(2727) Fri 21 Mar 97 1:30 By: J.J. Hitt To: All Re: Hitler and Christianity - Part 1 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:c67c 22750bc0 @MSGID: 1:106/9788.2 7738c960 @REPLY: 1:106/9788.2 77389dd6 These are all more or less public statements by an outstandingly unscrupulous politician, and if one had no other evidence one might wonder how far Hitler the politician spoke for Hitler the man. But in fact there is plenty of other evidence - and Hitler has to say about the Jewish wold-conspiracy when chatting with friends, or in writings which he did not publish, is much stranger still. The earliest of these sources dates from before the Munich putsch of 1923 and consists of a little book by the bohemian poet and journalist Dietrich Eckart, called "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: a dialogue between Adolf Hitler and myself", and published posthumously in 1924. It is a reliable source, for Eckart was not only one of the founding members of the Nazi party, he was one of the very few real friends Hitler ever had (Mein Kampf, incidentally, ends with an invocation of his memory). It is quite inconceivable that such a man should have distorted his friend's views in a book intended for publication. [footnote: Nazi propaganda kept quiet about the book precisely because it was too revealing.] The booklet contains references to earlier works and these are what one would expect: the Protocols, Fords _International Jew_, Gougenot des Mousseaux, Fritsch's _Handbook of the Jewish Question_. But by combining these with volkisch-racist speculations, Hitler arrives at a whole 'philosophy of history', an interpretation of human existence from the begining onwards, which has a certain crazy originality. As Hitler sees it, human History forms part of nature and follows the same laws as the rest of nature. If it has wrong, that shows that some force is at work to frustrate nature's intention; and that has in fact been the case for thousands of years. There follows an outline of history which portrays it as one long degeneration. Nature demands inequality, heirarchy, subordination of the inferior to the superior - but human history has consisted of a series of revolts against this natural order, leading to ever greater egalitarianism. This process is compared with disease, with the work of a bacillus: "A prolferation right across the world, now slow, now leaping ahead. Everywhere it sucks and sucks. At first there is teeming abundance, in the end only dried up sap." [Part two follows] Four more years! - Live with it! --- Msgedsq 2.2e * Origin: Saint Elmo's Fire Hydrant (Houston) (1:106/9788.2) SEEN-BY: 12/12 24/888 102/2 943 106/2000 109/7 112/101 114/262 271 124/1 SEEN-BY: 124/1208 2342 5125 8001 9000 9005 130/1 1008 133/2 140/3 143/1 SEEN-BY: 147/34 2021 167/166 170/400 202/777 1207 213/213 218/890 907 SEEN-BY: 270/101 275/429 280/1 169 282/1 62 283/120 284/29 290/14 300/603 SEEN-BY: 310/666 322/739 323/107 324/278 343/600 346/250 352/3 356/18 369/32 SEEN-BY: 371/42 377/86 380/64 381/900 382/92 388/1 396/1 2 690/660 730/2 SEEN-BY: 732/10 2401/0 2442/0 3603/420 3606/10 3612/41 3615/50 3619/25 SEEN-BY: 3632/21 3651/9 3652/1 3667/1 @PATH: 106/9788 2000 396/1 124/1 9005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2728) Fri 21 Mar 97 1:49 By: J.J. Hitt To: All Re: Hitler and Christianity - Part 2 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:c67c 22750e20 @MSGID: 1:106/9788.2 77390bdf @REPLY: 1:106/9788.2 7738c960 [Continued from part one] The force behind this disastrous process is the Jewish spirit, "which has been there from the begining". Already in ancient Egypt the Children of Israel undermined a healthy, "natural" society. They did this bny introducing capitalism - Joseph being the first capitalist - but above all by inciting the lower orders to revolt, until nationally minded Egyptians rose in their wrath and chased the trouble-makers from the land - this is the true meaning of Exodus. Moses therefor is the first Bolshevik and a true precursor oif Lenin, whom Hitler and Eckart both assumed to be a Jew. And so a process began which has been repeated over and over againever since. In Hitler's eyes the lower strata consist, all over the world, of similar, racially mixed and therefore inferior human material. The essence of the Jewish world-conspiracy is that it uses this racial hotchpotch to overthrow the racially pure upper classes and thereby to further its own drive for world domination. In conversation with his friend Hitler said frankly what he was careful never to say in public - that Christianity itself was part of the Jewish plot. Jesus was of course no Jew but an 'Aryan' - but then it was not Jesus but Paul who created Christianity. By extolling pacifism and the egalitarian spirit Paul deprived the Roman Empire of the heirarchial, military outlook which was its mainstay, and thereby ensured its doom - and all so that the Jews could move one more step nearer their goal of world-domination. In modern times the Jews have repeated the same manoeuvre again and again, and the results have been the Frech Revolution, liberalism, democracy, and finally Bolshevism; the Russian Revolution with its millions of victims is nothing but the latest episode in the erternal war of Jewry against the other peoples of the world. But Hitler does not stop there - every historical episode that comes to his mind is evalued from the same point of vie, how ever little connexion it may have with Jews and their affairs. Thus Luther made a disasterous mistake in attacking the Roman Catholic Church, for by doing so he weakened the Germans in their struggle against the Jews; he ought to have realized that Catholicism was being used by the Jews for their own purposes and have directed his attacks against these hidden manipulators. Indeed, if Luther had any merit it was that in his latter years he did attack the Jews; and when Hitler talked of the spirit of Luther he meant only one thing - Luther's hostility to the Jews. [end of passage - show's over] Four more years! - Live with it! --- Msgedsq 2.2e * Origin: Saint Elmo's Fire Hydrant (Houston) (1:106/9788.2) SEEN-BY: 12/12 24/888 102/2 943 106/2000 109/7 112/101 114/262 271 124/1 SEEN-BY: 124/1208 2342 5125 8001 9000 9005 130/1 1008 133/2 140/3 143/1 SEEN-BY: 147/34 2021 167/166 170/400 202/777 1207 213/213 218/890 907 SEEN-BY: 270/101 275/429 280/1 169 282/1 62 283/120 284/29 290/14 300/603 SEEN-BY: 310/666 322/739 323/107 324/278 343/600 346/250 352/3 356/18 369/32 SEEN-BY: 371/42 377/86 380/64 381/900 382/92 388/1 396/1 2 690/660 730/2 SEEN-BY: 732/10 2401/0 2442/0 3603/420 3606/10 3612/41 3615/50 3619/25 SEEN-BY: 3632/21 3651/9 3652/1 3667/1 @PATH: 106/9788 2000 396/1 124/1 9005