(129) Tue 7 Oct 97 12:43 By: Judith Bandsma To: All Re: Banned Books 1 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:8440 23476560 I've broken the list up into parts I hope will be easy to digest. There are 7 parts. If all don't make it to you, let me know. Banned and challenged book list for those who asked for it. Date and page numbers are for the Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adoff, Poetry of Black Challenged at the Fort Walton Arnold, America, Harper Beach, FL school libraries ed. Collins (1996) because it "promotes violence" and contains "expletives and a reference to abortion". 7/96, p.133 Allison, Bastard Out of NAL. Removed from the Mt. Dorothy Carolina Abram High School English classes in Salem, Maine (1996) because the language and subject matter (incest and rape) were inappropriate for 15-year-olds. 3/96, p.49; 11/96, p.196; 3/97, p.39 Anaya, Bless Me, Ultima TQS Pubns. Retained on the Rudolfo A. Round Rock, TX Independent High School reading list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent. 5/96 p.99 Andrews, Garden of Shadows, Removed from Oconee County, GA V.C. Pocket Books school libraries (1994) "because the book encouraged sexual activity and the result of reading or seeing it might be 'incestuous relationships' and 'aggressive sexual behavior.'" The book was removed despite a recommendation from a committee of parents and teachers to retain it. The action stemmed from a complaint filed in May 1994 when eight other V.C. Andrews books were removed. 11/94, p.188; 1/95, p.6; 7/96, p.117 Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Challenged, but retained in Maya Bird Sings. Bantam the Volusia County, FL county schools (1995). The complainants wanted the book removed because "it is sexually explicit and promotes cohabitation and rape." Challenged, but retained on an optional reading list at the East Lawrence High School in Moulton, AL (1996). The book was challenged because the school superintendent decided "the poet's descriptions of being raped as a little girl were pornographic." Removed from the curriculum pending a review of its content at the Gilbert, AZ Unified School (1995). Complaining parents said the book did not represent "traditional values." Retained on the Round Rock, TX Independent High School reading list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent. Pulled from the reading list at Lakota High School in Cincinnati, OH (1996) because of parents' claims that it is too graphic. 3/96, pp.47,63; 5/96, pp.84,99; 7/96, p.120; 9/96, pp.152-53; 11/96 pp.197-98; 1/97, p.26 Anonymous Go Ask Alice. Removed from a supplemental Avon:Prentice-Hall reading list for sophomore English students in Warm Springs, VA (1995) because of its "profanity and indecent situations." 3/96, p.50 Armstrong, Sounder, Harper Challenged, but retained in William the Rockingham County, NC Howard schools (1996). A parent had problems with the use of the word "nigger" on page 21 and a reference to the main character, a black sharecropper, as "boy". 9/96, p.169; 11/96, p.212 Blume, Deenie, Challenged by a parent in the Judy Bradbury Press Cornelium Elementary School library in Charlotte, NC (1996) due to the novel's sexual content. 5/96, p.83 Blume, Forever, Challenged at the Wilton, Iowa School Judy Bradbury Press District for junior and senior high school students (1996) because of its sexual content. 5/96, p.97 Bode, Heartbreak and Pulled from the Ouachita Parish school Janet Roses:Real Life library in Monroe, LA (1996) because and Stories of of sexual content. The Louisiana Mack, Troubled Love, chapter of the ACLU filed a lawsuit in Stan Delacorte the federal courts on Oct. 3, 1996, claiming that the principal and the school superintendent violated First Amendment free speech rights and also failed to follow established procedure when they removed the book. 9/96, pp.151-52; 1/97, p.7 Carle, Eric Draw Me a Star, Challenged in the elementary Philomel Books school libraries in the Edmonds, WA School District (1996). The book is illustrated with highly stylized representations of a naked woman and man. 11/96, pp.211-12 Carter, The Education of Challenged, but retained at Forrest Little Tree, the Astoria, OR Elementary University of School (1995). Complainants New Mexico Press wanted the book removed because it includes profanity, mentions sex and portrays Chritians a "liars, cheats and child molesters." 