(35) Sun 26 Oct 97 11:50 By: Tom Klemesrud To: All Re: Holy Insurance from I 1/3 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:af2e 235a5e40 Appeared in the "Thompson Courier & Rake Register" Oct 16, 1997 Thompson, Iowa & Rake, Iowa COLUMN: KLEME, JR. (BY Tom Klemesrud, Publisher) I want to indicate at the outset that I agree drunk driving is a serious problem and something ought to be done to reduce it. However, the new Iowa statute is not the way to do it; it will probably do more harm than good. "Zeal from Assemblies of God, Baptists Insurer behind Gov. Branstad's rigid OWI laws." In the February '96 issue of the Insurance Industry trade magazine Rough Notes, (a subsidiary of Insurance Publishers Plus Corporation of Carmel, IN.), there is insight into the how and the why of Iowa's new OWI drunk driving law 321J.2. "... Preferred Risk (the Des Moines insurance company) was also at the forefront in supporting a bill in Iowa, signed into law early last year, which is said to be the 'toughest law against drunk drivers' in the last decade. In April of 1995, Iowa governor Terry E. Branstad officially thanked Preferred Risk and Bill Sammon, PRM (Preferred Risk Mutual) personal lines director of underwriting who, spearheaded the effort to have the legislation passed." [IMAGE: GOV. BRANSTAD PICTURE] In the magazine article, the genesis of "Preferred Risk Group" is revealed to be linked with the Assemblies of God churches, with its heritage in the Texas temperance movement. "... The story (of Preferred Risk Group) began 50 years ago with William N. Plymat, a temperance leader. He founded Preferred Risk in his mother's basement with start up capital of a mere $29,000 and with a then unique marketing philosophy--i.e. insuring only non drinkers... "...Today, Preferred Risk writes a half million policies. Preferred Risk Mutual's current chairman, president and CEO Robert M. Plunk carries on the Plymat tradition and marketing philosophy. 'We have built our company for nondrinkers (sic) who share our belief that alcohol damages society. We continue Bill Plymat's crusade by donating premium dollars to the non-drinking lifestyle [emphasis added]. And we continue the family atmosphere of our early days. Our executives and employees eat meals with each other in our cafeteria. Our company motto is "Let's Fly Together." We are a dedicated team, bringing policyholders the best product and most caring service possible,' boasts Plunk who adds that policyholders may call him directly 24 hours a day on his special hotline... "... The Assemblies of God, based in Springfield, Missouri, thus became the second largest religious denomination insured by Preferred Risk. In the fall of 1991, the insurer obtained a similar arrangement with the Southern Baptist convention, their largest insured denomination... "... But Preferred's marketing philosophy goes beyond the mere sale of insurance products to non-drinkers. It is on a mission [emphasis added] to assist the communities it serves in stamping out other problems such as drug abuse. The company supports such groups as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Students Against Driving Drunk (S.A.D.D.), the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and One Way Two Play--Drug Free Sports World. In addition, the company sponsors the production of videos to help prevent teens from drinking and driving...." The magazine article was written by Phil Zinkewicz and can be found--replete with a picture of a model, happy family picnicking--on the Internet at http://www.roughnotes.com/rnmag/february/p10.htm (The holy law is laid down--not by Moses--but by the State of Iowa Internet server at http://www2.legis.state.ia.us/IACODE/1997/321J/2.html). The Preferred Risk Group of insurance companies located at 1111 Ashworth, West Des Moines, IA 50265-3538; baldly advertises its business on the Internet with the domain name CHURCHINSURANCE.COM. (http://www.churchinsurance.com). These insurance companies include * Preferred Risk Life--a full line of life insurance products, including health and annuities; * Midwest Mutual offers protection for motorcycles, recreational vehicles and nonstandard autos; * Preferred Abstainers has discounted automobile insurance for smoke-free, alcohol-free, and accident-free policyholders; * Career General Agency is a brokerage operation to assist policyholders with needs not filled through Preferred companies. [ Continued In Next Message... ] --- FLAME v1.0 * Origin: L.A. Valley College BBS <@Support.COM> (818)985-7150 (1:102/837) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 SEEN-BY: 3804/180 @PATH: 102/837 835 2 396/1 3615/50 218/1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (36) Sun 26 Oct 97 11:50 By: Tom Klemesrud To: All Re: Holy Insurance from I 2/3 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:afde 235a5e40 [ ...Continued From Previous Message ] Recently, it acquired a local property and casualty agency -- Bryton-Grodt-Moore; * Ansvar America serves nondrinkers with auto, homeowners and business owners insurance; and * Preferred Lloyd's of Texas services religious properties in Texas. I would like to thank the President of the Iowa Bar Association, William D. Scherle, for writing parents advising about these new tough laws. In his Letter to the Editor published Sept. 18th Mr. Scherle described the religiously inspired legislation. With publisher's comments in italic brackets [], The letter goes-- "The Iowa Legislature recently passed legislation that significantly increases the penalties for Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence with a blood alcohol level of 0.10. If you are convicted of this offense in Iowa, you will be remanded to the sheriff to serve two days in jail. The