from to Fred, I'm going to reply to this message, but it will be the last one. fr> Now I'm not one who likes to alarm people standing on the edge, fr> but don't you think that by lacking any desire to do so, it would fr> make that feeble attempt somewhat pointless? jps> I moved this bitter/sweet message to my text editor for reply. jps> You will find a file named FREDRICE.TXT that you can freq from jps> my system. It contains the information you requested. fr> How typical. Send it to me, Jack. The last time you pretended fr> you had a file you _lied_ deliberately. You're lying again, fr> aren't you? You have no intention of providing any evidence to fr> back up any of your lies, huh? fr> Well at least you're consistent. Oh, I will try again tonight. The problem with leaving it for mail hour is, your system is answering, but then hanging up. You must have me locked out. This costs me every time I call. If I left your number in the bucket, there could be 120 calls made in the two hours my events are set for. I will try one more time later, then you will have to freq the files. You cannot truthfully use your lies on SKEPTIC, because if you do, I will post a copy of my log for all to see. So, be careful what lies you tell, unless you don't mind them bouncing back at you. Everyone knows you tell lies on others, so they are not going to believe the little boy who cries wolf. jps> I really don't mind corresponding with you Fred, but you are jps> a little abusive. My wife read a couple of your messages, and jps> suggested you might be gay, but that doesn't really concern me. fr> Your hatred of homosexuals is already exposed and fr> you can rest assured that the better educated don't consider being fr> called a homosexual to be an insult. You may think it is, of fr> course, yet I certainly don't. Your homosexuality doesn't bother me. You cannot reach out through the tube and make advances, or whatever it is gays do. I don't mind gays, and your comment is wrong. All I ever said was gays shouldn't be in the military. That doesn't reflect a hatred for gays. It doesn't really bother me at all. fr> Trying to blame it on your wife is pretty pathetic. I wonder fr> what she would say about you doing so. Another lie, she asked me who I was writing to, I told her about you and she laughed, and said you were probably gay. I already knew that. fr> The troops containing gays would be at a disadvantage, because fr> they would hesitate to shoot at the young, good looking men on fr> the other side. - Jack P Sargeant (anonymous homophobic bigot fr> talks about gays) fr> Gee. You could almost be a Christian. jps> I did ask her what her reasoning was, and she said you seem jps> to have a lot of frustration. Maybe more so than Sheppard, in jps> some ways. She further stated I was wasting my time with jps> people like you. ...But time is something I have plenty of. fr> You've probably even managed to convince yourself that you fr> actually allowed your wife to see what you rant on about. fr> In fact you persist in making accusations and claims without fr> providing evidence. When asked to do so, you have _never_ fr> provided the requested information. You claim that suck evidence fr> exists and some how "forget" to make it available. Perhaps David will allow me to post this and other stuff on SKEPTIC. fr> Doesn't it seem that believers in the occult lie to themselves fr> first and then, after convincing themselves, feel they must fr> continue to lie to others? jps> So, stop being so sarcastic. fr> Do you have any examples of that? Or do you think that by fr> claiming questions put to you and demands for evidence to back fr> up your accusations are "sarcastic" so that you don't have to fr> back-up your claims? Demands made to me have a negative effect. It correlates to sarcasm. jps> I don't mind you being witty, but jps> you don't really have enough cause to be abusive. fr> If you can come up with an abusive posting of mine, I would fr> like to see a copy of it. Oh, I forgot... you refuse to back fr> up your claims. fr> Pretty pathetic, Jack. Trying to blame it on your wife is fr> sick, though. That's really stooping low. Since this is our last communication until you are less caustic, let me say it has not been a pleasure. I blame nothing on my wife. I knew you were gay since last year. So what? I'll say this, What I DON'T like about gays is when they get defensive about it for no reason whatsoever. You are wrong about my hating gays. I just don't think they belong in the military. Funny how the only people who have complained about it are gays. I rest my case. Sayonara, Fred. I'll catch you on SKEPTIC, but you'll have to tone your caustic sarcasm down considerably if you expect a reply.