1/96, p.17; 3/96, p.64 Chute Carolyn The Beans of Challenged at the Oxford Hill Egypt, Harcourt: High School in Paris, ME Warner (1996). A parent stated that "teachers are not qualified to explore the issues of rape, incest, suicide and mental illness contained in Chute's novel." 11/96, p.212 --- FLAME v1.1 * Origin: Chas Co Sheriff's Ofc wants *YOU*! Call 803-554-2498 (1:372/911) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 @PATH: 372/911 200 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (130) Tue 7 Oct 97 12:47 By: Judith Bandsma To: All Re: Banned books 2 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:8500 234765e0 Collier, Jump Ship to Challenged at the Nathan Hale James Freedom, Middle School in Crestwood, IL Lincoln, and Delacorte; Dell (1996) because it "was Collier, damaging to the self-esteem of Christopher young black students". 3/97, p.39 __________. My Brother Sam Challenged in the Jefferson is Dead, County Public Schools in Scholastic Lakewood, CO (1996) because of "the persistent usage of profanity" in the book, a well a reference to rape, drinking, and battlefield violence. Retained in the Antioch, CA elementary school libraries (1996) after a parent complained about the profanity and violence in the Newbery Award-winning novel. 7/96, p.121; 1/97, p.25 __________. War Comes to Pulled from two classes at Willy Freeman, Western Avenue School in Delacorte Flossmore, IL (1996) after a parent complained that the book "represents totally poor judgment, a complete lack of racial sensitivity and is totally inappropriate for fifth-graders. This book is an education in racism, a primer for developing prejudice." 1/97, p.9 Comfort, Alex The Joy of Sex: Removed from the Clifton, NJ The Cordon Bleu Public Library (1996) and Guide to replaced with a dummy book Lovemaking, made of styrofoam. The Crown; Pocket library's new policy restricts Books to adults any material containing "patently offensive graphic illustrations or photographs of sexual or excretory activities or contact as measured by contemporary community standards for minors". 7/96, pp.118-19 __________. More Joy of Sex, Restricted to patron over 18 Crown years of age at the Main Memorial Library in Clifton, NJ (1996). The book i hidden behind the checkout counter and on the shelves is a dummy book jacket. The book was described as hardcore pornography by the complainant. 3/96, p.63; 5/96, p.83 Conley, Jane Crazy Lady, Challenged at the Prospect Leslie Harper Heights, IL school libraries (1996) because of "swear words". 3/96, p.46 Cormier, The Chocolate Removed from the East Robert War, Stroudsburg, PA ninth grade Dell;Pantheon curriculum (1996) after complaints about the novel's language and content. Removed from the middle school libraries in the Riverside, CA Unified School District (1996) as inappropriate for seventh- and eighth-graders to read without class discussion due to mature themes, sexual situations and smoking. 5/96, p.99; 7/96, p.82; 11/96, p.198 Coville, The Dragonlayer, Challenged in the Berkeley Bruce Pocket Books County, SC School District (1995) because of the "witchcraft" and "deception" and because a "main character openly disobeys his parents". 3/96, p.63 ________. My Teacher Glows Contested in the classrooms in the Dark, and school libraries in Pocket Books Palmdale, CA (1995) because the book includes the words "armpit farts" and "farting". 3/96, p.45 Forster, Maurice, Banned from the Mascenic Regional High E.M. Norton School in New Ipswich, NH (1995) because it is about gays and lesbians. An English teacher was fired for refusing to remove the book. An arbitrator ruled in April, 1996 that she can return to work in September without a year's back pay. The Mascenic Regional School Board is appealing the ruling. The teacher was eventually reinstated after a decision by the state's Public Employee Labor Relations Board. 