law says you will serve a minimum of 48 hours and could spend up to one year in jail. The new law also requires that the parents AND the school be notified. "The new law also mandates a minimum fine of $500 and up to $1,000 for the first offense. Driving privileges are lost for six months. According to Iowa insurance agents, [perhaps Preferred Risk agents], your auto insurance may double for considerably less coverage. Student's covered under their parent's policy will no longer be able to remain under that policy and in some cases, the parents insurance coverage will be cancelled. If you are stopped again in that twelve year period, you will be charged as a second time offender and your vehicle may be seized and you could go to jail for up to two years. [Don't drive that expensive combine to town ... (the upside): We may soon have a prison in Forest City where the family can visit easily ... where you will learn how to make Winnebagos. Perhaps the reverend governor is interested in being the warden?] "Iowa now has a specific law for those under the age of 21. If you are stopped and the blood alcohol level is between 0.02 and 0.10 (about one can of beer for most in this age group) you lose your license for 60 days... [Your daughter comes home from college for Thanksgiving. She has a glass of wine. You ask her to pick up a loaf of bread at the Tri-Corners store. The stalkerazzi is out in force. You daughter loses her license.] "... A second occurrence and its 90 days. Failure to take the breath test gets you a year away from driving. This is in addition to any criminal charges... [Your daughter may not be going back to real college--she'll be learning how to make Winnebagos at Terry's college.] "Iowa is tough on drinking and driving..." [And, seemingly unfamiliar with legal principles such as seperation of church and state, and probable cause.] I agree with the Iowa Bar Association in this way: Tough decisions have to be made. Cut the County Attorney's budget, and the Sheriff's budget, in half; and give that money to the schools. That could have been an additional $263,550.50 for the schools in Winnebago County this fiscal year. I agree with Governor Branstad--a laptop computer for every student in Iowa schools "is doable." "I think they (the legislators) were so focused on looking tough that they forgot about the ways we change people's behavior," said Linn County Attorney Denver Dillard. "They've created a disincentive for second, third offenders to take the (breath) test." Dillard expects the resulting lack of evidence to make it tougher to prosecute some repeat offenders. The new law, adds Johnson County Attorney J. Patrick White, "has given us increased danger to the public. (Legislators) surely didn't understand what they were doing." "We were just taken really by surprise" by the provisions banning probation, said White. "At the moment, the Legislature has inadvertently created a higher-risk situation." When I studied drama at the University of Iowa, required reading was the play "The Rhinoceros" by Ionesco. The play was an allegory play about a European populace infected with a fictional disease called "Rhinoceritis." The play was a round-about way of warning Europeans about the coming political dangers of the rhinoceros-like behavior of fascism in the 1930's that led to World War II. [ Continued In Next Message... ] --- FLAME v1.0 * Origin: L.A. Valley College BBS <@Support.COM> (818)985-7150 (1:102/837) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 SEEN-BY: 3804/180 @PATH: 102/837 835 2 396/1 3615/50 218/1001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (37) Sun 26 Oct 97 11:50 By: Tom Klemesrud To: All Re: Holy Insurance from I 3/3 St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:6f8f 235a5e40 [ ...Continued From Previous Message ] I suspect Iowa politicians have contracted this rhinoceritis. "FASCISM (fash'iz-em) n. A one-party system of government in which each class has its distinct place, function, and representation in the government but the individual is subordinated to the state and control is maintained by military force, secret police, rigid censorship, and government regimentation of business and finance." -Funk & Wagnalls If you are not convinced of the danger of rhinoceros-like politics and thinking; talk to Billy Olson of Thompson. He was a World War II soldier on the front line in General George Patton's 3rd-Army push into fascist, Nazi Germany. As for the new, perhaps holy, laws I would urge the local Posse Comitatus--(sheriff's department)--not to enforce these laws, in deference to self-administered neighborly justice outside the "system"; encourage all defendants in these cases to seek a jury trial; and, encourage all jurors to use the concept of "jury nullification"--to "find the facts" in these cases in such a way as to nullify the screwball laws pitched by the well-lobbied politicians. Tighter insurance regulation should also be looked at; as well as, religions in business, and IRS 501(c)(3) "charity" groups lobbying their political views--that could result in monitary gain for the members of the group. This is the last paragraph of the Rough Notes article: "Over the last five years the company has achieved a growth rate of almost 15% per year. Not bad for a company that practiced niche marketing long before it became fashionable." Drunk driving and substance abuse is obviously serious community health problems; but, in my opinion, rhinoceritis won't cure it. -Kleme, Jr. http://www2.legis.state.ia.us/IACODE/1997/321J/2.html). --- FLAME v1.0 * Origin: L.A. Valley College BBS <@Support.COM> (818)985-7150 (1:102/837) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 SEEN-BY: 3804/180 @PATH: 102/837 835 2 396/1 3615/50 218/1001