The James Randi Educational Foundation will have an Open House for friends and associates on April 1 (the anniversary of our incorporation) between 6 and 8 in the evening. We are presently getting together the plans for a conference -- probably in December -- and we invite inquiries. Both the Miami Space Planetarium and the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Science & Discovery are affiliating with the JREF, and we look forward to many close and productive associations between these agencies and the Foundation. So far, not one of the tens of thousands of nursing professionals who administer -- and charge handsomely for -- Therapeutic Touch, has agreed to try for the US$1,100,000 prize the JREF offers. No one. I think we're rocking a boat full of otherwise very comfortable quacks. This April 1st celebration will also mark the event you've all waited for with such anxiety: the announcement of the annual Pigasus awards. These highly coveted trophies will be distributed by the usual means, and the winners will be announced here the evening of April 1st. Suggestions have been pouring in, and any last-minute nominations you may care to submit will be accepted up until Sunday night. As usual, the competition has been fierce. The year 1996 was one full of pseudoscience, claptrap, silly claims, and quackery. A final note: I see that a medical provider named "Oxford Health Plans" has decided to offer acupuncture as a covered treatment. This means that subscribers will pay for yet another variety of quackery. It's rumored that Oxford will also offer eye of newt and toe of frog, bat-wing poultices, and unicorn sweat ointment. Now all we need is a hospital named Yale to accept Therapeutic Touch as a legitimate therapy. Why not? Hospitals in Florida do. Shudder..... And can you imagine that we might even see a tenured Harvard professor endorsing alien abductions? Nah. That's too preposterous. James Randi.