I'm sorry for that mess I sent earlier. I tried to attach text to my e-mail. I never tried it before, and assumed it would work properly. Here is what the message was Supposed to say: ---------------------------------------- Here are some web sites I found that are against Secular Humanism. By far, this is only a partial sampling. My search found hundreds of anti-humanist works. I hope this reminds us all of the hard task ahead of ourselves... Note _Underlines_ were added by me... ------------------------------------------------------------------ "http://www.niagara.com/~jvim/IntelligenceBriefing/September1995/Believers. html" Van Impe Intelligence Briefing September, 1995 Believers.html THE COMING PERSECUTION OF BELIEVERS How Islam attacks the church Heightened by the rise of both Islamic fundamentalism and a global ethic of _secular humanism_, Christians are facing persecution worldwide in unprecedented numbers -- just as the Bible predicted for the time before Jesus returns to Earth. Pope John Paul II recognizes this trend and recently issued a ..call on the Muslim world to extend full freedom of worship to Christians. The plea received scant media attention in the West -- as have the growing horrors faced by believers suffering under Islamic oppression and _atheistic_ totalitarian rule around the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "http://niwg.op.org/niwg/burkhom1.htm" Dominican Vocation People are being led astray today as well. Paul warned us about that when he wrote to Timothy 2 Tim 4:3-4 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers to suit their fancy and will stop listening to the truth and wander off into myths. Well, that time has come. The new religion is here: _Secular humanism_. Only secular humanism does not establish new gods. It teaches there is no God, or if God exists--it is irrelevant. As a result, secular humanism's number one target is Christ's own Church. It attacks the Church by ridicule and dismissal. (Check any newspaper or tv newscast) It undermines the truths of the Gospel; it lies about human nature; it deceives the human heart with false gods. The Letter to the Romans is being fulfilled. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "http://www.pcola.gulf.net/~graceco/Kevin/Edu7.htm" Is the Religion of Secular Humanism BeingTaught in Public School? "An article about secular humanism in the public schools." ..Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has not been consistent in applying its definition of religion to its present interpretation of the First Amendment. If the no-establishment clause of the First Amendment really means that there should be a wall of separation between religion and state, why are only theistic religions being forced out of the public square, specifically Christianity? If Secular Humanism is a religion, something the U.S. Supreme Court has acknowledged and something countless Humanists insist is true, why is it allowed in our public schools? But Humanism remains de facto the established religion of our land, and the public schools are the main vehicle for the promotion of its worldview. As one great Humanist triumphantly declared: "Education is thus a most powerful ally of Humanism, and every American public school is a school of Humanism. What can the theistic Sunday-school, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?" ------------------------------------------------------------------ "http://www.reformed.com/pub/secular.htm" _Secular Humanism_ American society is in decay. Violent crime has grown so much in the last thirty years that many people are afraid to go into our cities after dark. Sexual immorality has exploded in our culture since the 1960s... Premarital sex, drunkenness, drug abuse, theft, murder, abortion, lying, cheating, fraud, homosexuality, rape, cruelty and pornography are now a normal part of the American societal landscape. There is no question that there has been a very large moral decline in American society since the early 1960s (this decline is a matter of record). This decline cannot be explained in terms of poverty, racism and sexism, for these societal elements have been much worse in the past. We live in a period of great material prosperity compared with almost all of recorded history. There is a reason for the decline of American society: we are experiencing the fruit or _results_of_a_worldview change that took place in America during the earlier part of the twentieth century. The worldview transition took place in America primarily between 1870 and 1930. The Christian worldview had more or less dominated western civilization since the fall of the Roman Empire. This Christian worldview was replaced by materialistic naturalism (or as itUs called today, _secular humanism_). Secular humanism is the belief that man lives in a closed universe. There is no God who is transcendent above and beyond created reality...Therefore, the Christian God and biblical Christianity are ruled out of bounds from the start by the so-called objective materialistic scientist, even before the investigation of reality begins. The essence of secular humanism is that man is the measure of all things. Man, not God, is the determiner of reality, meaning and ethics. Secular humanism became the dominant worldview of American intellectuals by the 1930s. By this time naturalism, Darwinian evolution and biblical higher criticism (_i.e., the position that the Bible is full of mistakes, myths, etc._) had captured all the major universities, the mainline protestant denominations and their seminaries, the large media outlets (e.g., The New York Times), and many politicians. The _secular-humanistic_elite_ now believed that since most educators and scientists no longer look to the Bible for truth and guidance, mankind was now capable of solving all the worldUs problems. The majority of Americans found themselves in churches which no longer believed and submitted to the Bible. There was a certain form of godliness and going through the motions but a denial of Gods power and authority (cf. 2 Tim. 3:5). The majority of American people now looked toward the civil government, scientists, artists and intellectuals as saviors who would bring mankind into a sort of millennial paradise. If the secular-humanistic worldview was true and the Christian worldview false, one could reasonably assume that the expectations of the social planners would come true. But what if the Christian worldview was true and the secular humanist worldview was false? Would not a wholesale rejection of the God who really does exist (and His revelation to mankind, the Bible) in favor of incoherent, irrational nonsense bring disaster to American society and culture? Is this not just what has happened?

----------------------------------- aq506@freenet.buffalo.edu Kevin Dean (No animals wre harmed in the writing of this E-Mail)