9/95, p.166; 1/96, p.15; 7/96, pp.130-31; 1/97, p.27 Fox, The Slave Challenged, but retained by the Paula Dancer, Fayette County, GA school system Bradbury Press (1996). The 1974 Newbery Medal winner about a 13-year-boy who is snatched from the docks of New Orleans and put on a slave ship bound for Africa, was considered objectionable because of language that is "insensitive and degrading". 5/96, p.99 Friday, Women on Top: Nancy How Real Life Challenged at the Chester County Has Changed Library at Charlestown, PA (1996) Women's because of the graphic details about Fantasies, sex acts and fantasies. 11/96, p.194; Pocket Books 1/97, p.8; 3/97, p.49 Fuentes, The Old Retained in the Guilford County, NC Carlos Gringo, Farrar school media centers (1996) after a parent wanted the book removed because of its explicit language. 1/97, p.25 George, Jean Julie of the Challenged in the classrooms and Craighead Wolves, Harper school libraries in Palmdale, CA (1995) because the book describes a rape. Removed from the sixth-grade curriculum of the New Brighton Area School District in Pulaski Township, PA (1996) because of a graphic marital rape scene. Challenged at the Hanson Lane Elementary School in Ramona, CA (1996) because the award-winning book includes an attempted rape of a 13-year-old girl. 3/96, p.45; 5/96, p.88; 1/97, p.9 Greene, The Drowning Banned from the Mascenic Regional Bette of Stephan High School in New Ipswich, NH Jones, Bantam (1995) because it is about gays and lesbians. An English teacher was fired for refusing to remove the book. 9/95, p.166; 1/96, p.15 __________. Summer of My Temporarily removed from an German eighth-grade supplemental reading Soldier, list in Cinnaminon, NJ (1996) Bantam; Dial. because it contains offensive racial stereotypes. 1/97, p.10 --- FLAME v1.1 * Origin: Chas Co Sheriff's Ofc wants *YOU*! Call 803-554-2498 (1:372/911) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 @PATH: 372/911 200 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (131) Tue 7 Oct 97 12:48 By: Judith Bandsma To: All Re: Banned Books 3 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:45c1 23476600 Grisham, The Client, Challenged in a sixth-grade John Doubleday high-level reading class in Hillsborough, NJ (1996) because of violence and use of "curse words". 7/96, p.122; 9/96, p155 Guest, Ordinary Temporarily pulled from the Judith People, Lancaster, NY High School Ballantine; curriculum (1996) because two Hall; Viking parents contended it contained foul language, graphic references to sex and inappropriate handling of the subject of suicide. A Lancaster student took the matter to the New York Civil Liberties Union which sent a letter to the school board saying that they were "greatly dismayed" with the board's action. 9/96, pp.155-56; 11/96, p.197 Hahn, Mary Wait Till Helen Challenged in the Lawrence, KS Downing Comes, Clarion School District curriculum (1996) Books because the book presents suicide as a viable, "even attractive way of dealing with family problems. Ghosts, poltergeists and other supernatural phenomena are preented as documented reality and these are capable of deadly harm to children". 5/96, pp.87-88 Harris, It's Perfectly Challenged at the Provo, UT Library Robie H. Normal; A Book (1996) because it contains About Changing discussions of intercourse, Bodies, Growing masturbation and homosexuality. Up, Sex and Removed from the Clover Park, WA Sexual Health, School District library shelve Candlewick (1996) because parents charged that Press it was too graphic and could foster more questions than it answers. Challenged at the Chester County, PA Library (1996) because the "book is an act of encouragement for children to begin desiring sexual gratification ... and is a clear example of child pornography". 9/96, p.152; 1/97, p.8; 3/97, p.49 Hawthorne, The Scarlet Nathaniel Letter, Bantam; Banned from the Lindale, TX Dell; Dodd; advanced placement English reading Holt; Houghton; list (1996) because the book Modern Library; "conflicted with the values of the NAL; Norton community". 