(143) Sun 2 Nov 97 12:51 By: DON MARTIN To: BOB SEWELL Re: Deadly religious cult St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:e571 23626660 @TID: PX/Win v2.0 PX97-0826 @MSGID: 1:261/1137 951d6123 Bob Sewell said "Deadly religious cult" to Fredric Rice, adding: BS> In a deposition submitted under oath, Fredric Rice said: FR> Christianity has been the single most deadly ideology ever created by FR> men and you want to pretend that those who point out the evil of your FR> death cult have some "lack of hope." BS> Actually, atheism is "the single most deadly ideology ever created BS> by men," if you want to compare numbers. According to _Death by BS> Government_ by R.J. Rummel (1994, Transaction Pub), in this century BS> alone atheists have murdered more than just a few million people. BS> Here is a short list that will give you a sample of the numbers, BS> listed by atheist leader: BS> Joseph Stalin: 42,672,000 murdered BS> Mao Tse-tung: 37,828,000 murdered BS> Vladimir Lenin: 4,017,000 murdered BS> Pol Pot: 2,397,000 murdered BS> ---------- BS> Total 86,914,000 men, women and children murdered by BS> atheists BS> So, are you, as an atheist, going to take responsibility, just as BS> you require of the fundies? As soon as you show that those murders were a _product_ of the atheism, as were the murders of the Inquisition, based upon an examination into the beliefs of the accused and declaring those beliefs heretical. Mass killings by dictators frequently lack such moral content, however, as the dictators tend to focus on more mundane matters. Russian peasants opposed to collectivization in the 20s and 30s were far more likely to be bumped off for that "impediment to socialistic progress" than for any warm feelings they may have entertained about dieties. You wish us to think that they got into trouble for those diety beliefs, I expect, without your providing much more than a bare body count. Have you anything a bit more to your point? ... Through a Jaundiced Eye Darkly--Rheum With a View (don@balt-rehab.med.va.gov) ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 --- Platinum Xpress/Win/Wildcat5! v2.0 * Origin: MetroNet BBS - Baltimore, MD (1:261/1137) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 SEEN-BY: 3804/180 @PATH: 261/1137 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001