(53) Mon 20 Oct 97 18:18 By: God Dan To: All Re: Form letter for ignorance, by Bill Kockman St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:5a3b 23549240 @PID: OMX 1.00.DOS [NR] @MSGID: 1:123/67.5 344ba076 * Reply to msg originally in KOCKMAN Need I say more about Billy's Form Letter? -> On 19 Oct 97 21:35:01, Bill Kochman got back to All -> Re: Dear Teacher-b BK> ----- Begin Letter ----- BK> Saturday November 1, 1997 BK> Dear _________________________, BK> Today my son/daughter informed me that he/she is supposed to BK> read the _________ chapter of her science book called BK> _________________________. While he/she was reading it, I BK> went over to see what the chapter was about. I was quite BK> disappointed to discover that you are teaching my BK> son/daughter things which are clearly against our Christian BK> beliefs. Perhaps you may not be aware of it, so please allow BK> me to inform you that we are fundamentalist Christians. This BK> means that we accept the Bible as the inspired unerring Word BK> and Truth of God. This includes the account of Creation in BK> the Book of Genesis. The reason we believe this is because BK> God says so, and that is all that we need to know. As far as BK> we are concerned, God's Word stands above all of the BK> doctrines and teachings of men. The Bible informs us that BK> God has esteemed, or magnified, His Word above His very name BK> as is made clear in the following verse: BK> "I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name BK> for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast BK> magnified thy word above all thy name." (Psalms 138:2) BK> With that in mind, please allow me to briefly share with you BK> some of our positions concerning certain modern beliefs and BK> practices as they relate to the Bible: BK> EVOLUTION AND DINOSAUR AGE: BK> Because of our strict adherence to the Word of God, we BK> wholeheartedly reject many things being taught by science BK> and the modern public school system. This includes the false BK> THEORY of EVILution and everything associated with it. This BK> includes the millions-of-years scenario, the idea that BK> humankind evolved from apes and other lower lifeforms, the BK> pre-human dinosaur age, etc. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul BK> refers to this as 'science falsely so called' because it is BK> not the wisdom which comes from God; it is the foolish BK> babblings of vain, proud, rebellious men who have rejected BK> God and His Holy Word: BK> "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, BK> avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of BK> science falsely so called:" (Timothy 6:20) BK> In speaking on another issue, the Apostle James made the BK> following comment which can also be applied to the teaching BK> of EVILution and other false ideas taught in our modern BK> public school system: BK> "This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, BK> sensual, devilish." (James 3:15) BK> We find an interesting parallel to the belief in EVILution, BK> and the literal worship of skeletons of supposed dinosaurs, BK> etc., in the ancient Roman idolatrous worship of images and BK> statues of birds and four-footed beasts: BK> "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as BK> God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their BK> imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. BK> Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And BK> changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image BK> made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted BK> beasts, and creeping things...Who changed the truth of God BK> into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than BK> the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." BK> (Romans 1:21-23, 25) BK> About seven hundred years before this, the Prophet Jeremiah BK> also chided ancient Israel for worshipping things taken from BK> nature: BK> "Saying to a stock, Thou art my father; and to a stone, Thou BK> hast brought me forth: for they have turned their back unto BK> me, and not their face: but in the time of their trouble BK> they will say, Arise, and save us." (Jeremiah 2:27) BK> End Of Part b BK> -!- MacKennel 2.6 BK> ! Origin: It's Time For _YOU_ To Get SERIOUS With The Lord! BK> (6:670/0.0) SEEN!BY: 119/88 123/54 67 270/101 2222/0 1 10 258 BK> @PATH: 670/0 346/250 396/1 270/101 2222/258 123/54 6 --- OMX/Blue Wave v2.12 * Origin: From the Northwest Corner of Nowhere (1:123/67.5) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 SEEN-BY: 3804/180 @PATH: 123/67 54 2222/258 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001