amount disposed on agricultural land has decreased since 1974 due to the stricter quality standards set for concentrations of heavy metals. Sweden in comparison produces 200 000 tonnes (dry weight) of sludge per year, of which 60% is used as a soil conditioner and 40% is disposed in landfill (25). Overall EC countries (excluding Portugal) produced 5 564 000 tonnes of sludge (dry solids) in 1984 (97). Forty-four percent was disposed of to landfill, 37% was used productively in agriculture, land reclamation, horticulture, forestry and park land, 9% disposed of to sea and 3% went to a variety of minor uses such as processed products. 3.2 European view of the acceptability of dumping sewage sludge at sea The dumping of sewage sludge at sea is regarded at least as a cause for concern by other European nations and for many the practice is unacceptable. Proposals for new legislation have been put forward which would require the UK to reduce the quantity of sewage sludge dumped at sea or to stop dumping entirely. The proposal for a Council directive by the Commission of European Communities [com (85) 373 final 12/7/85] on the dumping of waste at sea was interpreted as requiring either a ban on marine sludge dumping or a 10% reduction per year for five years from 1990 (17, 19, 26). In June 1987 the Nordic Nations (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) submitted a proposal (OSCOX 13/3/2-E) at the thirteenth meeting of the Oslo Commission for a recommendation on the reduction and cessation of dumping sewage sludge at sea. This recommendation was that sewage sludge dumping should be gradually reduced and should cease altogether by 1991. Although the proposal was not passed, the Nordic countries themselves have a policy not to dump sewage sludge and industrial wastes at sea which they consider an internationally shared natural resource. A similar proposal is being made to this year's OSCO meeting in Dublin (12 -14 June) (Booth, pers. comm.). The strength of European concern has been noted ln the third report by the House of Commons Environment Committee (20) in May 1987: "UK policy of dumping sewage sludge at sea is regarded as unacceptable by other nations and the UK is becoming ever more isolated regarding this." The report went on to state that: "It seems unlikely that the UK can count indefinitely on sea dumping as an open-ended option for disposal of sewage sludge." The state of the North Sea is of major concern, especially regarding the build-up of pollutants in the water and sediments in areas such as the Wadden Sea and German Bight and build-up of nutrients in the coastal belt, from the Netherlands to north of Denmark, and in the Skagerrak and Kattegat (27,28). Sewage sludge dumping adds to both input of contaminants and nutrients in the North Sea [see 8.3, 8.4]. Further research is required to establish the significance of sewage sludge dumping but there is concern that wastes dumped off the British coast not only disperse into North Sea but could reaccumulate in areas such as the Wadden Sea. [see 7.2] (17). The UK is the only country to dump sewage sludge into the North Sea, with Thames Water Authority being responsible for 80% of the sludge dumped (19). The Netherlands Ministry of Transport and Water officials voiced their concern over this practice in 1987 (20). 4. Disposal of sewage sludge by the USA The majority of US sludge production is disposed on land (31% on agricultural land and 24% on other land) or incinerated (21%). The remainder is disposed at sea through pipelines and dumping (18%) (8). The sewage sludge dumped at sea arises from the New York and New Jersey metropolitan areas. Until 1986 this sludge was dumped at a shallow (approximately 27 metres in depth) nearshore site within the New York Bight Apex known as the 12- Mile Site (29). But due to the adverse environmental effects of sludge dumping this site is no longer in use. Since 1973, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated the New York area only as an interim site and ln 1981 the EPA refused to renew dumping permits. This was contested by the dumping authorities in New York and New Jersey so that the final denials of their petitions for redesignation of the 12- Mile site occurred in 1985. The main reasons for the EPA closing the 12-Mile site are (29) 1. Increase in the volume of sewage sludge (from 4.5 million tonnes in 1972 to 7 million tonnes in 1985) would preclude dumping in a manner that would meet the water quality standards without causing navigational hazards. 2. Sewage-related contaminants had spread along the ocean floor. 3. Elevated levels of sludge-associated bacteria contributed to the closure of 150 acres for commercial shell fishing. 4. Heavy metals and organohalogens had accumulated in bottom sediments. Sewage sludge is now dumped at a more dispersive deep water site off the continental shelf known as the 106-Mile Deepwater municipal Sludge Disposal Site. This site is 170 km from the nearest landfall and 1 432 - 2 800 metres in depth. Currently, almost half of the 8.13 million tonnes of sludge dumped at this site arises from New York City (122). Following recent state and federal legislation both sewage sludge and industrial waste dumping should stop by 1991 (122). Under the amendment to the federal marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (Ocean Dumping Act) interim dumping permits must be approved by the EPA and dumpers also have to work with the EPA to produce a schedule to end dumping. If any of the nine New York and New Jersey municipalities that dump sewage sludge fail to meet the 1991 deadline they will be faced with a rising scale of fines. A provision adopted from the New Jersey state bill on dumping means that any money collected will be put in a trust fund for dumping alternatives. It is EPA policy to encourage the recycling of sewage sludge [see section 5.]. 5. Alternatives to marine disposal 5.1 Productive use of sewage sludge Almost half the sewage sludge in the UK is used productively by spreading on agricultural land. The value of this is two-fold, the nitrogen and phosphorous present in the sludge fertilise the soil and the need for artificial fertilisers is reduced. The organic material in sludge also conditions the soil. Potential savings in fertiliser costs have been estimated as over L15 m (9)2. Total UK sewage sludge production represents about 4-5% of the national agricultural requirement for fertiliser. Sewage sludge is only used on 1% of agricultural land. Water authorities, like Thames Water (TWA), with large urban centres do not consider this particular route as an alternative to marine disposal because of the distances between treatment works and agricultural land (19). Levels of contaminants such as heavy metals pose further limitations on the use of sludge on agricultural land. New statutory controls for sewage sludge application to agricultural land are being introduced further to the EC directive 86/278/EEC. The UK has opted to set limits for the concentration of heavy metals in sludge amended soils and for the annual average rate of addition of heavy metals in sludge applications. (98) Sewage sludge disposed to sea could be used in agriculture, although application of sludges with relatively high levels of heavy metals could rapidly exceed the permitted concentration in the soil. Approximately 10% of UK sludge is currently too highly contaminated for use on agricultural land and is incinerated or disposed to landfill. 2 Phosphorous is a limited and non-renewable world resource so recycling should be encouraged. Sewage sludge is also used productively in land reclamation schemes. Only 7% of UK sludge disposed to land is used in this way (30). In 1984 Environmental Data Services Ltd (31) pointed to the enormous potential of this disposal route; if sludge was used on all the land reclaimed each year this would provide an outlet for half of the UK's annual sludge production. A study by the Water Research Centre (WRC) estimates that 30% of sludge disposed on land (238 000 dry tonnes) potentially could be used in land reclamation schemes. The potential is greatest in the north of England where 40% of the total sludge production of Northumbrian Water Authority, North West Water Authority, and Yorkshire Water Authority could be used on derelict land in need of reclamation. All these authorities dump sludge at sea (Table 1.) Land reclamation schemes are often not considered a viable alternative to sea disposal by the authorities because of operational and economic considerations. The WRC noted the main constraint is the need for long-term planning by the disposal authorities and reclamation industries in order that sludge production is matched against the availability of reclamation sites. The WRC is also investigating the use of sewage sludge as a forest fertiliser (32). The results indicate that sludge application can increase the growth rate of trees and investigations are continuing to establish guidelines for the effective use of sludge. Latest reports show that the growth of trees treated with sludge may exceed those treated with inorganic fertilisers (124). Furthermore, unlike some agricultural use of sewage sludge, application is possible throughout the year as coniferous forests take up nutrients in the winter months. In Scotland there is potential for 30% of the total annual sludge production to be used as a forest fertilisers. About 