By: Sue Alexander Re: Lest we forget... (1 of 5) >>> Jim Germiquet to Brian Kolacy 2-29-96 <<< MH> KD>> Then why are there still Jews? Are you kidding. JESUS IS A JEW ! And have you not heard of the group "Jews for Jesus"? Being a Christian does not mean you can't be a Jew. And it is also said that in the end times when Jesus returns again, then the Jewish nation will recognize him and accept him as the Messiah. >>> Jim Germiquet to Fredric Rice 2-29-96 <<< FR> ... Married life presupposes the power of the FR> husband over the wife and children, and subjection FR> and obediance of the wife to the husband. - Pope FR> Pius XI, _Casti Connubii_ Sounds great to me :-) . As long as it is voluntary. But then the husband must love and cherish the wife. Someone always has to hold the balance of power or nothing would ever get done if both sides refused to give in. The responsibility is on the husband then to be sure that he does the RIGHT THING or HE pays the consequences. And to this day while man has lost his rights say in abortions He still must PAY the consequences if the woman has the child. >>> Jim Germiquet to Fredric Rice 2-29-96 <<< FR> "Now therefore kill every male among the little FR> ones, and kill every woman who hath known man by FR> lying with him. But all the women children, that have FR> not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for FR> yourselves." Actually this sounds quite HUMANE. Think about it. No point having all those orphaned children and widows around after their hubbys have died in the war. And of course you wouldn't want to be taking another mans woman for your new bride. SO take only the virgins. And at the same time, you continue the race through the virgins. >>> Jim Germiquet to Martin Goldberg 3-6-96 <<< And what happens when your long awaited Messiah ends up being the return of Jesus Christ ? They are "Christian Jews" not "Orthodox Jews". We know the HISTORY of the Jewish people. They have a very long history of turning their back on their own true god and worshipping false gods. This denial of Jesus is just one more example in my humble opinion. Can the Jewish People as a nation be trusted when it comes to whether or not at this particular time they are following god ? Tell you what. Get that temple in Jerusalem built and let's see what happens. At least until then I will consider the Jewish nation in just one more of their rebellions against their true god. >>> Jim Germiquet to Andrew Masten 3-2-96 <<< Anything god does, he does becomes people demand it of him. That is why he had to send Jesus. because the jews had this thing about sacrificing something to god for forgiveness. So people couldn't accept gods forgiveness unless they sacrificed something for it. Its a ritual people like to take part in. STarted back in the garden of eden when adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Then he started making up these rules about how to make up for it when he did one of those "evil" things. >>> Jim Germiquet to Martin Goldberg 3-4-96 <<< What is wrong with being simple minded ? I like the idea? The simpler the better. WHy try to make things complicated if they don't have to be. >>> Jim Germiquet to Rena Mcgee 3-8-96 <<< RM> You can't really *love* someone who has to be obey you in all RM> things. And if someone is subordinate to you, then its obvious RM> you're superior, right? So if you're superior, and the RM> subordinate disobeys you, you have to discipline the subordinate, RM> right? After all, the subordinate has to *obey* you, because RM> you're *superior* to the subordinate, correct? Not really. You have to remember that the wife doesn't HAVE to be subordinate, she CHOOSES to in a good marriage. A man should not have to force a woman to give him the title of "head" of the family. She should trust him enough to allow him to have the final say in matters they have discussed together and have not been able to agree upon. On his part, he must be fair and consider what is best for all in the family, not what is best for him. It is NOT a question of being superior, it is merely a question of responsibility. It is not a question of being subordinate, it is a question of being trusting. It is not a question of "obedience" like a dog, It is a question of willingness. If the woman is "unwilling" then that is her choice. But what does that do to the relationship ? That means she doesn't trust her husband to make the right choice, and what is love without trust and what is a marriage without love? >>> Jim Germiquet to Masochistic Maiden 3-11-96 <<< And many times, it isn't so much the person doing the abuse that needs treatment, as the person who is allowing their rights to be abused. I mean if a person doesn't let the abuser know they are crossing that line, it adds to the problem. And what about the abused person who is either consciously or unconsciously baiting the abuser and WANTS to be abused. As a foster parent, we were educated about abused children who try to get their foster parent to spank them or abuse them because the see it as an expression of love and caring. And there was some talk about how Nicole Simpson said she like to get O.J. worked up because it excited her to see him angry. The excitement, "living on the edge". With that kind of psychological manipulation happening is it any wonder that some people become "abusive". I myself had personal experience with a female who wanted me to help her get together with an exboyfriend because she wanted to dump him for spite. >>> Jim Germiquet to "Norbert Sykes" 3-12-96 <<< (re:killing the boys and non-virgins after a battle) I was talking about fighting back as a nationa and not as individuals. As has already been noted, there is no evidence that these "virgins" were raped or used as anything more than servants. And from my reading of the bible many servants were treated quite well. The prodigal son for example went home thinking "even my fathers servants are better off than I am". And these virgins on becoming women may have voluntarily become sexually active with their captors due to their own sexual needs and urges. And also the desire to have children. >>> Jim Germiquet to Michael Hardy 3-12-96 <<< MH> So instead he goes to great lengths to make salvation possible, MH> freely available to anyone who wants it. And what is salvation ? It is avoidance of the pain caused by making wrong decisions. Much like a person who takes the advice of not playing with matches avoids the hell of being burned over 90% of their body, like those who have ignored the warning and have been burned. >>> Jim Germiquet to Chad Osten 3-12-96 <<< CO> I don't know if it was you or not, but somebody mentioned about how CO> people need to submit to christ...that isn't exactly free CO> would a christian reconcile their need with being a human and being CO> a christian in this scenario? Of course it is a free choice, if you submit yourself willingly. A good example would be that of a wife who trusts her husband enough to give him the final say in family affairs. She believes that whatever decision he makes will be in the best interests of all concerned. Many women no longer feel that way. They feel it is belittling to trust their husbands enough to willingly submit to his decision. >>> Jim Germiquet to Preston Simpson 3-13-96 <<< PS> Think about it. If you awoke one morning to the sound of gunfire and PS> discovered that your neighbor had invaded his neighbor's house, killed PS> everyone there except for that family's little girl, and taken her as PS> a slave, wouldn't *you* feel disposed to do something about it, before PS> he came after you? I'd become his friend as soon as possible :-). A STRONG friend as opposed to a snivelling cowardly friend. He would see the benefit of forming an alliance with me and be wary of attacking me or betraying me for his own safety. >>> Jim Germiquet to David Worrell 3-13-96 <<< HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Like you have any idea of what a "quantum fluctuation is" How many have you personally encountered ? Seen any universes created by that method lately ? I thought not. Fancy words for "non existent magician waved non existent wand and POOF a universe" And you thing god is a fairy tale? >>> Jim Germiquet to "Norbert Sykes" 3-13-96 <<< Then we would be saying why can't the wife be subordinate to the husband. But I would say basically it makes more sense for the physically stronger person to bear the responsibility , especially in the past where it was necessary for purposes of protection and lower factor of intimidation. The man has nearly always been considered the provider and the protector, making him less likely to make decisions out of fear or intimidation. But as I said I don't consider it being "subordinate" as much as trusting the man to do that which he is suited for by nature. The woman is physically the one who must bear the children. >>> Jim Germiquet to Martin Goldberg 3-18-96 <<< MG> Obesity is real. MG> You have yet to show that hell is real. Easy, Obesity is real, Obesity is hell ...therefore Hell is real ! NEXT ! :-) >>> Jim Germiquet to Martin Goldberg 3-18-96 <<< MG> The Big Bang came from a highly compressed ball of matter that MG> contained all the matter in the universe. When a critical mass was MG> achieved by gravitational compression, the mass expanded. MG> It's that simple. Where is your evidence for god? Well thank you very much, you have just given the evidence for my God. My God is that highly compressed ball of < matter??? whats that? > matter that expanded. TADA ! That is my "god the creator". As for "god the spirit". That is simply the non physical concept of the TRUTH of the non physical uniting power of LOVE ,the non physical sustaining power of HOPE and the assurance of the reality of life or non physical power of FAITH. These three remain. Faith , Hope , and Love. And the greatest of these is Love. >>> Jim Germiquet to Martin Goldberg 3-18-96 <<< Well obviously Jesus and God are real because there are MILLIONS of people who believe in them and act upon those beliefs. >>> Jim Germiquet to Martin Goldberg 3-23-96 <<< I have always concidered science to just be those who discover what gods creation is and how he put it together . Leave the why and the wherefore, to religion . Maybe even philosophy. >>> Jim Germiquet to Judith Bandsma 3-23-96 <<< JG> Exactly and at the time these "canals" were discovered, I was told JG> about them. Later the opinion was that these "canals" were the result JG> of the instrument being used to study the planet. JB> I absolutely refuse to believe that you are over 100 years old. Eesh, again you pick on some irrelevent technical point and completely ignore the concept within the message . just like the sadducees and pharisees of the new testament that Jesus criticised. >>> Jim Germiquet to Kevin D. Mckenzie 3-26-96 <<< Of course. The bible says in the beginning was only god. What did god create the universe out of ? I believe the universe is god, and the big bang, was the birth of man. The sperm and egg of life uniting. Sure it took 4.3 billion years of