By: Ed Mills To: Alan Presley Re: creation science Bilabial Fricatives from Alan Presley to Ed Mills resonated thus: EM> AP> supernatural? If so, how do you explain psychics, near death EM> AP> experiences, mediums, weigi(spelled wrong) bords, ect? AP> EM> EM> It's `Ouija board.' And it's a crock. AP> EM> AP> Ouiga boards are very real. Ask someone who has used one before. AP> They're dangerous. A ouija board is a piece of masonite with a large printed paper decal on it. I had one as a kid. Nothing happened. What is dangerous is the superstitious, paranoid mindset of the people who have fed you this horseshit. It's part of a vicious mental cycle which, once you're caught in it, becomes harder and harder to escape. You take every bad thing that happens in your life as confirmation of your superstitions, which causes you to become more superstitious, which causes further deterioration of your natural problem-solving abilities, which causes still more bad things to happen and still more confirmation of your superstitions, ad infinitum. If you don't nip this supernatural thing in the bud soon, while you still have the ability to choose your own course in life, it will choose your course for you. And that course is guaranteed to have ill consequences. edweird