Fredric, I saw the articles on the latent homosexual homophobes on your web page. For those not familiar with Cobb Co. Georgia, Gordon Wysong and Bill Byrne are the county commissioners there who started the Anti-Gay ordinances and Bob Barr is the other U.S. Congressman along with Newt. Here's part of a letter I sent to the Atlanta Journal/Constitution. While the UGA study on homophobes and their repressed homosexuality may or may not "prove" what many have considered an obvious truth for years, there were some unpublished statistics that might bolster the "theory". They are: 1) 87.9% of the homophobes who experienced penile enlargement while viewing the erotic homosexual videos passionately refused to surrender their penile sensor arrays. 2) 82.1% of the same group demanded to be introduced to the "cute male nurse" who had attached the sensors. 3) 90.6% of the same group inquired as to where the videos were sold, while 9.4% asked to keep the videos as "souvenirs". 4) 95.8% of the same group demanded (in a most manly fashion) to schedule a "follow up" research session. 5) 79.9% thought Pat Buchanan would have "looked stunning" delivering his Republican Convention address in an off the shoulder Pink Chiffon thingie, while 20.1% voted for the Mauve Taffeta Sheath. 6) 5.1% thought Bob Barr would be attractive if he would "just do something with that Hair and Mustache". 7) 64.2% thought Gordon Wysong and Bill Byrne would make a "Cute Couple" while 35.8% showed signs of jealousy. 8) 100% of the non homophobic heterosexuals thought that the Journal/Constitution article about the study would draw the most repressed of the latent homosexuals out of the closet and into the letters column. Related item: Over 99% of Intelligence Community Political "Black Ops" Specialist thought former CIA man Bob Barr made a really slick move when he used his anti "Gay Marriage" circus to distract the ever gullible American public while he and his colleagues fleeced the Taxpayers for Hundreds of Billions of "Defense" dollars that even the Military didn't ask for......And so it goes. One thing I do wonder about is how the researchers went about recruiting their homophobic subjects. An ad in the AJC classifieds perhaps? "Wanted: Manley fag bashers to watch homoerotic videos, must be willing to have sensors attached to their "members" during viewings. No experience necessary." Feel free to print this with my name attached the AJC, of course, didn't thanks again for the Pat Robbitussin files. Mike Adams ___ _ / (_) o | | \__ __ _ _ _ | | _ / /\/ / \_/ |/ |/ | | |/_) |/ \___/ /\_/\__/ | | |_/|_/| \_/|__/ Michael D. Adams