pregnancy before man was finally born, but it was all part of the process and it really isnt much time in comparison to eternity, is it ? >>> Jim Germiquet to Lynda Bustilloz 3-29-96 <<< LB> Does that spirit of Truth and Love embody the concept that it's a LB> darned shame that women have gotten so uppity that you see no recourse LB> but to either backhand them, or start gunning women down at random? I have presented such scenarios in terms of sick people who do not know any other way of coping with this changing world. Men have to learn how to deal with the mental abuses of women, in another way. In general men AND women must learn respect for one another. The scars that a woman has learned to leave upon men, are not physical, they are mental and so there are no polaroid snapshots that can be presented in a trial. And of course society still laughs at a man who allows a woman to abuse him. Women also must bear the curse of their own aggressiveness, and sadly their children must also bear the curse of a woman who has chased her husband out of the home and marriage through constant verbal abuse, free from the previous threat of physical defence once used by men. Some men on the other hand who have not learned another way other than the physical will continue to go mad from this verbal spousal abuse of women and in their madness strike out at those who have scarred their minds, perhaps irrepairably. No one is justifying this action of men. Just pointing out the possibilities for it. >>> Jim Germiquet to Lynda Bustilloz 3-29-96 <<< LB> Like claiming that it was a mistake to let women get so uppity you LB> have to backhand them? I have never backhanded any woman in my life. I said that was what some men used to control women. In fact I was always taught that you should never hit a lady. But then of course that was in the days when women were ladies not like today when many women are just men without penises. They have no respect for their own femaleness and wish they were men. LB> Do you think he got much done, having all those women around who LB> needed a good rap across the mouth? Or did he just "cull the herd" when You must be really desperate, to keep HARPING on the same thing. But then you are a female. Is that sexism ? or just pointing out a trait common to the disrespectful females of the human species. >>> Jim Germiquet to Fredric Rice 4-2-96 <<< Of course you can do anything you want. Of course our society has set up some laws that might discourage you from doing so. But god would not stop you. But god might forewarn me if I am listening, and allow me to escape your evil intent. He might even use conditions that would cause me to run away at just the right time that as you are pursuing me, a power line that is ready to snap will come down and electrocute you for your treachery. Of course had you not pursued me it would not have happened that you would die. >>> Jim Germiquet to Elliot Finesse 4-10-96 <<< Of course I get my info straight from God. The bible just verifies what God tells me. You can get your info straight from God as well. In fact, that is the only way you can really interpret the bible properly. (later...) SO far here are two points you have missed that I have tried to make. 1) The perception of truth is unique to the individual, as opposed to the actual truth of god. 2) Our perception of the truth is limited by our ability to seperate ourselves from what we WANT to believe, or our agenda. 3) The interpretation of the bible relies on our ability to perceive this actual truth of god as opposed to our perception of the truth which is tinted by our agenda. (even later...) I don't say words aren't to be trusted, I say words must be interpretted and the interpretations might not be accurate, depending on our ability or willingness to interpret them properly. But words are superfluous, in relationship to the truth. As Jesus said the truth is within each of us. We use words with each other to try and justify our denial of the actual truth. You and I both have access to the actual reality of the truth. If we argue or disagree, it is because we have agendas in which we must twist the truth to prove what we want to believe is true. >>> Jim Germiquet to Sue Armstrong 4-12-96 <<< Femaleness is the femininity of women 1) physically as child barers and nurturers 2) Socially as child nurturers and homemakers 3) Mentally as a different being than the male of the species, with different perceptions and outlooks and qualities which are wll recognized by psychologists and other professionals. This has nothing to do with not having a say in what goes on. It has nothing to do with being inferior to men. This is what has been perceived and so women no longer respect the role that their gender best suits them for , in favor of taking on what they see as the more glamorous and superior role of the male. >>> Jim Germiquet to Katherine Wintersnight 4-15-96 <<< KW> Perhaps he needs glasses? I would think that if *I* could tell the KW> difference between harming another (murder) and piggishness KW> (gluttony), an omnipotent god would be able to. It is not a question of not being able to "tell" the difference. It is a question of the ratio of how "big" the sin is. When compared to the perfect sinlessness of god, murder and gluttony are not much different in grandeur. The comparison would be like having a huge circle that represents sinlessness, and murder being a pinprick in it and gluttony being a very slightly smaller pinprick. In relation to the circle less than a .