(955) Mon 21 Apr 97 16:17 By: Rod Swift To: All Re: Prayer NOT for Schools St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:301e 22958220 @MSGID: 3:690/660.0 335b228c * Copy of message posted via CHURCH&STATE * Date: 12 Apr 97 19:14:11 * From: Charles Sumner * To: All COURAGEOUS MISSISSIPPI MOTHER TO SPEAK IN ROCHESTER MAY 4 AT 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF ROCHESTER CHAPTER AMERICANS UNITED In 1993 Lisa Herdahl and her family moved from Wisconsin to the small community of Ecru, Mississippi. When Mrs. Herdahl enrolled her five oldest children in the only public school in Ecru, she learned that sectarian prayers were broadcast each morning over the school intercom and recited in classrooms during the school day, and that religious Bible instruction was part of the official school curriculum. Mrs. Herdahl is a Christian, and she is raising her children as Christians, but she believes that it is her right as a parent, and not the business of the public schools, to teach her children religion and what to pray. She also believes strongly in the Constitutional guarantees of religious liberty and the separation of church and state. Mrs. Herdahl complained to school officials about the unconstitutional practices and asked that they be stopped. Her pleas were ignored, and she and her children were harassed and taunted because of their objection to the unlawful practices. Among other things, they were falsely called atheists and devil-worshipers. When Mrs. Herdahl's son, Jason, was seven years old and in second grade, his teacher put earphones over his head to drown out the intercom prayers; his classmates then teased him by calling him "football head' and "baseball head." In order to avoid the unconstitutional Bible instruction, Mrs. Herdahl's children who are in the elementary grades must get up in front of their classmates and leave their classroom. On one such occasion, as eleven-year-old David was leaving his sixth grade classroom, his teacher announced (in similar words) that "David doesn't believe in God. People who believe in God go to Bible class - those who don't, don't go to Bible class." David was later harassed by other children who falsely accused him of not believing in God. When Mrs. Herdahl's complaints to the assistant principal and principal about the unconstitutional practices were ignored, she took her complaints to the school board, to no avail. As a result, she was left with no choice but to file a lawsuit to protect her family. People for the American way and the ACLU of Mississippi filed suit in federal court on behalf of Mrs. Herdahl and her children seeking an end to the school district's practices. After the suit was filed, harassment of the family got worse. Mrs. Herdahl received a death threat in the mail from out of state, and her family received bomb threats. The local paper was filled with letters condemning Mrs. Herdahl, and signs and ribbons were put up all over town in opposition to the lawsuit. Nonetheless, the brave mother and her family have persevered. A Federal judge ruled in Mrs. Herdahl's favor, issuing a preliminary injunction prohibiting the prayers over the intercom and in classrooms and later ruling in her favor on the Bible classes. . The case garnered much media attention, including stories on CBS This Morning, The Today Show, and 60 Minutes. You can hear what has happened to her since if you attend the public meeting on Sunday, May 4, at 6 pm. at the Diplomat Party House on Lyell Avenue near I-390. The buffet dinner requires a reservation by April 25 (716-392-2752) or you can arrive about 7:45 for the balance of the event sponsored by Rochester Chapter Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Mrs. Herdahl will probably also be the focus of a church program on Sunday morning to be announced. Because Mrs. Herdahl is virtually unemployable in her county, donations are being collected for an honorarium. Rochester Chapter will provide scholarships for several students to attend; call for information. We will be honored by attendance of staff from the New York office of People for the American Way and by the Director of Chapters and Faith Groups of national Americans United. Please feel free to use any portions of this information for publicity purposes or contact Charles Sumner at 716-334-2989. LISA HERDAHL WILL ALSO SPEAK IN SYRACUSE NY AS PART OF A "SUMMIT ON THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT" MONDAY, MAY 5, AT THE MAY MEMORIAL UNITARIAN CHURCH. HOURS OF THIS EVENT ARE 1:30 TO 5. CONTACT: PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY, NYC, 212-944-5820 or IN SYRACUSE, LINDA FUCHS, 315-446-6151. * OLX 2.1 TD * That tagline is *true* ---> <--- That tagline is *false* --- Maximus 2.02 * Origin: The Perth Omen (3:690/660) SEEN-BY: 12/12 24/888 102/2 943 106/2000 109/7 112/101 114/262 271 124/1 SEEN-BY: 130/1 1008 133/2 143/1 147/34 2021 167/166 170/400 202/777 1207 SEEN-BY: 213/213 218/2 801 890 900 901 907 270/101 275/429 280/1 169 SEEN-BY: 282/1 62 283/120 284/29 300/603 310/666 322/739 323/107 324/278 SEEN-BY: 343/600 346/250 352/3 356/18 371/42 377/86 380/64 382/92 388/1 SEEN-BY: 396/1 2 45 690/660 730/2 732/10 2401/0 2442/0 3603/420 3606/10 SEEN-BY: 3612/41 3615/50 3619/25 3632/21 3651/9 3652/1 3667/1 @PATH: 690/660 396/1 218/907 801