TL: LETTER OF SLOVAK NGOS TO SIEMENS SO: GREENPEACE SLOVAKIA, (GP); MOTHER EARTH DT: February, 1997 (Up till June 11th, this letter has remained unreplied.) SIEMENS Slovakia Director General of the Nuclear Dpt. Stromová street Bratislava Bratislava, 17. 4. 1997 Dear Sir, For several years, the public has been concerned with the continuing problems of NPP Mochovce (JEMO) which Siemens has been substantionally involved in. You are certainly aware about the circumstances under which the EBRD left the project of the JEMO completion in Spring 1995. Let us to remind that the public participation process played an important role. As well as Hungarian and Austrian public, more than 200 non-governmental organisations from all over the world, and 83 Slovak NGOs released their official statement during this process (added as the appendix). The NGOs in cooperation with independent experts presented thorough critical reservations at the public hearings, also against safety measures designed for so-called "improvements" of the JEMO nuclear safety. Up till now, nobody has replied these serious reserves. The documentation of the project of JEMO completion was published by the EBRD. It is stated there that it is necessary to implement about 200 measures for the improvement of the JEMO nucler safety but nobody has been able to calculate the costs for their implementation. At present, we are learning that the first two blocks of JEMO should be operated in original terms (July 1998, resp. March 1999) - despite the delay of works. Present governing political representation, representatives of involved economic subjects and appropriate state administration in Slovakia do not provide the public sufficient information about the project and ongoing works as well as problems connected with the JEMO completion. For these reasons we decided to address directly you as the representative of the firm guaranteeing the appropriate nuclear safety of JEMO. We would like to ask you for the detailed answer on following questions: 1. In 1995, SE and the EBRD published the nuclear safety documentation for the Mochovce nuclear power plant completion plan. Since then, the contractors and funders have changed. Has a revised safety documentation been prepared? Will the documentation be made public? 2. What are the safety differences between the "EBRD" safety case and the revised version now being prepared? 3. Representatives of Slovak interested subjects are report by "quote" that Siemens are guaranteeing the safety for units 1 and 2 of Mochovce. What is the extent of your responsibility for the safety of the facility as a whole? 4. Would the new project have been awarded a construction license in Germany today? If not, what are the main elements of the design that would not enable a construction permit? 5. What is the expected total budget for the completion of units 1 and 2 (including interests, expenses for financial operations, etc.)? 6. What is the expected cost of construction for units 1 and 2? 7. What is the Siemens's share of the construction costs? 8. What is the expected proceeding for should the contracted completion costs be exceeded? 9. Is all of the Siemens work covered by the Hermes guarantee? 10. Is Siemens overseeing and assessing the work of other contractors? Is Siemens being asked to give final approval for this work? 11. What is the expected date for completion of the construction for each unit according to suppliers' contracts? When is connection to the grid expected? 12. What financial penalties are Siemens liable for should the work not be completed? What would be consequences of the work delay compared to the actual time plan? 13. According to the public information, the German part has accepted the JEMO completion under the condition of shutdown of nuclear power plant V-1 Bohunice by 2000. What is the form of this agreement? On the basis of that, are there any financial penalties for the Slovak government, should Bohunice not be closed in 2000? 14. What is the total value of the Siemens work at Bohunice? 15. Is the work in Bohunice covered by a Hermes credit guarantee? Dear Sir, we are aware that your firm carefully cultivates its public image & relations. Therefore we believe that you will provide us the appropriate answer on our questions which we will be able to present to the public of Slovakia too. Yours sincerely Lubica Trubiniova, Greenpeace in Slovakia Juraj Krivosik, For Mother Earth CC: Siemens, Germany - Director General (sent to Mr. Breier, the spokesman) Appendix: Statement of Slovak NGOs from the EBRD PP process in 1995