11/96, p.199 Homes, Jack, Vintage Placed on the Spindale, NC school A.M. library's (1996) reserve shelf. This meant parental permission was required for a student to check it out. A parent did not find the novel "proper to be in the library due to the language". 11/96, pp.193-94 Isensee, Love Between Men, Challenged at the Chester Rick Prentice-Hall; Alyson County Library at Publications Charlestown, PA (1996) because it was "pornographic and smutty". 11/96, p.194 Jennings, Becoming Visible; A Banned from the two high Kevin, ed. Reader in Gay and school libraries in Lesbian History for Mehlville, MO (1996) by order High School and of the superintendent. The College Students, donated book was removed Alyon Publications because it "does not meet the needs of the curriculum". 5/96, p.98 Jimenez, The Mexican-American Challenged in the Santa Carlos M. Heritage, TQS Barbara, CA schools (1996) Publishers because the book promotes "Mexican nationalim". 5/96, p.98 Johnson, What You Can Do to Removed from the Horace Earvin Avoid AIDS, Times Greeley High School in (Magic) Books Chappaqua, NY (1996) because a group of parents complained that the basketball player's written description of oral and anal sex were inappropriate for 14- and 15-year-olds. Johnson's book is endorsed by the American Medical Association and the Children's Defense Fund. 5/96, p.88; 7/96, p.119 Keehn, I am Regina, Challenged as optional Sally Philomel Books fifth-grade reading at the Orland Park, IL School District 135 (1996) because the book uses unflattering stereotypes to depict Native Americans and uses the word "squaw" which was offensive. 1/97, p.10 Keyes, Flowers for Challenged but retained in the Daniel Algernon, Bantam; Yorktown, VA schools (1996). A Harcourt parent complained about the profanity and references to sex and drinking in the novel. 5/96, p.100 Knowles, A Separate Peace, Challenged at the McDowell John Bantam; Dell; County, NC schools (1996) because Macmillan of "graphic language". 1/97, p.11 Koontz, Watchers, Putnam Removed from the Hickory High Dean R. School curriculum in Sharon, PA (1996) by the superintendent because the language wa offensive. 3/97, p.50 Kroll, Enabling Romance; A Removed from the Clifton, NJ Ken Guide to Love, Sex Public Library (1996) and and Relationships replaced with a dummy book made for the Disabled, of styrofoam. The library's new First Woodline policy retricts to adults any House material containing "patently offensive graphic illustrations or photographs of sexual or excretory activities or contact a measured by contemporary community standards for minors". 7/96, pp.118-19 Lee, Harper To Kill a Challenged at the Moss Point, MS Mockingbird, School District (1996) because Harper; Popular the novel contains a racial Library epithet. Banned from the Lindale, TX advanced placement English reading list (1996) because the book "conflicted with the values of the community". 11/96, pp.196-7 --- FLAME v1.1 * Origin: Chas Co Sheriff's Ofc wants *YOU*! Call 803-554-2498 (1:372/911) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 @PATH: 372/911 200 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (132) Tue 7 Oct 97 12:48 By: Judith Bandsma To: All Re: Banned Books 4 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:8780 23476600 L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Challenged but retained by the Madeleine Time, Dell Catawba County School Board in C. Newton, NC (1996). A parent requested the book be pulled from the school libraries because it allegedly undermines religious beliefs. 5/96, pp.97-98 Lowry, Lois The Giver, Dell; Challenged at the Lakota High Houghton School in Cincinnati, OH (1996). 11/96, p.198 Lundgren, The Runaway Challenged in the Kokomo-Howard Astrid Sleigh Ride, County, IN Public Library (1995) Viking becaue it makes "light of a drinking situation". The book is by the author of the Pippi Longstocking series. 3/96, p.46 Lynch, Iceman, Harper Challenged at the Haysville, KS Chris Middle School library (1996) when a parent counted 36 places where profanity was used in the book. 3/97, p.49 Mathabane, Kaffir Boy, NAL Temporarily pulled from the Mark Greensboro, NC high school libraries (1996) after a resident sent letters to school board member and some administrators charging that the book could encourage young people to sexually assault children. Challenged at the Lewis S. Mills High School (1996) in Burlington, CN because of brutal and graphic language. 