Dear Frederic: You must have me and my website mixed up with someone else, in that we are merely a reflective website for the vast research I and my partner, Bill Guggenheim, have done on After-Death Communications over a period of more than 9 years, with the publication of our nationally well-known book, "Hello From Heaven!" from Bantam Books and soon available in 6 foreign language editions. We are not a "cult," and subscribe to no particular religious denomination, but are merely a safe place for the discussion of ADCs, which are considered sacred spiritual events by the experiencers, being that they are both spontaneous and direct, without the use of any psychics, mediums, devices, or rituals. In my research I interview those who have claimed to have had an ADC according to our "definition," and our research is the first ever done of this field. We have no interest in ever "proving" such events in a "scientific" sense, in that we are doubtful that conditions could ever be created to measure, qualify, and quantify such occurances, in that they are entirely subjective and personal experiences, even though conservatively 50 million Americans have had an ADC and they are reportedly as old as mankind. I am anticipating a "research grant" later this year to help me further my investigation into other cultures around the world, as well as ADC experiencers from other religious backgrounds, other than the Judeo-Christian heritage of the No. Americas, where I have interviewed 2,000 people from all walks of life, all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces, and collected 3,300 firsthand accounts. In my travels and public lectures/workshops I have spoken to over 5,000 people in person or via letters and email who claim to have had such an experience. Thank you for your interest, and I invite you to my website and my various chat rooms. If you need any technical assistance, you may email my webmaster, Will Guggenheim, at: Sincerely, Judy Guggenheim };{ Email: Home Page: