(102) Sat 31 May 97 19:23 By: Ed Mills To: Julie Smart Re: Lyin missions! St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:2491 22bf9ae0 @MSGID: 1:105/24.12 526bca7a @REPLY: 1:270/430@FidoNet 0000B4A2 While (insert vocational humor here), Julie Smart said to Preston Simpson: JS> Re: Lyin missions! JS> > So what? If one tells the same lie often enough and convincingly JS> enough, > people become convinced. What is your point here? JS> Yea, but none of you have convinced me yet... Most likely, no one ever will. That's why I try to devote energy to nipping this religious brainwashing in the bud by revealing to children that they're being lied to. Children whose subconscious minds are being defiled by christianic death-cult mythology are more reachable than adults because they are still suggestible - which is what makes them vulnerable to such superstitious conditioning in the first place. When their minds are poisoned with the truth, they are more apt to reject the cult mentality later in life. And the more who do, the more future deprogrammers and consequently the fewer cultists there will be. The math of it could result in a more cheerful outlook for the future of humanity, given a little cooperation! edweird ... 3.7 million times I took His name in vain, St. Peter? Jesus Chri... --- PPoint 2.00 * Origin: St. Vitus's Dance Studio (1:105/24.12) SEEN-BY: 12/12 24/888 102/2 943 105/72 106/2000 114/262 441 124/1 130/1 SEEN-BY: 130/1008 133/2 143/1 147/34 2021 167/166 170/400 202/777 1207 SEEN-BY: 213/213 218/2 801 890 900 901 907 270/101 275/429 280/1 169 SEEN-BY: 282/1 62 283/120 284/29 300/603 310/666 322/739 323/107 324/278 SEEN-BY: 343/600 346/250 352/3 356/18 371/42 377/86 382/92 387/5 388/1 SEEN-BY: 396/1 45 690/660 730/2 2401/0 2442/0 3603/420 3612/41 3615/50 SEEN-BY: 3619/25 3632/21 3651/9 3652/1 3667/1 3828/2 @PATH: 105/24 302 72 396/1 218/907 801