*************************************************** This is NOT a "SPAM" If you wish to be removed from our mailings, do not hit "reply", but see removal information at bottom. *************************************************** Dear Friend in Christ Stop Supporting Satan! Did you know that some large companies may be promoting Satanic, evil programs that are against GOD? Quit buying your products from the secular companies that may be promoting satanic and immoral beliefs........ YOU can make a difference and a great change! Please take a minute to order a FREE no obligation information package now! Christian Commerce is part of the answer! - you need this information, so visit our site and order it FREE now! http://get-it.net/cgi-bin/get-it/1/mreed408/scriptures God Bless! *PS - You will also learn how YOU can earn a great extra income helping us spread God's word! Visit our site now http://get-it.net/cgi-bin/get-it/1/mreed408/scriptures or you will always wonder..... what if? ******************************************************************* "This is not a SPAM! We are a member of Universal Remove-Me, and have duly removed all who do not wish to receive unsolicited emails. If you feel that this is a mistake, please remove yourself from all future mailings either from us, or from other Responsible Direct Email Marketers, by sending an empty email to remove@remove-me.com. Do not reply to this email, as you will then only be removed from our personal mailing lists and therefore will continue to receive mailings from others. If you are yourself a Direct Email Marketer, please download the Universal Remove Me list from www.remove-me.com. and subscribe to Responsible Direct Email Marketing!" *******************************************************************