77% of Scottish sludge is currently dumped at sea by Strathclyde Regional Council (SRC). Operational trials are underway by SRC to recycle some sludge to forestry. Fifty hectares of sitka spruce growing on an former open cast coal mine have been treated with sludge (124). In addition to use on land there are a variety of processes where useful products could be extracted from sludge. The 1984 ENDS (31) noted that: "Sewage sludge, in fact, is a large secondary resource whose constituents have a notional value of L200 million per year." Potential products include: composts, building materials, and use of fats and proteins (99, 100). A number of recent technical developments indicate that thermal conversion of sewage sludge to fuel oil can be cost-effective (101, 102). If the technologies for these products are actively developed sewage sludge may no longer be regarded as waste but as a valuable commodity. The House of Commons Environment Committee (20) stressed in their third report (1987) that: "....other disposal routes which convert sludge into useful products will seem more desirable and their viability should be researched and reviewed thoroughly." There have been some reports that sewage sludge enhances the productivity of the sea and could be deliberately used for this purpose (33). Parker and McIntyre (1987, 7) reviewed this concept and concluded: " view of the lack of understanding of the eutrophication processes, marine disposal of sludge could not yet be carried out with the precision of agricultural fertilisation, not least because it is difficult to calculate and control the dosage required." The US Environmental Protection Agency emphasises the importance not only of the beneficial reuse of sewage sludge but also the possibility to reduce the amount of sludge produced by reducing volume of domestic waste discharged to sewer. For example, vegetable wastes could be used in home composts rather than putting them down a home waste disposal unit (126). There are also new sewage treatment methods under development that generate less sludge than traditional methods (101). 5.2 Unproductive disposal of sewage sludge Landfill Landfill is considered a possible alternative to sea disposal by water authorities, such as Thames Water (TWA), providing additional sites could be acquired (19). About 16% of the UK's sludge production already is disposed in landfill but there is substantial competition for landfill sites in urban areas for other types of waste, such as refuse, making increase in sludge tipping problematical. One of the problems with landfill is the possible leaching of contaminants into groundwater. Incineration Incineration is also proposed as an alternative for sludge currently dumped at sea. The House of Commons Environment Committee (20) considered that incineration may increasingly become the preferred option for sludge disposals. Currently 4% of the UK's sludge production is incinerated. In some heavily industrialised regions such as those of Severn Trent Water Authority and Yorkshire Water Authority sewage sludge is incinerated because high levels of contaminants prohibit disposal by other routes (30). Incineration still leaves some 30% the original dry weight to be disposed of as ash (6, 103). It can also contribute to air pollution, releasing highly volatile metals such as mercury and cadmium into the atmosphere (6, 103). Incineration has come under increasing criticism due to the environmental impact of aerial emissions (including those contributing to the "greenhouse effect"), high energy costs, and problems of disposal of the products of incineration (126). 5.3 Cost considerations Cost is obviously of prime importance to the authorities when evaluating disposal routes. The marine disposal route is particularly attractive because for authorities with easy access to the sea it is cheapest with operating costs running at about L1 per wet tonne (19, 34). Generally, it can be seen that sea disposal is the cheapest and incineration the most expensive (6). In a 1987 evaluation by Thames Water Authority (TWA), use of land (tipping of sludge cake) as alternative to sea disposal would cost approximately 1.5 times as much and incineration would cost twice as much. However, after payment of initial capital costs of L7.6 - L15.8 m, annual operating costs for land disposal (L3.6 - L5.0 m per annum) were similar to TWA's existing marine disposal operations (L4.6 m per annum). TWA is reducing the costs of marine sludge disposal by thickening the sludge so fewer dumping trips are required. The House of Commons Environment Committee (20) emphasised that the high degree of investment of the water authorities in the marine disposal routes meant "they are resistant to any suggestion of change". North West Water Authority has invested L23 m in the new Sandon Dock development therefore increasing the amount of sludge they dump at sea (albeit improving the condition of the Mersey Estuary by treating the crude sewage which was formerly discharged). Indeed, the total cost of abandoning the sea disposal route would be high. In 1984 the Water Authorities Association calculated the rise in national costs would be L85 m in initial capital costs and then L32 m per year for operating costs. With the imminent privatisation of the water authorities it is hardly surprising that the UK government is so keen to protect the sea disposal route. 6. Sewage sludge quality 6.1 Contamination Sludge quality is dependent on the origin and treatment of the material entering the sewage works. The two main sources of this material are domestic sewage and industrial discharges. Stormwater run-off also contributes to the inflow to the sewers in some areas and may be an important source of contaminants such as lead and petroleum hydrocarbons (35). The concentration of metals is higher in sewage works receiving domestic sewage mixed with industrial discharges than in works treating only domestic sewage (35). During primary sedimentation metals that exist in particulate form and those adsorbed onto settleable suspended solids will accumulate in sewage sludge (36). Between 40-70% of metals such as cadmium, chromium, copper and lead are removed from liquid fraction of sewage to the sludge at this stage of treatment. Other contaminants such as industrial PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)3 and pesticides also end up in sludge. Of the total inflow into a Los Angeles sewage plant 6% of PGBs, 12% of DDTs and 14% of aldrins accumulated in digested sludge (37). Other studies indicate that up to 70% of PCBs are removed during sewage treatment and substantial quantities of both PCBs and organochlorine pesticides are adsorbed by sludge (83). There is some evidence that the lesser chlorinated biphenyls are more likely to be degraded by sludge bacteria but tri- and pentachlorobiphenyls are resistant to attack (83, 84). 3 PCBs and pesticides such as DDT, BHC and aldrins are organochlorine compounds (one group of organohalogens) which are persistent, man-made chemicals that can bioaccumulate in animals and transfer through the food chain to exert harmful effects on birds and mammals. Sewage sludge arising from the treatment of industrial wastes and domestic sewage generally has higher levels of contaminants. Table 2. compares the levels of metals in sludges which are dumped at sea from the main London sewage works with those of purely domestic sludge. The highest levels of heavy metals are for the Thames Water Authority (TWA) sludge from Beckton sewage works and are indicative of the extent that industrial wastes enter the sewers in this region. TWA treats more trade effluent than any other authority except for North West Water Authority (Table 3). Published data on organochlorine levels in sludge dumped at sea are scarce, apart from in Scottish sludges (table 4.). This is because analysis is difficult and regular monitoring is not undertaken by MAFF or by the water authorities (10). TWA historically have had composite bulked samples of sludge analysed for a range of organochlorine pesticides but the method used (DOE SCA standard method) is subject to considerable interference and the compounds were not verified by GC/MS (pers. comm McEVoy, 127). According to TWA in general only gamma-HCH and dieldrin have been found above the detection limits of this method, typical values are <0.07 mg kgm dry matter and <0.15 mg kgm dry matter respectively. Because of the inadequacy of the detection method TWA point out that these results must be treated with some caution. Work is underway to provide more reliable quantitative information. Table 2. Quality of sewage sludge (Omitted .. unscannable) Table 3. Volume of trade effluent discharged to sewer 1987/88 (Megalitres/day) North West Water Authority 258.4 Thames Water Authority 221.8 Severn Treat Water Authority 204.0 Yorkshire Water Authority 152.2 Anglian Water Authority 92.8 Welsh Water Authority 73.6 Southern Water Authority 39.8 Northumbrian Water Authority 45.1 Wessex Water Authority 33.1 South West Water Authority 9.7 Source - Water Facts 1988 Table 4. Organochlorines in sewage sludge dumped in Scottish waters 1984-1985 (14). organochlorines mg kgm dry weight Authority PCB BHC Dieldrin Lothian Regional 0.2 0.04 0.22 Council (Arochlor 1242) Strathclyde Regional 0.32 0.94 0.14 Council While there is some information on organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in