The Context of the Current Crisis --------------------------------- As if the retrial of Alabama's Judge Moore's "right" to inflict his religious beliefs on the public wasn't enough, Moore supporters plan to hold a rally this Saturday (4-12-97) to show their belief in his, leadership. First begun as a demonstration by the local Baptist organizations, the Christian Coalition has joined in to make the event even more enjoyable to everyone. Also in attendance (supposedly) will be several members of the so-called Army of God, a hate group that has gained fame recently by claiming to have planted the bombs that recently went off in a clinic and bar in Atlanta. What We are Going to Do ----------------------- Although it is too late to obtain a permit to demonstrate (as required in Montgomery in order to simply picket), freethought forces still plan to make an appearance. Individual members of the Birmingham Freethought Society, along with members of the Alabama Freethought Association, and Freedom From Religion Foundation will be on the scene making waves in their usual fashion, ruining everyone's fun with large signs and evil atheistic propoganda. Ah, it should be fun. The event will be held in the afternoon of Saturday, April 12 on the steps of the capitol building at 1 PM. Freethiners will probably be on the sidewalk or some other place highly visible but out of the general traffic (ah, the better not to get arrested with, my dear). If anyone would care to come and help, please do. I'm sure we won't be hard to find. If you live in Birmingham, Alabama (or close), you can join several of the BFS/AFA/FFRF members in a last minute planning session on Friday night. We will be discussing media statements and safety protocol (*), and making signs. For more information on the whereabouts and time of that event, please contact me at the phone number or email address below. (*) Those attending: Please remember that the "Army of God" is a hate group allegedly responsible for two bombings and several threats to "non Christian" organizations. According to BFS sources, electronic mail and other communications between suspected members of the AoG have suggested that not only will they be in attendance, but they will be violent towards [separation of church and state] demonstrators. Although it seems unlikely that the AoG will attempt to hurt anyone on the steps of the capital building, it is important that all who plan to attend are aware of this danger and are careful to stay in large groups (preferably in front of the media at all times). Again: if anyone needs any more information, please feel free to contact me. If your email program has the ability to do so, assign a high priority to your message when you send it. If you want to call me, do so after 5:30 PM cst. "The time appears to me to have come when it is the duty of all to make their dissent from religion known." -John Stuart Mill In freethought, Adam __________________________________ Adam Butler Director, Birmingham Freethought Society Communications Coordinator, Alabama Freethought Society (205)250-0179 Alabama Freethought Association: Birmingham Freethought Association: