(5) Mon 27 Oct 97 20:11 By: Sheppard Gordon To: All Re: Jack Loses Meta_UFO - 3 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:1746 235ba160 Date: 10-26-97 (06:02) To: Julianne Presson From: Jack Sargeant Subj: MY FEELINGS Conf: F_META_UFO >>> Can I vote for Starwitch then? I think she's the most beloved >>> person on >>> this echo, and everybody would bend over backwards for her. > JS> Tolun doesn't like the rules, so he invented some of his own. > JS> The contest was to be between Tolun and me. Now he is > JS> bringing others into the picture. I don't participate in > JS> rigged elections. You are stuck with me for the time being. I > JS> cannot compete with Starwitch or Julie. Those were the > JS> factors he wanted included. > So you are still willing to have a election between you and Tolun? No! You've kibitzed me at every turn. I have taken enough abuse from you and your friends in Meta in the last 48 hours to last a lifetime. You guys aren't willing to work with me, so you and anyone else who wishes, including Don Allen who had some rather sick ideas that almost cost me a dear friend before I came to my senses, can all go take a hike. The following message has been sent. See my note at the bottom. ============================cut================================== (1) Sun 26 Oct 97 6:42 Sent: Sun 26 Oct 6:46 Cost: 75 By: Jack Sargeant To: ECHOLIST, Kitsilano 2 (1:153/752) Re: MOD UPD St: Pvt Crash Local Direct Sent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TAG META_UFO TITL UFO related discussions with an emphasis on Metaphysical aspects. DESC Enjoy a friendly, mature atmosphere dedicated to the belief DESC UFOs are real, and likely to be in our presence. There are DESC paranormal and metaphysical considerations, as well as DESC religious connotations that can influence our daily lives DESC as well as having deep spirtual meaning to some. All aspects DESC of UFOs, their influence in biblical writings and times, and on DESC the occult are permitted. Those with pagan beliefs are welcome. DESC Discussion on witchcraft and the occult are welcome. Anything DESC applying to the general term 'Metaphysics' is topical. MOD Julie Presson, 1:379/33 PASS OLDPASSWORD, NEWPASSWORD ORIG 1:379/12 DIST Backbone ===================================cut========================= Your original password has been restored. In a few days, this update will show up in the ECHOLIST echo. At that time, you may re-update, change the password and the ORIG line to reflect your current Fido address. In a few more days, your personalized update will appear in the ECHOLIST echo, and netmail sent to your uplink as confirmation. Update instructions: Address to ECHOLIST [enter] [enter] = keystroke 1:153/752 [enter] RE: MOD UPD When changing password, use the format I did in the sample. Don't forget the coma and the space. You are dealing with a computerized program called the ECHOLIST ROBOT. --- FMail 1.22 * Origin: -=Keep Watching the Skies=- Charlotte, NC (1:379/12) -> Alice4Mac 2.4.4 E QWK Hiya:05Nov94 Origin: ----------> Jack Sargeant, you look fabulist! SEEN-BY: 218/890 1001 278/15 230 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 3804/180 @PATH: 278/230 3615/50 218/1001