sludges, data on other contaminants such as the newer pesticides (eg eulans and mitins used in the woollen industry) and surfactants used in detergents are rarer still. A Water Research Centre report undertaken for the DOE in 1987 emphasised that: "little is known about the diversity of xenobiotic organics that enter sewage treatment works, the efficiency with which they are degraded during sewage and sludge treatment processes and their concentrations in sludge for disposal" (83). For example, substances used in detergents have caused concern. Alkylphenols and linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS) are biodegradable substitutes used in detergents to reduce the problem of foaming on surface water from the synthetic detergents* (83, 104). During anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge alkylphenols are transformed into 4-nonylphenol which is known to be toxic to aquatic organisms. Furthermore concentrations of nonylphenols reach exceptionally high levels in sewage sludge (up to 4 mg gm dry weight) (105). Preliminary investigations by MAFF indicate that the acute toxicity of nonylphenols to marine life is probably avoided due to its dilution when sewage sludge is dumped. Further investigations are underway to assess the chronic toxicity of nonylphenols and potential for bioaccumulation by fish and shellfish. *Since 1976 The Soap and Detergent Industry Association (UK) has had a voluntary agreement not to use alkylphenol ethoxylates in domestic detergents because of problems which might occur as a result of its widespread use. (106). LAS also occurs in high concentrations in digested sludges (1.2% dry matter or 11.9 g kgm) but are less toxic than nonylphenols. LAS do at least degrade under aerobic conditions when sludge is applied to land (106). 6. Controls and improvements Major industrial discharges to the sewer system are usually controlled by the authorities (England and Wales) and regional councils (Scotland) who issue consents for this practice. Substances that are banned or controlled include corrosive chemicals which could damage the structure of sewers, potentially dangerous chemicals such as inflammable substances, toxic chemicals that could impair the biological processes at the treatment works (such as cyanide) and potential pollutants. There has to be co-operation between the discharger and the authority in order that the consent specifies the toxic chemicals expected to be present in the effluent. However, it is not considered possible to specify every substance which could have an adverse effect on sewers, sewer disposal systems and the receiving water course (38). Consents and monitoring data on industrial discharges to sewers are confidential. After privatisation consents will be made available to the public but monitoring data will remain confidential (128). Despite the authorities' control efforts, industrial wastes may also enter sewers from unauthorised discharges and chemicals may be spilled by accident into the sewer without the authorities being alerted. Industries with consents may also discharge illegal amounts of effluent. It is difficult to trace such pollution incidents back to the originator once they have occurred. So the inflow into the sewage works could contain a number of unknown and possibly toxic substances. Some toxic chemicals, such as cyanide, will deactivate the bacteria required for the biological treatment of sewage in which case they should be easily detected at the sewage works. Other chemicals do not have this affect so that they will only be detected if specifically included in the sewage works monitoring programme. Therefore pollutants could be retained in sludge and disposed at sea. For example MacKay (39) describes how at Garroch Head, Firth of Clyde: "large quantities of PCLs were discharged unwittingly before they were recognized as a major pollutant, or even known to be a component of sludge." Sewage sludge dumping in the 1960s contributed about one tonne per year of PCBs to the Clyde dumping site until controls were introduced (2). It is generally regarded as impractical, too expensive and in some cases not technically possible to improve sludge quality by the removal of contaminants from sludge (19). Metal removal from sludge is however technically possible and TWA is developing the use of solubilisation agents but processes such as these have yet to be applied to large scale operations (34). Over the past ten years, metal levels in sewage sludge have fallen substantially due to tighter controls on industrial discharges into sewers and due to the decline of heavy industry (34, 40). As metals also come from numerous diffuse sources (including domestic sewage) it is often stated by the disposal authorities that there is little scope for further reductions. However, judging by the fall in metals levels in London sludge from 1987 to 1988 (Table 2.) improvements are clearly still possible. Furthermore, controls on the use of metals, such as lead in petrol and paints, should also lower the amounts present in sludge (7). As more environmentally safe products become available to the consumer and if householders are educated not to dispose of potentially toxic household wastes down drains further reduction in contaminant levels should occur. In order to meet its commitment in the North Sea Declaration the UK should reduce the contamination levels of sewage sludge dumped at sea. Further efforts to clean up industrial effluent discharged into sewers or even separate treatment of industrial wastes will be necessary to bring about a reduction in contaminant levels. OSCOM regards the reduction of contamination at source is the "most effective means of avoiding pollution from dumping sewage sludge". (21). Indeed, TWA are currently undertaking a survey to identify point sources so that the concentrations of metals can be reduced "wherever practicable" (pers. comm. McEvoy, 127). It is more equitable that contaminants be reduced at source whereby the clean-up costs are borne by the producer rather than by the sludge disposer. However, there is obviously a financial incentive for sewage authorities to treat industrial wastes and some sewage treatment works, such as Ellesmere Port, are run as joint sewage schemes (20). North West Water encourages traders to divert discharges to sewer and generally regard the treatment of industrial wastes in admixture with domestic sewage as the best practicable environmental option. (pers. comm Harper, 125). Where sewage treatment works are heavily subsidized by industry and with the privatisation of the water authorities there will be concern whether quality standards are strictly maintained. Contaminant inputs to the North Sea and other seas around the UK from sewage sludge dumping, obviously, could increase if there is an increase in the quantities of sludge dumped. The disposal authorities are to include ln their action plans, produced as a result of the North Sea Declaration, forecasts of the total quantities of sewage sludge planned for sea disposal [see section 2.1 & 2.2]. Increases in the amount of sewage sludge produced are anticipated from authorities such as NWWA and Lothian Council where untreated sewage discharges are being diverted into sewage treatment works. The plan to regulate contaminant levels to a total input for North Sea sludge dumpers and a total input for other dumpers would accommodate an increase in sludge dumping by one authority if balanced by a decrease by another, especially if there is improvement in sludge quality. However, it appears from NWWA's lack of success in obtaining the MAFF's approval for a new dumping site that UK government is not keen to encourage further dumping. (12, 107) There is a possibility that contaminant levels in sewage sludge could increase if the reduction of input of dangerous substances into rivers and estuaries, as specified by the Ministerial Declaration (94), results in more industrial wastes being discharged to sewers or further treatment of sewage effluent. This means merely transferring contaminants from one part of the environment to another, the solution to such a problem is reduction of contamination at source. 6.3 Monitoring for marine dumping Licences issued by MAFF, DAFS, and DOE (northern Ireland) for the marine dumping of sewage sludge should comply with the requirements of the Annexes of the London Dumping Convention and the Oslo Convention. Annex I of both conventions list substances for which dumping is prohibited and Annex II list substances for which dumping is controlled by special permit (26). Sewage sludge contains Annex I substances, such as organohalogens, mercury and cadmium but these are only considered to be 'trace contaminants' and therefore under the Oslo Convention sewage sludge dumping is acceptable. The exact level of 'trace contaminants' allowed has yet to be defined. There is a prior consultation procedure if substances containing more than 0.3 mg kg-1 total mercury and more than 1 mg kg -1 total cadmium are to be dumped (21). Sewage sludge containing Annex II substances in 'significant quantities' requires prior notification of all the contracting parties of the Oslo Convention before dumping is permitted. 