Dear Supporters, Friends & Activists: You may or may not have heard of an organization called Family Friendly Libraries, but I can tell you they are anything but friendly towards libraries. They are very active in Gwinnett County, where a critical vote this Thursday will take place. FFL in Gwinnett is pushing for a restrictive "adult" section where books can be placed after receiving a complaint from any parent or adult. Once in this section the books will be off limits to minors. While this, on the whole, may not sound like absolute censorship it still is a troubling development all the same. I can tell you as someone who spent six years as an anti-censorship activist in Florida before coming to Atlanta, once you give a group like FFL an inch, they take foot, and then a mile. In an article published recently in the Gwinnett section of the AJC one woman actually admitted she went to the library specifically searching for a book she could claim offended her. Can you imagine this? People going to public libraries just looking for books to complain about! Why should one person decide what books get placed in restricted areas in our public libraries? Aren't these issues better left to parents and individuals for themselves? Debbie Tuschall, Gwinnett Library Board member, has offered a compromise plan. Briefly, it raises age restrictions on some non-fiction books dealing with sexuality. Currently these books are already restricted to children of middle school age, and Debbie's compromise moves these to high school age. She says this is an appropriate move that might gain support of other board members and take the wind out of FFL's sails. I want to give you the fax number of the Director of the Gwinnett Library and ask you to please send her a letter to distribute to the board members. I realize this is short notice, but this issue just arouse suddenly, a common FFL tactic. Remember the vote is on Thursday! Your letter does not have to be long and involved, just a brief note saying you are opposed to overly restrictive policies in public libraries would be most helpful to those in Gwinnett that want their libraries to stay truly "family and individual friendly"! Send your letters to JoAnn Pinder 770-822-5379, Library Director. IMPORTANT!!! Be sure to tell Ms. Pinder you want your letter distributed to the board at the meeting!!! Thanks so much for your help! Feel free to forward this message to anyone who might help. Skip Evans