(2) Sat 22 Nov 97 1:02 By: Fredric Rice To: All Re: Fox Network Plays with Scientology Cult St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:6b07 2376084c @MSGID: 1:218/890@FidoNet a301094f @PID: FM 2.02 Scientology Business Cult gets further exposed on Fox Network's "Mellinnium." In last nights episode of "Mellinnium," two murderous Scientologists kill people who expose the absurdity of their cult -- or that's what the episode was about, any way; Chris Carter and, no doubt, the Fox Network took pains to keep the name "Scientology," L. Ron. Hubbard, and "Dianetics" out of the program. Charles Nelson Riley plays the part of "Jose Chung" who knew the creator of a mind-bending, money-greedy, unthinking, idiotic, criminal cult back when the creator/leader of the cult was a fiction writer -- and a very poor one. Jose Chung is performing research for another book about the lunatic cults which spring up around years which end with zeros (among Western Society, any way) and is stalked by two Scientologists bent upon killing him for the articles he had published in a skin magazine. Frank Black, the shows hero, gets involved since the formation of and zealous extremes of religious and money cults fall into the venue of the work the Millinnium group involves themselves with. The episode had analogs for a number of Scientology absurdities, carefully renamed and altered so that the cult here in the read world could do nothing but bite their lips and get further upset at what everyone knows was a truthful depiction of Scientology. They had "The Book" -- only instead of a volcano, it had the garish quality of the real Dianetics with lightening bolts. Instead of an E-Meter, it had a galvametric measurement device which was used as a "lie detector" coupled to a tape recorder which would continue to restate questions over and over until it decided an accurate answer was given. The number of thinly-veiled analogs were too numerous to cover here as that would take describing the entire episode. Of special humerous note was when Frank Black's supervisor calls Frank aside and asks him why the Millinnium Group got involved. Frank mentions the name of the cult (the one the episode used, not the word "Scientology") and Frank's supervisor takes a step away and say, "Oh no, we can't do that." Frank asks, "Why? The Millinnium Group never walks away from everything, even Evil Incarnate." Frank's supervisor says, "Yeah but Evil Incarnate can't sue." Love it! When Frank and another police inspector pay a visit to the cult's head shill / liar, the shill robotically repeats his threat that any defamation would be met with the full extent of the law, making special pains to underscore being "within the boundaries of the law," of course. The shill points out that many Hollywood actors have joined the cult and some offer is done by the episode to use the same style and format that the real Scientology cult uses when putting up their toy celebs up on their strings to dance for the media. Charles Nelson Riley played his part wonderfully. Though he has been in numerous children's television shows and has usually played the part of the clown, in real life he's actually very well read and intelligent. In this episode he carried the part of the academic writer bent upon exposing the absurdities and stupidity of the Scientology cult followers. The conclusion of the episode? Charles gets the drop on the first Scientologist who comes to kill him (who later dies trying to leap from the building's roof -- with the power of positive thinking -- to escape.) But the second Scientologist -- armed with a pick-axe -- does him in.) It would have been great had Fox and Chris Carter had the guts to make a mention to drowning dogs but I suppose that wouldn't have made it past the network's lawyers. Still, as a comedy / parody of a lunatic cult populated by the ignorant, the gullible, and the mentally disturbed, it was wonderful entertainment. --- * Origin: Creationist: Why yes, Rome _was_ built in a day. (1:218/890) SEEN-BY: 218/890 1001 @PATH: 218/890