'Significant quantities' are defined under the convention (500-1000 ppm) and according to MAFF concentrations are usually well below the specified levels (10). The UK licensing authorities negotiate the actual levels of metals with each disposal authority; higher levels are permitted in regions which have a problem with contamination from industrial wastes. Organohalogens which are also Annex I substances are not usually specified in MAFF licences possibly because MAFF considers that organohalogen contamination "is not normally a problem in sewage sludge" (10). The increased screening of sludge for the presence of harmful organics (such as organohalogens) is one of the recommendations in a report circulated to the water authorities in 1987 and shortly to be published by the Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group (15). Research into the levels of organohalogens in sludge from selected catchment areas was planned by MAFF in 1986 but no results have been published. Due to inadequate monitoring of organic contaminants in sewage sludges a new survey was instigated in 1988 to establish "1987" baseline levels to comply with the North Sea Declaration requirements. The action list of sewage sludge contaminants currently under consideration by the disposal authorities include: mercury and cadmium (Annex I); arsenic, chromium, nickel, copper, lead, zinc (Annex II); PCBs, DDT, dieldrin, hexachlorobenzene, and HCH (including lindane) (88) [see section 2.2]. Annual checks on sludge quality are made for GAFF when the licences are renewed. These may be done either by MAFF or more usually by the water authorities themselves. All Annex I and Annex II metals are analysed. (10). Random checks on the quality of sludge destined for sea disposal are carried out by MAFF. However, only 7% of all sailings of vessels dumping wastes to sea are checked by MAFF and fewer inspections are made of sludge dumping vessels because priority is given to liquid industrial wastes. Despite the fact that disposal authorities make their own checks on sludge quality MAFF did detect "elevated metal levels in sludge at one sewage works" in 1985 (10). It should be noted that the levels of metals in sludges do vary especially where pulses of industrial discharge are treated by sewage works (41). TWA take a representative sample of sludge from each load for dumping at sea and these are bulked over a weekly or monthly period and then analysed for a range of metals (127). Analyses are carried out after the sludge is dumped at sea so this is not a precautionary measure to prevent the dumping of sludge loads which could perhaps contain unusually high levels of contaminants. This may have happened during a MAFF survey of the TEA dumping ground at Barrow Deep when an exceptionally high reading for the cadmium concentration in the suspended particulate phase was found (42). NWWA take samples of sludge for analysis from the loading arm conveying sludge to the dump ship at Sandon Dock (pers. comm Harper, 125). The following determinants are made: total nitrogen; total phosphorous; total and mineral solids; percent dry solids; cadmium; chromium; copper; mercury; nickel; lead; zinc; BOD; mineral oil; di-and tri-chlorobenzenes; hexachlorobutadiene; hexachlorocyclohexane; DDT and derivatives; drins; PCBs; carbon tetrachloride; pentachlorophenol. 7. Fate sewage sludge dumped at sea 7.1 Site characteristics The three major UK sludge dumping sites (Thames Estuary, Firth of Clyde, and Liverpool Bay) were all established by the early 1900s when practical criteria, such as the presence of a convenient navigational mark, determined the choice of site. Scant attention was paid to possible environmental effects of sludge dumping until the 1950s and 1960s. Scientific surveys revealed two categories of dumping sites: accumulating sites (also called containment or sacrificial sites) where the sludge quickly reaches the bottom and mostly remains in the vicinity of the dumping ground and dispersing sites where water movements are stronger and sludge is carried away and dispersed (3). The Garroch Head site in the Firth of Clyde is accumulative while all other UK sites are considered dispersive, although there may be some areas of sludge accumulation within these sites (15, 43). The impact of dumping is marked at accumulating sites. At Garroch Head 10 km2 of seabed are severely affected by sludge dumping with the greatest impact at the centre of the site where there is a 15 cm deep layer of sludge. The oxygen level of the sediments is very low at the centre of the site and an area of about 10 km2 are permanently reduced. Carbon levels are elevated as the input from sludge is estimated to be one or two orders of magnitude higher than normal. Contaminants also accumulate in the sediments and the centre is a 'hot spot' with elevated levels of metals (copper is up to ten times and lead up to five times background levels) and other anthropogenic material such as PCBs. For the most part background levels of metals are found at about 3 km from the centre. The fauna of the seabed (benthos) is severely modified with normal communities occurring at 6 - 8 km from the centre of the dumping ground [see 8.1]. The total area of effect is confined to about 95 km2. It is assumed that transference of potentially hazardous materials beyond the identified contaminated area does not take place. (44-47). In comparison to accumulating sites the impact of sludge dumping at dispersing sites is more difficult to detect. Tracers, such as radioactively labelled sludges and faecal bacteria, are used to track the dispersion of the sludge particles. The dump site in the Thames Estuary at Barrow Deep is considered highly dispersing as tidal induced currents continually erode the area (6). Sludge remains in the water column for up to 8 hours after dumping and has been traced up to 9 km away (43, 48). Some areas of sludge accumulation occur at the dumping ground (Barrow Deep) and at nearby Middle Deep (42). Sludge also can be detected within days of dumping in sediments about 10 km away (42, 43). Where sludge particles are detected in the sediments the concentrations of carbon are elevated and metal levels in the fine sediment fractions are five to eight times higher than background levels (42). It is notable that similar levels of contaminants are found in the sediments at both 'accumulative' and 'dispersive' sites. The nature of the sediments appears to be the most important variable determining the species composition of the benthic fauna. However, areas of organic enrichment have been found and presence of polluter-indicator species detected (42, 43). Sludge dumping may also be responsible for the impoverishment of the fauna at Barrow Deep and Middle Deep which occurred between surveys in 1972 and 1977 (44) Liverpool Bay is considered a dispersive site where strong currents should rapidly disperse the sludge. Deposition of sludge occurs 50% of the time during calm weather and neap periods but in the vicinity of the dumping ground the capacity for accumulation is limited. Sludge particles tend to move inshore towards the Mersey where accumulation may take place in muddy areas. Surveys have shown elevation of carbon and metal levels in the sediments which are associated with sludge dumping (44, 49>. 7.2 Choice of sites - accumulating versus dispersing sites Both types of sites are licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland* and are apparently considered acceptable options for sludge disposal (14) despite the different impact on the marine environment. There has been some debate by scientists as to which type of site is really the best environmental option. * The Firth of Clyde site at Garroch Head is accumulating and the Firth of Forth sites at St Abb's and Bell Rock are dispersing (14). The proponents of accumulating sites admit that the environmental impact is high but argue that it is limited to a small area of the seabed where the effects can be easily assessed (39, 47). Such sites are considered by some to be comparable to landfill or waste tips on land (2, 39). It has been suggested that if harmful substances were detected subsequent to dumping, the area could be sealed-off or capped with clean sediments (39, 44). However, recolonisation of clean sediment would be slow and then there could be a danger of disturbing the wastes through bioturbation. Even with accumulating sites there is still lack of knowledge as to the fate of potentially dangerous materials in the sludge as Pearson (44) emphasised: "The final fate of the hazardous material in the sludge is not known for certain however. It is assumed that the bulk is inactivated, buried, or degraded in the central area, but this has not been conclusively demonstrated. The possibility that there may be transfer out with the area through food webs cannot be dismissed." And went on to state: "Moreover should containment on that type of ground be considered, then extensive assessment should be made of the eventual fate of all toxins and pathogens in the dumped material. Ignorance in this respect is the weakest link in assessing the possible options for marine disposal." Dispersing sites have also been criticised because the eventual fate of the dumped material is unknown. It has been found that sludge derived material does accumulate at some distance from the dumping site and it could reaccumulate outside the area being monitored (44, 47). The potential hazard of such localized areas of accumulation is unknown and difficult to assess (44). Undoubtedly some of the sludge disperses over considerable distances. The