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 per cent difference. Obviously the numbers are not meant literally, but just to give you an idea of the context of what I am saying. A sin is a sin is a sin, and it is man who puts this idea of one sin being bigger than another sin, and even then it is based on mans perception of the sin. What you may consider to be a big sin, another person might consider to be quite appropriate behavoir. >>> Jim Germiquet to David Worrell 4-3-96 <<< DW> What happens if your wife-to-be dies soon after your marriage, and you DW> eventually marry another woman? Which one will you "continue united is DW> a spiritual union" with? This question is answered by Jesus. he says that in "heaven" it is not like that. There is no male or female. Perhaps we will all be united in a spiritual union. >>> Jim Germiquet to Preston Simpson 4-18-96 <<< PS> Bully for you. Your definition of God seems to be a very vague and PS> nebulous one. Oh yeah? ANd I suppose you have a better one ? Of COURSE you are going to be able to ridicule a God that is defined as a piece of wood, or anything that can be totally comprehended by such a sensually limited human being. We are so very limited by our 5 senses, we cant even hear what dogs can hear. We cant sense the things a bat can. All our efforts are concentrated on developing devices that are capable of recognizing things that we cannot "sense" and translating those into a form we can identify with our 5 senses. X-RAYS and Radioactivity were unknown before we developed instruments capable of detecting them. Same with "black holes". The POINT is so very much could exist all around us that we are simply incapable of "sensing". We are limited, and as such can hardly be expected to be able to completely define what "God" is. My defintion is a "partial" definition. I have several that include God the creator, God the spirit, God the controller. >>> Jim Germiquet to Becke Jones (now Boyer) 4-18-96: BJ> gender roles for women in the first place. Men can be just as capable BJ> of these acts (nurturer, homemaker, etc.). Just because women are BJ> escaping the restraints that men have put on them in the past doesn't BJ> make them any less a woman... Give me a break. A man does not have a WOMB or BREASTS necessary to bare and feed children. And you as a woman MUST know the value of breast feeding in the bonding of a child to its mother and how important it is for babies to bond, if the are to thrive and be healthy. Men just as capable ? Hardly. And now just because we have infant formula and all its additives and cows milk with all its allergic reactions and intolerences, women think it is fine to deny a child the BEST food processed specifically for it within its mothers body, and allow their poor infant to suffer all the problems related to substitute milk or soya products. Just because we have day care centres, it is fine to deprive the child of the bonding to his real mother. The nurturing of his natural mother you SHOULD care more about it than any day care worker possibly could, but obviously doesn't care enough to provide that nurturing because she wants to be a businessman.. oops businessperson. Men have put these restraints on women ? Hardly, it was love for their children that once put these restraints on women. A love that seems to have dissapated. And when these chidren grow up what love will they pass on to their children, probably even less than their businessmother gave them. Any less a woman ? depends on your definition of "woman", if you mean physically, other than breast implants probably not. But in terms of womanhood and a mothers natural love for her family, and a womans pride of being a mother and nurturere and homemaker for her family, yes these are much less women and getting to be more and more like men in a mans body, I wonder if this could be a cause of the rise in lesbienism ? And of course with women castrating men with the same knife of women lib fanatacism, it is no surprise their is an increase in the number of gay men. Have a nice day sir. >>> Jim Germiquet to Sue Alexander 4-19-96 <<< SA> woman's responsibility to her children if she is in an abusive SA> relationship? What is the woman's responsibility if she has a very Certainly such men should not be allowed to do so. Such people should first receive counselling and legal action should be taken. What ever happened to "For better or worse, richer or poorer in sickness and in health ?" I certainly do not expect a woman to allow herself to be abused, and at the very first sign of abuse action should be taken to end the abuse, but not necessarily the relationship. It is so easy now for a woman to just walk out and take everything with her, that I really believe it is becoming a ploy of women, to hook rich men with the intention of walking out after a couple years with a couple of kids and a house and a guaranteed child support income. You tell me in this situation, who is being abused. WHo is being taken for a ride and not only being raped materially, but emotionally as well when he has given everything to this woman including his trust and heart and she just stomps on it and walks out ! >>> Jim Germiquet to Sue Armstrong 4-26-96 <<< SA> Yes, these things hurt people. Not gods. Therefore, they are not SA> sins. Oh I see what we have here. A person who does not believe that stealing adultery and murder would be perfectly GOOD things to do , as long as we "legalize" them. I think this says much about your own character ! And you talk about how terrible war is ? ROFL !