7/96, p.119; 3/97, p.38 McFarland, Themes in World Challenged but retained at the Philip J., Literature, Tempe Union High School District et al Houghton in Mesa, AZ (1995). The story, A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner was objectionable becaue it uses the word "nigger" six times as well as other demeaning phrases. 1/96, p.13; 5/96, p.98 Melville, Moby Dick, Banned from the advanced Herman Modern Library placement English reading list at the Lindale, TX schools (1996) because it "conflicts with the values of the community". 11/96, p.199 Moe, Everything You Pulled from the Ouachita Parish Barbara A. Need to Know school library in Monroe, LA About Sexual (1996) because of sexual content. Abstinence, The Louisiana chapter of the ACLU Rosen filed a lawuit in the federal courts on October 3, 1996, claiming that the principal and the school superintendent violated First Amendment free speech rights and also failed to follow established procedure when they removed the book. 9/96, pp.151-52; 1/97, p.7 Mohr, A More Perfect Challenged but retained at the Richard D. Union: Why Belfast, ME Free Library (1996) Straight America because "homosexuality destroys Must Stand Up marriages and families; it for Gay Right, destroys the good health of the Beacon Press individual and the innocent are infected by it". 5/96, p.97 Momaday, N. House Made of Retained on the Round Rock, TX Scott Dawn, Harper; Independent High School reading NAL; Penguin list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent. 5/96, p.99 Morrison, Beloved, Knopf; Retained on the Round Rock, TX Toni NAL Independent High School reading list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent. 5/96, p.99 Myers, Fallen Angels, Removed from a 12th grade English Walter Dean Scholastic class in Middleburg Heights, OH (1995) after a parent complained of its sexually explicit language. The novel won the Coretta Scott King Award and was named Best Book of 1988 by School Library Journal. 3/96, p.49 O'Malley, Froggy Went Restricted at the Baltimore Kevin, A-Courtin', County, MD school libraries illustrator Stewart, Tabori (1996) because of Froggy's and Chang nefarious activities including burning money, and speeding away from the cat police, as well as robbery and smoking. The book is to be kept in restricted areas of the libraries where only parents and teachers will be allowed to check it out and read it to children. 1/97, p.7; 3/97, p.35 Orenstein, Schoolgirls: Challenged in Courtland, OH Peggy Young Women, High School (1996) because of Self-eteem and its "rotten, filthy language". the Confidence The teacher offered the parents Gap, Doubleday a black marker with which to delete offending pasagess, but the parents wanted it banned. The school board voted to continue the book. 3/97, p.50 Paterson, Bridge to Removed from the fifth-grade Katherine Terabithia, classrooms of the New Brighton Crowell Area School District in Pulaski Township, PA (1996) due to "profanity, desrespect of adults, and an elaborate fantasy world they felt might lead to confusion". 5/96, p.88 Peck, A Day No Pigs Pulled from an Anderson, SC middle Robert Would Die, school library (1995) because of Newton ABC-Clio; Dell; the "gory" descriptions of two Knopf pigs mating, a pig being slaughtered, and a cow giving birth. Challenged at the Anderson, MO Junior High School (1996) because of it's content 3/96, p.46; 1/97, p.10 Ray, Ron Gays in or Out Pulled from the Ouachita Parish of the school library in Monroe, LA Military, (1996) because of sexual content. Brassey's The Louisiana chapter of the ACLU filed a lawsuit in the federal courts on October 3, 1996, claiming that the principal and the school superintendent violated First Amendment free Speech rights and also failed to follow established procedure when they removed the book. 9/96, pp.151-52; 1/97, p.7 Reed, Rick Obsesed, Dell Permanently removed from the East Coweta County, GA High School library (1996) because of several sexually and violently graphic passages. 1/97, p.7; 3/97,p.35 --- FLAME v1.1 * Origin: Chas Co Sheriff's Ofc wants *YOU*! Call 803-554-2498 (1:372/911) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 @PATH: 372/911 200 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (133) Tue 7 Oct 97 12:48 By: Judith Bandsma To: All Re: Banned Books 5 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:4741 23476600 Reiss, The Upstairs Challenged as asigned reading for Johanna Room, Bantam; sixth grade students in Sanford, Harper ME (1996) because of profanity. 7/96, p.118 Rodriguez, Always Challenged as an optional reading Luis J. Running, at the Guilford High School in Curbstone Rockford, IL (1996) because it is Press "blatant pornography". 7/96, p.118 Roquelaire, Beauty's Removed from the Columbus, OH A.E.[Anne Punishment, Metropolitan Library (1996) as Rice] NAL hardcore pornography. 7/96, pp.119-20 Roquelaire, Beauty's Removed from the Columbus, OH A.E.[Anne Releae, NAL Metropolitan Library (1996) as Rice] hardcore pornography. 7/96, pp.119-20 Roquelaire, The Claiming Removed from the Columbus, OH A.E.[Anne of Sleeping Metropolitan Library (1996) as Rice] Beauty, NAL hardcore pornography. 7/96, pp.119-20 Salinger, Catcher in the Rye, Challenged at the Oxford J.D. Bantam; Little Hills High School in Pari, ME (1996). A parent objected to the use of "the 'F' word". 11/96, p.212 Sarton, May The Education of Removed from the Mascenic Harriet Hatfield, Regional High School in Norton New Ipswich, NH (1995) because it is about gays and lesbians. An English teacher was fired for refuing to remove the book. 9/95, p.166; 1/96, p.15 Shakepeare, Twelfth Night, Removed from a Merrimack, William Airmont; Cambridge NH high school English University Press; class (1996) because of a Methuen; NAL; Penguin; policy that bans any Pocket Books; instruction which has Washington Square "the effect of encouraging or supporting homosexuality as a positive lifestyle alternative". 5/96, p.96 Silko, Leslie Ceremony, Viking; Retained on the Round Marmon Penguin Rock, TX Independent High School reading list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent. 5/96, p.99 Silverstein, The New Joy of Gay Restricted to patrons Charles and Sex, Harper over 18 years of age at Picano, the Main Memorial Library Felice in Clifton, NJ (1996). The book is hidden behind the checkout counter and on the shelves is a dummy book jacket. The book was described a hardcore pornography by the complainant. 3/96, p.63; 5/96, p.83 Silverstein, A Light in the Attic, Challenged but retained Shel Harper on the Webb City, MO school library shelves (1996). A parent had protested that the book imparts a "dreary" and "negative" message. 5/96, p.97 Simon, Neil Brighton Beach Removed from the required Memoirs, NAL; Random reading and optional reading lists from the Dallas, TX schools (1996) because of passages containing profanity and sexually explicit language. 5/96, p.88 Sinclair, Coffee Will Make You Removed from the April Black, Hyperion curriculum at the Julian High School in Chicago, IL (1996) because the book was not appropriate for freshman as required reading because of sexually explicit language. 5/96, p.87 Smiley, Jane A Thousand Acres, Retained on the Round Fawcett; Knopf; Rock, TX Independent High Thorndike Press School reading list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent. 5/96, p.99 Spies, Karen Everything You Need to Pulled from the Ouachita Bornemann Know About Incest, Parish school library in Rosen Monroe, LA (1996) because of sexual content. The Louisiana chapter of the ACLU filed a lawsuit in the federal courts on October 3, 1996, claiming that the principal and the school superintendent violated First Amendment free Speech rights and also failed to follow established procedure when they removed the book. 9/96, pp.151-52; 1/97, p.7 Stanway, The Lover's Guide, St. Removed from the Clifton, Andrew Martin NJ Public Library (1996) and replaced with a dummy book made of styrofoam. The library's new policy restricts to adults any material containing "patently offensive graphic illustrations or photographs of sexual or excretory activities or contact as measured by contemporary community standards for minors". 