finest sludge particles from the Barrow Deep dumping ground, for instance, are carried out of the Thames Estuary into the southern North Sea (42) [see section 8.3]. Another problem is that with long-term dumping there is accumulation of contaminants even in dispersing sites whereas ideally there should be no measurable changes with continued dumping. For example, after surveying the Barrow Deep dumping ground in 1976 and 1977 MAFF (42) concluded that: "The good dispersive characteristics of the area have thus prevented the occurrence of seriously detrimental accumulations of metals and organic substances. However, it appears that current rates of dumping have somewhat exceeded the dispersive capacity of the area, resulting in readily identifiable areas where organic matter and metals have accumulated." Similar effects have been reported by MAFF (49) for the Liverpool Bay sludge dump: "In the region of the dumping ground there also appears to have been a steady increase in the degree of contamination of the fine fraction of the sediments between 1975 and 1980 ......... This suggests the natural dispersive processes are incapable of adequately dispersing sludge particles at the rate of dumping which has taken place since 1975." This may be one of the reasons why North West Water Authority proposed dumping the increased quantities of sludge which arise from the Sandon Dock development at a new site (12). Other sludge dumping sites such as the Tyne, Tees and Lyme Bay sites are also noted for being less dispersive and more likely to accumulate contaminants (7, 50). 7.3 Recovery of sites There is some evidence that once the dumping stops the communities of benthic animals may recover. The original dumping ground in the Firth of Clyde was about two km south of Garroch Head, dumping stopped here in 1974 when DAFS officially designated a new dumping site about 4 km further south. While in 1970-71 very few species existed in the old dumping site by 1983 there were some 25 to 38 taxa (39). However there are still elevated metal levels present and the biomass is higher than in other areas on the edge of the present dump site (46, 47). Metal levels are still elevated ln Black Deep in the Thames Estuary where dumping ceased in 1967 (43). So it therefore appears that the long-term effects of sludge dumping continue for at least ten years. Sludge derived bacteria, viruses and protozoans have also been found at sewage sludge dumping sites a year or more after dumping had ceased [see 8.6]. 8. Environmental impact of dumping sewage sludge at sea 8.1 Effect on the benthos The impact of sludge dumping on the benthos (bottom-living organisms) in less dispersive sites is severe and has been well- documented in sites such as the Firth of Clyde (44-47). In the New York Bight (51) and German Bight (18) sludge dumping has also contributed to the overall decline of normal benthic marine life. Dramatic changes in species composition, abundance and biomass have occurred in all these areas. Such changes can be correlated with the degree of organic enrichment of the seabed on both temporal and spatial scales (ie a gradient across the dumping ground). Initially, the numbers of most of the animals at the site increase. Then some of sensitive species disappear while the more tolerant species increase in numbers so the biomass remains high. The numbers of species continue to decline until the final stage is reached where the sediments are anoxic and devoid of macrobenthic life (39). Conditions are severe at Garroch Head (Firth of Clyde) where in the centre of the Bite all but the final stage has occurred (39). Biomass here is four times higher than normal background levels and normal fauna is replaced by a few opportunistic species of nematode worms and small polychaete worms such as spionids and capitellids. At 1-2 km from the centre biomass and abundance decline and more diverse fauna is present. At 6-8 km normal unenriched communities are found. There has been little change in this pattern over six years (44-47). For many dispersing sites, the impact of sewage sludge dumping is assumed to be negligible because gross changes in the benthos are not apparent. Examples include the Liverpool Bay and Plymouth dumping sites (49, 52). However, effects induced by sludge dumping can be masked by natural fluctuations ln the populations of benthic organisms (53). Other factors like sediment type and depth may be the dominant influence on the benthos so that it becomes almost impossible to determine if sludge dumping is having an effect by conventional benthic monitoring (53). In some areas like the Bristol Channel, difficulty in sampling has prevented all but a qualitative description of the benthos (54). Sludge dumping began at many sites before any baseline studies were conducted to establish the natural state of the benthic communities so the degree of deterioration is hard to assess. Since the 1970s MAFF have attempted to rectify this situation by conducting intensive surveys of areas like the Barrow Deep in order to set up some reference point or bench-mark against which future surveys can be compared (55) but with ten years of dumping in the Barrow Deep and ninety years in the adjacent Black Deep substantial changes may have already occurred. Even where baseline studies have been conducted the response of the benthic community to sludge dumping initially may be slow possibly giving a false impression of the assimilative capacity of the site (56). There are now more sensitive and direct biological tests that demonstrate marine organisms can be stressed by sludge dumping in areas where previous benthic surveys found no significant effects [see 8.2]. A notable example is the Plymouth site where 300 tonnes of sludge are dumped daily (57). Stress can be taken as an early warning of environmental deterioration. 8.2 Assessment by biological response tests 8.2.1 Bioassays Marine organisms vary in their sensitivity to sewage sludge. In toxicity tests with New York sludges mysids (crustaceans) were more sensitive than a coastal fin fish (Nenidia menidia) with a 96 hour LCso (lethal concentration calculated to kill 50% of the test organisms in 96 hours) ranging from 54 - 42 000 ppm (0.005% to 4.2% dilution of whole sludge) (41). Copedpods have been found to be six to nine times more sensitive than mysids (58). Larvae of marine organisms are less tolerant to pollutants such as heavy metals (59). In tests on brown shrimp (Crangnon crangnon) larvae were 500 times more sensitive to contaminated sewage sludge than adults with 24 hour LCso range from 3.3 - 10 ppm (dilution of whole sludge) (60.) Such highly contaminated sludge could well exert a toxic effect on sensitive forms of marine life because initial dilution of sludge discharged to sea are in the order of 290:1 to 400:1 increasing to about 24 000:1 after 6 hours* (43) and to 2 000:1 in a less dispersive site after four hours (43, 108). For mussel larvae exposed to the soluble fraction of Thames Water Authority sludge their toxic threshold corresponded to a dilution of 200:1 (43). It was noted that the dilution factor was calculated using the solid phase of sewage sludge and in the bioassay the soluble phase was used. * 10 ppm is equivalent to a dilution of 100 000:1. Although the levels of contaminants in sludge vary, correlation of acute toxicity with specific chemical components of sludge are often not significant. Toxicity is related to the combined effect of all the toxic components of sludge as well as the concentration of suspended particulates (41). It is interesting to note that the levels of metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in sewage sludge from the USA have been found to be several orders of magnitude higher than acute toxicity values for sensitive marine organisms (41). These levels are assumed to drop below the acute toxicity threshold when diluted on discharge. Sludge concentrations in the water column after discharge are more likely to reach the threshold for sublethal effects. Far example, sludge and water samples from the Plymouth site significantly inhibited the growth rate of hydroids (57). Although the growth-inhibiting sludge concentration would occur for only a short period of time following dumping. Bioassay on contaminated sediment from the Thames estuary produced no effect on mussel larvae (43). The Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group recommends that further investigations into the use of field and laboratory bioassays for assessing the impact of sludge dumping should be made (15). 