(445) Thu 16 Oct 97 12:08 By: Caroline Evans To: John Jancewicz Re: Hitler Christian? St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:c24b 23506100 @MSGID: 1:323/120.0 226f69c4 @PID: ViaMAIL! v1.30 97-0512 John, JJ>I am not saying there were no Catholic support of Hitler, only that JJ>any Catholic support of Hitler went against the official Catholic JJ>position. A few months ago I read the biography of the commandant of Auschwitz. He started out his career in euthanasia units when he lost some internal squabble with someone and ended up being sent to one of the units responsible for gassing mental defectives... this was years before the organized death camps become common. Even he had some reservations about this assignment and his subsequent assignment to Auschwitz. It was a german Catholic theologian's public paper, one that had the tacit approval of the Vatican, that gave him and other Catholic-Nazis the okay to obey their horrible orders. (If you want a better defined reference, let me know and I'll get the book back out of the library and tell you title , author and page references.) One event in his life involved his early days in a euthanasia unit. He was sent to pick up some retarded children for gassing. He had some small misgivings about killing children, retarded or not. They were at a Catholic orphanage/hospital and the nurses/nuns knew that the kids were going to their deaths. They encouraged him by telling him that the retarded kids would be happier dead... after all they would be with Jesus and Mother Mary... certainly that would be better than being alive and retarded. Their counsel helped him to accept his duties. The Catholic church's insistence upon obedience is well known. It would seem that their fetish for obedience overrules morality and honor. Their arrogant refusal to admit error (as demonstrated by the Pope's hundreds-of-years-late admission that Galileo was right and their half-century late admission that they tacitly aided Fascism and Naziism) insures that they have enshrined error upon error as correct and expect all "good" Catholics to blindly accept falsehood and/or error so long as the Church says so. They are a source of darkness and superstition upon this earth. Those who proclaim themselves Catholics are either the sad victims of childhood conditioning or willing evil-doers who use the poor deluded victims for their own purposes, even if that use is as "innocent" as getting free room and board for telling quaint tales on sunday morning. Their insistence that you can "undo" evil by repenting after the fact seems to allow them to do and/or allow anything however horrible because they've invented a holy-loophole to avoid any responsibility for anything bad that they do or fail to do. W.C. Fields, a lifelong agnostic/atheist, is said to have been caught reading the Bible on his deathbed. When asked why he would be reading a religious book his reply was, "Looking for loopholes." It would seem that the Catholic Church beat him to it. Sincerely, Caroline ___ * UniQWK v4.4 * The Windows Mail Reader --- ViaMAIL!/WC4 v1.30 * Origin: Chowdanet! 20gb Amateur Radio BBS (401-331-5587) (1:323/120) SEEN-BY: 112/4 218/890 1001 323/120 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 3804/180 @PATH: 323/120 3615/50 218/1001