7/96, pp.118-19 Steel, The Gift, Delacorte Challenged at a Coventry, Danielle OH school (1996) because "the schools had no business teaching his children about sex, that it was the job of the parents". 1/97, p.11 Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men, Challenged at the John Bantam; Penguin; Stephens County High Viking School library in Toccoa, GA (1995) because of "curse words". Challenged but retained in a Warm Springs, VA High School (1995) English class. 3/96, pp.50,63 __________. Red Pony, Viking Challenged but retained on a recommended reading list at Holmes Middle School in Eden, NC (1996). A parent --- FLAME v1.1 * Origin: Chas Co Sheriff's Ofc wants *YOU*! Call 803-554-2498 (1:372/911) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 @PATH: 372/911 200 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (134) Tue 7 Oct 97 12:49 By: Judith Bandsma To: All Re: Banned Books 6 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:4601 23476620 Stern, Howard Miss America, Regan Challenged at the Prince William County, VA library (1996). Two newly appointed members of the library board want to limit young people's access to books by removing them from the collection or by creating an "adults-only" section of the library. 11/96, p.194 Stine, R.L. Beach House, Pocket Challenged at the Pulaski Books Heights Elementary School library in Little Rock, AK (1996) along with similar Stine titles. The book, part of the "Fear Street" series, includes graphic descriptions of boys intimidating and killing girls. 11/96, p.211 __________. GoosebumpsScholastic Challenged at the Bay County, FL elementary schools (1996) because of "satanic symbolism, disturbing scenes and dialogue". The Barking Ghost, for satanic symbolism and gestures, possession and descriptions of dogs as menacing and attacking; Night of the Living Dummy II, for spells or chants, violence and vandalism; The Haunted Mask, for graphic description of the ugly mask, demonic possession, violence, disturbing scenes and dialogue; The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight, for satanic acts and symbolism, and disturbing scenes; Say Cheese and Die!, for promoting mischief, demonic possession, a reference to Satan and his goals, a disturbing scene describing a death, and a scene that tells of a child disappearing from a birthday party. Challenged at the Anoka-Hennepin, MN school system (1997) because "children under the age of 12 may not be able to handle the frightening content of the books. 7/96, p.134; 3/97, p.35 Stoppard, The Magic of Restricted to patrons Miriam SexNewspaper Guild over 18 years of age at the Main Memorial Library in Clifton, NJ (1996). The book is hidden behind the checkout counter and on the shelves is a dummy book jacket. The book was described as hardcore pornography by the complainant. 3/96, p.63; 5/96, p.83 Tan, Amy The Joy Luck Club, Banned from the Lindale, TX Putnam advanced placement English reading list (1996) because the book "conflicted with the values of the community". 11/96, p.199 Taylor, Agnes the Sheep, Removed from the Nesbit William Scholastic Elementary School in Gwinnett County, GA (1995) because it "overused" the words "hell, damn and God". After other parents wanted the book restored in the elementary school, the County Board of Education refused to reinstate the book. 1/96, p.11; 3/96, p.64 Twain, The Adventures of Challenged in the Kenosha, WS Mark Huckleberry Finn, Unified School District (1995). [Samuel L. Bantam; The complaint was filed by the Clemens] Bobbs-Merrill; local NAACP which cited the Grosset; Harper; book as offensive to Holt; Houghton; African-American students. Longman; Macmillan; Challenged as required reading NAL; Norton; in an honors English class at Penguin; Pocket the McClintock High School in Books; Tempe, AZ (1996). Demonstrators called for the ouster of the principal. In May, 1996, a class-action lawsuit was filed in US District Court in Phoenix, alleging that the district has deprived minority students of educational opportunities by requiring