8.2.2 Stress tests Biological testing has been used to assess stress in marine organisms induced by sludge dumping. Scope for growth (SFG) tests demonstrate the physiological well-being of marine organisms. SFG of an individual animal is the net energy balance or difference between the energy assimilated and the energy respired and excreted. If the energy balance is positive then growth and reproduction are possible and the population should be maintained. Mussels are commonly used in this test and are transplanted cages placed in the study area. After the exposure period (usually a month or more) the mussels are collected and the SFG measured. Tests on mussels placed along the dispersal path of sludge in the Barrow Deep and mussels placed in the vicinity of Plymouth site both showed signs of sublethal stress or lower SFG (43, 57). A variety of cellular detoxification mechanisms are also used as an indication of stress. These include overloading of lysosomes resulting in destabilization of the lysosomal membrane; increased activity of the Mixed Function Oxygenases (MFO) enzymes which metabolize organic xenobiotics such as aromatic hydrocarbons and pesticides; and stimulation of the metal detoxification systems in which metals are bound to low molecular weight proteins as well as being incorporated into vesicles (57). Such cellular processes were examined in the digestive glands of mussels transplanted to the Plymouth sludge dumping site. Examination of the lysosomes revealed that mussels placed in the centre of the dumping site, where exposure to particulate sewage sludge solids would be highest, were the most severely stressed. Levels of organic detoxification enzymes were elevated in some mussels and the metal detoxification system induced. In these incidences both land based or estuarine sources of pollutants and sewage sludge may have been involved (57). 8.3 Contaminants 8.3.1 Field assessment Sewage sludge dumping adds to the input of contaminants into the marine environment. Monitoring of sewage sludge dump sites usually involves examination of the metal levels ln the water column and sediments but investigation of potentially harmful organics are rarely carried out. A report undertaken for the department of the Environment in 1987 by the Water Research Centre stated that: "virtually nothing is known about the behaviour of organic micropollutants when sludge plumes disperse in seawater".(84) The report emphasised that the fate of organic micropollutants at sludge disposal sites should be investigated, including the possibility of organics enriching the sea surface microlayer above the dump sites. Elevated levels of metals detected both in the water column (mostly on suspended particles) and in the sediments at dump sites are clearly the result of sludge dumping (42, 109, 110). These metals may be available to the biota and could be passed along the food chain. There is some evidence that the high organic content of sludge may reduce the availability of metals from contaminated sediments (59). Changes in the bioavailability and chemical form of both metals and xenobiotics occur through biological processes such as microbial degradation and bioturbation as well as chemical processes such as sorption/desorption, oxidation and dissolution (123). In the 1970s chemical monitoring of commercial fish stocks showed that levels of mercury were higher in fish caught in the Thames Estuary than in other inshore areas and sewage sludge was considered a major source of this contamination (60). More stringent controls led to the reduction in mercury levels in sewage sludge dumped in the Estuary and a concomitant fall in mercury levels in fish (61). In view of this the conclusion of a MAFF report (61) was that: "....the experience with mercury which showed how the assimilative capacity of the area can be exceeded indicates that continued efforts are needed to reduce the inputs of persistent substances via the sludge." Sewage sludge dumping in Barrow Deep still represents a significant input of metals into the Thames Estuary which supports commercial fisheries (cod, plaice, sole, whiting, herring) and shell fisheries (cockles, whelks, shrimps, oysters). Inputs of zinc, copper, lead and chromium from sewage sludge exceed those from other sources including rivers, direct sewage and industrial discharge (43). In 1985 mercury in sewage sludge represented 38% of the total mercury input into the Thames Estuary. Up to 1973 controls on the mercury content of industrial discharges and sewage sludge dumped in Liverpool Bay also helped to reduce mercury levels in commercial fish (61). However these are still high (0.25 -0.29 mg per kg wet weight) and close to the EEC standard (0.3 mg per kg wet weight) (34). mercury accumulated in the sediments of Liverpool Bay from past inputs and redistributed through disposal of dredgings may be responsible but the actual route from mercury input to fish is unknown (34). Elevated levels of other metals have also been found in shellfish and fish from Liverpool Bay. Samples of shrimps and queen scallops from the vicinity of the dumping ground contained twice the normal levels of cadmium and lead (49). Harper of NWWA (34) noted that: "The quality of fish and shellfish has been affected by inputs of metals and other substances and sewage sludge is a relatively minor input of such materials but it may make a significant contribution through some route as yet unknown." The Irish Sea Status report (111) noted that the mercury problem in Liverpool Bay is: "arguably the most important single problem in the Irish Sea." Surveys at Garroch Head (Firth of Clyde) showed metal and organochlorine levels were elevated in the benthic fauna. In particular the whelk Buccinum undatum had high levels of zinc up to (866 ppm dry weight) which it may have accumulated from the dumping site (39, 44). Shellfish collected from the area showed no increase in metal concentration (112). More data on metal levels in biota from dumping grounds are needed before a realistic assessment of the impact of sewage sludge dumping can be made (112). Far field effects of the input of contaminants from sludge dumping are hard to identify. In the case of the North Sea it is often assumed that because the input of metals from sludge dumping is small the effects will be negligible (57). Sewage sludge dumping contributes about 1-2% of total metal inputs (including rivers, direct discharge, atmospheric deposition, dumping of industrial waste and dredging) (27). Metals appear to be bound to the smaller sludge particles ( <10 um) (62) and it is the finest sludge particles which are carried in suspension out of the Estuary (42). Computer models indicate that pollutants originating from the NE and SE coast of the UK could become concentrated near the UK-Dutch boundary of the continental shelf in the North Sea (63). More research is required to establish whether inputs from sewage sludge could have significant far field effects. 8.3.2 Laboratory assessment There have been few studies on the bioavailablilty of contaminants in sewage sludge or attempts to identify possible routes by which they could enter the food chain. Laboratory tests have shown that lead, zinc and copper can be taken up by fish, shrimps and mussels exposed to contaminated sewage sludge for 60 days (60). In these tests there was no significant bioaccumulation of mercury and cadmium probably because the organism used would not have ingested the sludge (113). A possible pathway for metal transfer within the marine food chain has been identified in laboratory experiments (64). Experiments with sludge labelled with silver (110m-Ag) show that there is potential for metals associated with sludge in suspension to be taken in by filter-feeders (mysids) and passed onto animals high up the food chain (shrimp) (113). Metals need not be assimilated into the body tissues of the prey, but as in the case of mysids, can merely be present in the gut. Predatory fish could take in sludge by feeding on shrimp whose body surfaces had become fouled with sludge particles. Laboratory experiments also suggest that sludge may be utilised as a food source by planktonic copepods (65). Copepods are an important part of the diet of larval fish in the North Sea so this a potential route whereby sludge and associated metals could be incorporated into food chains. 8.4 Nutrients Sewage sludge is a rich source of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorous hence its use as a fertiliser on land. In estuarine and coastal waters increased input of nutrients from anthropogenic sources is of particular concern as this may lead to excessive production of phytoplankton or eutrophication. Plankton blooms caused by elevated concentrations of nutrients can seriously deplete oxygen levels resulting in fish kill and death of benthic species. This has occurred frequently in last few years in the North Sea especially in the German Bight and adjacent Danish coasts (27, 28, 66). There has been a change in the types of species in plankton blooms from diatoms to flagellates (27). In addition some algal blooms produce toxins which can kill marine life and contaminate shell fisheries. Significant oxygen depletion is rarely recorded in UK waters. But to meet the requirements of the North Sea Declaration a review of UK coastal and estuarine waters is underway to identify areas which could be adversely affected by the input of nutrients. Plankton blooms do occur in areas such as Liverpool Bay where sewage sludge is dumped. In both inshore and offshore areas of Liverpool Bay there are extensive blooms of the flagellate Phaeocystis during May and June each year which may be toxic and cause beach amenity nuisance. The algal blooms cannot be directly linked to sewage sludge dumping but the additional input of nutrients could well exacerbate the eutrophic trends in the Bay (44, 67). Apart from Liverpool Bay changes in phytoplankton growth are rarely monitored over dumping grounds. Nutrient levels have increased substantially in parts of the North Sea and along the eastern coastal belt, from the Netherlands to Denmark, they have doubled (27, 28). It has been estimated that rivers containing waste water emissions and sewage sludge dumping transport four times more nitrogen and seven times more phosphorous into the North Sea than can be considered natural (68). Sewage derived nutrients also enter the North Sea from treated and untreated direct discharges. In comparison to the inputs from rivers, direct discharge, and the atmosphere, that of sludge dumping appears small (2.8% for phosphorous and 1% for nitrogen) (27). However out of all these inputs sewage sludge dumping is perhaps the most easily controlled point source. 8.5 Fish and crustacean diseases The occurrence of diseases* in fish and shellfish frequently is linked to pollution (69, 70, 114) and could prove to be a signal of environmental deterioration. Fish stressed by the presence of pollutants may be more liable to succumb to infectious diseases and develop pathological conditions such as tumours and skeletal abnormalities (70). In addition, pollutants can damage the eggs and developmental stages of fish (71, 72). * Defined as any abnormality in fish structure (70) The development of fish disease is complex as a number of environmental variables are involved, apart from stress from pollution. For example, lower water temperatures can suppress the immune system of fish and bacterial infections due to Vibrio species are more likely to occur in estuaries where the salinity is low (73). The nutritional and reproductive state of fish and their age are also important (70). Attempts to find uncontaminated control sites (ie a clean site) may be unrealistic: as environmental conditions are rarely identical, little may be known about the range of the fish, and the natural distribution of diseases (107). Sewage sludge has been implicated as a causative factor of fish disease in several areas. An intensive study of Pacific Dover sole off southern California showed that the incidence of fin rot was greater in areas where the fine sediments contained high levels of contaminants derived from discharged sewage sludge (74). Laboratory experiments showed that fin rot in Pacific Dover sole could be induced after long term exposure to contaminated sediments and the presence of PCBs was indicated as a causative factor (75). In the New York Bight where sewage sludge and dredging spoils were dumped the incidence of fin rot in the winter flounder was higher (14.1 %) there than in adjacent clean areas during surveys in 1973 and 1974 (1.9%) (69). Lobsters and crabs from the New York Bight were affected by 'shell disease' which eroded their shells and by a pathological condition of the gills (76). Healthy lobsters and rock crabs kept in aquaria containing sediments contaminated with sewage sludge or dredge spoils developed these conditions within six weeks. Further surveys on rock crabs linked the incidence of 'black gill' with sewage sludge dumping (77). In 1980 MAFF conducted a survey of the outer Thames Estuary and concluded that there was no evidence that sewage sludge dumping had significantly affected the incidence of fish disease and other abnormalities (73). Although, incidence of fin rot in cod, flounder, plaice and dab appeared to be higher in the Thames Estuary (0.8 - 3.8%) in comparison to the control areas of Rye Bay and Southwold; the frequency of disease and abnormalities did not appear to be higher over the dumping ground. As the incidence of ulcers, haemorrhages and pigment abnormalities appeared to be highest in The Warp, the sampling site highest up the Estuary, input from riverine and estuarine discharges were considered a more significant factor than sewage sludge dumping. A Joint study by Thames Water and the Water Research Centre in October 1986 found the incidence of fish disease from the dumping ground was 0.6% and a site higher up the Estuary was 1.0% which was not significantly different. It was noted that the incidence of disease could be expected to be at a minimum at this time due to warm water and lack of reproductive activity in the fish studied (15) and that the distance between the sites may encompass the range of individual fish. Further studies are in progress. A working group from Greenpeace and University of London discovered that of the 222 flounder taken from the intake screen at West Thurrock Power Station in the inner Thames Estuary during October and December 1986 about 24% were affected by fin rot, skin lesions, petachiael bleeding, surface nodules and lymphocystis (78). This contrasts with the 1980 MAFF study of the outer Estuary where of the 501 flounder examined only 11% suffered from a similar range of diseases (73). The Greenpeace report pointed out that flounder from the inner estuary could be exposed to higher pollutant levels. Studies off the Firth of Forth (Bell Rock and St. Abb's Head) apparently showed no indication of adverse effects from sewage sludge dumping (114). But the authors emphasised that: "great caution is required before differences in dab disease levels are linked with pollution or dumping at sea, either in a positive or negative manner". Further investigations into the relationship between fish disease and all forms of pollution is obviously required. Especially in view of the high incidence of diseased fish found in parts of the North Sea (18, 70). But as Simmonds et al, 1988 (107) point out it is an impossibility to prove beyond any doubt that fish disease is caused by pollution in a wild population, therefore a precautionary approach, limiting sludge dumping, is desirable. 8.6 bacteria, viruses and protozoans Sewage sludge can contain pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoans. During sewage treatment a large proportion of the bacteria and viruses are removed and accumulate in sewage sludge. For example about 60% of the viral load of sewage settles out in primary sludge (53) and the secondary treatment of sewage removes over 70% of Salmonella bacteria (79). Digestion of sewage sludge reduces the levels of bacteria and viruses present. For example digestion reduces the numbers of Coliform bacteria in sewage sludge by 90% (34). There is still a substantial input of bacteria into the marine environment from dumping even digested sludge and the presence of both bacteria and viruses in marine sediments is actually one of the methods used to trace the dispersal of sewage sludge (43, 80). Marine disposal of sewage and sludge is generally regarded as an acceptable method of treatment because bacteria are supposed to die off rapidly in seawater (81). Studies now show that faecal bacteria may be present up to 30 months after dumping has ceased (82) and that pathogenic bacteria may survive for a long time in seawater but cannot be cultured by traditional plating techniques. Professor Colwell a pioneer of new microbiological techniques recently reported (81) that: "It can no longer be concluded that inability to culture a given enteric pathogen from estuarine or marine water samples is unequivocal evidence that the pathogen is either dead or absent from the sample." And went on to state: "The apparent lack of human pathogens in the open ocean at, or near, waste disposal sites probably reflects the ability of pathogens to be viable, but non-culturable bacteria." Viruses also can survive for extended periods of time in the marine environment especially when associated with sediment particles (80). Human pathogenic viruses have been detected in the sediments at sewage sludge disposal site in the Mid-Atlantic 17 months after dumping was stopped (82). Potentially pathogenic Amoeba have also been found in sewage contaminated sediments at dump sites and these can persist for two to five years after the cessation of dumping (115). Adverse effects due to bacterial and viral contamination are supposed to be avoided by selecting sewage sludge dumping grounds which are remote from shell fisheries and public amenities. But in the New York Bight 150 acres were closed for commercial shell fishing due to elevated bacterial levels from sewage sludge dumping (29). There is a potential risk that sewage sludge with associated bacteria and viruses could be transported to more sensitive areas (such as bathing beaches and shellfisheries) especially from highly dispersive sites. Viruses have also been detected in places where faecal indicator bacteria were absent demonstrating that water quality and shellfish quality cannot be judged by study of bacteria alone (81). The significance of the prolonged survival of pathogens at sludge dumping sites should be investigated in terms of possible public health risks (81). 