Forwarded message: >From Thu Dec 4 17:38:16 1997 Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 02:10:29 -0500 (EST) Message-Id: <> From: Mark White To: Subject: C-NEWS: Pro-abortion Christmas album Sender: Precedence: list Reply-To: Mark White X-Archives: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: To: Subject: Pro-abortion Christmas album Cardinal Law Denounces Sony's Pro-Abortion "Christmas Album" Cardinal Bernard Law, Chairman of the Bishops Committee for Pro-Life Activities, sent a letter to the president of Sony Music, Inc., denouncing Sony's release of a "Christmas Album" to raise money to promote legal abortion. "This mockery of Christmas is offensive to every Christian and to Christianity itself," the Cardinal wrote. "In the very season in which Christians celebrate the birth of the infant Jesus and his mother Mary's yes to life under most difficult circumstances, Sony markets music promoting a right to destroy children before birth." Entitled "O Come All Ye Faithful," the album's proceeds will benefit "Rock for Choice," an organization founded by the Feminist Majority and others. Songs parodied on the album, in addition to the title song, include specifically Christian music like "Good King Wenceslas" and "The Little Drummer Boy." Rock for Choice includes in its goals the repeal of laws requiring parental consent to a minor's abortion, the repeal of restrictions on federal funding of abortions, and "massive pro-choice community organizing." In their promotional materials for the album, they refer to legal abortion as among "the most spiritual of gifts." Cardinal Law called Sony's project "appalling" and stated that he intended to "bring this to the attention of every Catholic Bishop and to Catholic organizations across the country. -- Infonet List is a daily compilation of pro-life news and educational information. To subscribe, send the message "subscribe" to: To unsubscribe send the message "unsubscribe" to the same address. For more pro-life information visit the Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List at and for questions or additional information, email ------- To subscribe to c-news, send the message SUBSCRIBE C-NEWS, or the message UNSUBSCRIBE C-NEWS to unsubscribe, to Contact if you have questions.