them to read racially offensive literature or allowing them to go to the library if they objected. Dropped from the mandatory required reading list at the Upper Dublin, PA schoolss (1996) because of its allegedly insensitive and offensive language. Banned from the Lindale, TX advanced placement English reading list (1996) becausse the book "conflicted with the values of the community". Challenged for being on the approved required reading list in the Federal Way, WA schools (1996) because it "perpetuates hate and racism". Challenged as required reading at the Cherry Hill, PA High Schools (1996) because of language. 3/96, pp.64-65; 5/96, p.98; 7/96, p.120; 9/96, pp.153,157; 11/96, pp.198-99; 1/97, p.12; 3/97, p.40 Updike, Rabbit is Removed from the library at Sun Valley John Rich, High School in Aston, PA (1996) because it Knopf contains "offensive language and explicit sexual scenes". The novel won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1982. /5/96, pp.83-84 --- FLAME v1.1 * Origin: Chas Co Sheriff's Ofc wants *YOU*! Call 803-554-2498 (1:372/911) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 @PATH: 372/911 200 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (135) Tue 7 Oct 97 12:49 By: Judith Bandsma To: All Re: Banned Books 7 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:86c0 23476620 Van White Ninja, Fawcett Challenged at the Prince Lustbader, William County, VA Library Eric (1995) because of passages that describe the vicious rape and flaying of a young woman. 1/96, p.12; 11/96, pp.194,211; 1/97, p.26 Vonnegut, Breakfast of Challenged in the Monmouth Kurt, Jr. Champions, Dell IL School Ditrict Library (1995) because it is "pornographic trash". 3/96, p.45 __________. Slaughterhouse-Five, Retained on the Round Dell; Dial Rock, TX Independent High School reading list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent. 5/96, p.99 Walker, Alice The Color Retained on the Round Rock, TX Purple, Independent High School reading Harcourt list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent.Challenged as part of the reading list for Advanced English classes at Northwest High School in High Point, NC (1996) because the book is "sexually graphic and violent". 5/96, p.99; 3/97, p.50 Welch, James Winter in the Retained on the Round Rock, TX Blood, Harper Independent High School reading list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent. 5/96, p.99 Wieler, Diane Bad Boy, Challenged at the State College, Delacorte PA area middle school libraries (1996). Three parents requested the book's removal, charging that it was full of profanity and portrayed underage drinking and other problems. In addition, the portrayal of the homosexual relationship between two secondary characters "conveys a wrong message". 11/96, p.211; 1/97, p.9 Wilder, Laura Little House Removed from the classrooms, but Ingalls in the Big later reinstated for Woods, third-graders at the lincoln Buccaneer; Unified School District in Harper; Stockton, CA (1996). Complainants Transaction also want the book removed from the library because it "promotes racial epithets and is fueling the fire of racism". 1/97, p.9; 3/97, p.50 White, Ryan Ryan White: My Removed from the curriculum, but and Own Story, placed on library shelves, with Cunningham, Dial restricted access, at the Ann Marie Stroudsburg, PA middle school (1996) because a section "uses a gutter term for sodomy and another approves of teen smoking". 3/97, p.37 Wright, Black Boy, Retained on the Round Rock, TX Richard Harper Independent High School reading list (1996) after a challenge that the book was too violent. 5/96, p.99 __________. Native Son, Challenged as part of the reading Harper list for Advanced English classes at Northwest High School in High Point, NC (1996) because the book is "sexually graphic and violent". 3/97, p.50 And while I would truly like to say that this is the end, I fear that it will still be... --- FLAME v1.1 * Origin: Chas Co Sheriff's Ofc wants *YOU*! Call 803-554-2498 (1:372/911) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 @PATH: 372/911 200 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001