9. Sewage sludge dumping by Ireland Policy Sewage sludge is dumped at sea by Ireland only at one site - the outer limits of Dublin Bay. Ireland follows a policy of BPEO for its waste disposal operations but also accepts that a precautionary approach is necessary to control the inputs of the most dangerous substances (116). Dumping is regulated by the Department of the Marine (under the 1981 Dumping at Sea Act) and is only permitted if 'there is no perceived risk to the marine environment and where there is no other realistic disposal operation' (117). The Department of the Marine apparently is keen to encourage alternatives to dumping at sea. According to Dickson and Boelens (1988, 118), and Green (1988, 119) there are no plans for alternative means of disposal of sewage sludge so dumping will continue for many years to come (118, 119). However, there are recent reports that Dublin Corporation is currently costing plans to set up a plant for the digestion and solidification of sludge to prepare it for burial on land, due to fears of an EC ban on sludge dumping in the Irish Sea (121). Sludge quality and monitoring The amount of sludge dumped has steadily increased from 97,000 tonnes (wet weight) in 1980 to 234,320 in 1987. The increase is due to a rise in population and to the diversion to treatment works of sewage formerly discharged through outfalls at the shore (118). The sludge dumped is primary sludge which according to Dickson and Boelens (118) contains metals in comparable levels to those of UK primary sludges (comparison made to pre 1978 figures). The 1987 mercury level for Dublin sludge is higher than that specified in the public register of 1988/89 licences for UK sewage sludges disposed to sea (3.5 mg/L mercury for Dublin sludge compared to maximum of 0.26 ppm wet weight for Northumbrian Water Authority sludge) (119). The mercury concentration in Dublin sludge is also high enough to require a prior consultation procedure by OSCOM*. * The level set for PCP by OSCOX is 0.3 mg kg-1 total mercury in wet weight of material dumped. (OSCOM 12th report) Data on organic contaminants in Dublin sewage sludge is not sufficient to establish temporal patterns (118). The Dublin sewer system receives both domestic and industrial discharges so some contaminants will be of industrial origin. In 1988 there were 103 licences for industrial discharges to sewer (119). The sewage sludge disposal operation is carried out by Dublin Corporation. Three or four sludge samples are taken for analysis every two weeks. Further to this the Department of Marine inspects the dumping operation on a random basis about four times a year when samples of sludge from the dump boat are also taken for analysis (119). Impact on the Marine Environment Several surveys of the benthic fauna at the Dublin Bay dump site have been carried out. Surveys in 1971-72 and in 1983 used traditional methods concentrating on identifying benthic fauna as indicators of environment conditions. The most recent survey in 1988 used a new optical coring device, REMOTS (remote ecological monitoring of the seafloor) which is a relatively quick method to assess the condition of the seabed. These surveys revealed that Dublin Bay is in general a dispersive site but there are localized accumulations of sludge particularly in the west of the site. In this area organic enrichment has led to an increase in numbers of benthic species and individuals. The REMOTS survey showed qualitatively that the benthic fauna appears not to have deteriorated since the 1983 survey (120). The synthesis report of the 1988 survey produced by the University College, Galway and the Department of the Marine emphasised that there are large number of unknowns regarding the impact of sewage sludge dumping on Dublin Bay and the surrounding coastal area. A major concern is the ultimate fate of the dispersed sludge. Unanswered questions include whether the material accumulated west of the sludge dump site is periodically washed away; whether sludge is flushed back into the inner part of Dublin Bay or whether is it is concentrated north of the dumping ground and whether the "hot spots" of accumulated sludge (and associated contaminants) will become enlarged as the input increases. The report also emphasised that more information is required concerning the accumulation of contaminants in sediments and their effects on the marine environment. In addition, the report noted that studies are needed on the effects of sludge dumping on the water column especially in regard to the water quality of Dublin Bay and that further north along the coast. The report stated that the future of dumping depended on finding answers to such questions. 10. Summary The UK and Ireland are the only European countries that dump sewage sludge at sea. Currently, the UK dumps about 9 million wet tonnes of sewage sludge and Ireland dumps 234,320 wet tonnes at sea each year, a practice which is regarded by some other European nations as unacceptable because of the uncertainties regarding the environmental effects. Despite considerable opposition at the North Sea Conference the UK is still fully committed to the sea disposal option for sewage sludge. Even though land-based alternatives for sewage sludge dumped at sea exist, this disposal route has been preserved as an option for the UK in the North Sea Declaration. Sewage sludge has a variety of proven productive uses which include use as a fertiliser and soil conditioner in agriculture, forestry and land reclamation. Dumping sewage sludge at sea is a waste of this resource. The 1984 Ends report noted that: "Sewage sludge, in fact, is a large secondary resource whose constituents have a notional value of L200 million per year". The North Sea Declaration does require the UK to reduce the concentrations of harmful contaminants (those that are persistent, toxic or bioaccumulable) in sewage sludge disposed to sea and to ensure that quantities disposed to sea by this pathway do not increase above 1987 levels. A provisional action list includes Annex I and Annex II metals and a range of organic contaminants. Monitoring for latter has proved to be inadequate and results from a 1988 survey are to be taken as the "1987" baseline. The levels of contaminants in sludge are generally higher when domestic sewage is treated along with industrial effluent. Removal of these substances once they are incorporated in sludge is difficult and expensive so improvements in sludge quality must be made by reducing the input of contaminants from industrial effluents discharged to sewers. The UK licensing authorities permit dumping at sites with totally different characteristics: accumulating sites where sludge stays in the vicinity of the Bite and dispersing sites where most of the sludge is carried away. It is debatable as to which is the best environmental option. In accumulating sites the impact on the marine environment is more easily assessed as a limited area of seabed is affected. However, the eventual fate of the potentially harmful materials in the dumped sludge has not been conclusively established. Sewage sludge dumped at dispersing sites is spread over a wide area. It can reaccumulate at some distance from the site and the potential harm to marine life of such localized patches of sludge is unknown. This is one of the main areas of concern about the Dublin Bay dump site. Few studies have been made on whether dumping sites can recover once dumping has ceased. In one site some effects were still detectable after ten years (46, 47). The impact of sludge dumping cannot be accurately assessed in some sites using conventional benthic surveys, especially where dumping began before any baseline surveys were carried out. The use of direct biological response tests indicate that sludge dumping induces stress in marine organisms where no significant effects were previously detected. Such stress can be taken as an early warning of environmental deterioration. Elevated levels of mercury in commercial fish have been linked to input from sewage sludge dumping. Possible pathways for metal transfer are unknown but laboratory studies indicate that there is potential for metals associated with sludge particles to be taken up by filter feeders and passed up the food chain. Sewage sludge dumping increases the input of nutrients into the marine environment and the risk of eutrophication. Although dumping represents a small percentage of the total input in areas, such as the North Sea, it is perhaps the most easily controlled point source. The incidence of fish and crustacean diseases from areas, like the New York Bight, has been associated with sewage sludge dumping. Some surveys indicate that levels of fish disease are elevated in the Thames Estuary but these are not specifically related to sludge dumping. Sewage sludge can contain pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Some studies show that these may survive in the marine environment for long periods of time. In view of this the potential public health risks from sewage sludge dumping needs to be investigated (81). 11. Conclusions In continuing dumping sewage sludge at sea, the UK has considerable difficulties in meeting its commitments as stated in the North Sea Ministerial Declaration. The UK has yet to demonstrate that sewage sludge poses no risk to the marine environment. Major areas of concern are: 1. The ultimate fate of contaminants present in sewage sludge dumped at sea is unknown and their availability to the biota poorly understood. 2. Accurate assessment of the impact of sewage sludge on marine life is often not possible using conventional survey techniques. Marine monitoring could be improved through the use of direct biological response tests which could provide an early warning of environmental deterioration. References 1. HMSO. Water Pollution Control Technology, 1979. 2. Clark, R.B. Marine Pollution, Oxford University Press, 1986. 3. DOE/NWC. Report of the sub-committee on the disposal of sewage sludge to sea 1975-78, Standing technical committee reports 50. 18, 1979. 4. DOE/NWC. Report of the standing committee on the disposal of sewage sludge, Standing technical committee reports, 1981. 5. Ketchum B.H. et al. Introduction. In: Wastes in the Oceans, Sol. 6, 1985. 6. Wood P.C. Sewage sludge disposal options. In: Kullenberg, G. (ed.). 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