(275) Fri 10 Oct 97 12:29 By: DON MARTIN To: ALL Re: the Rice archives St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:541f 234a63a0 @TID: PX/Win v2.0 PX97-0826 @MSGID: 1:261/1137 a3678845 George Pope said "the Rice archives" to Robert Curry, adding: RC> FR> Woops! Forgot that we archive your occult, hate-filled rants, huh? RC> FR> I've only just recently discovered that Genesis is really an RC> FR> encoded history of the exodus across space... - George Pope RC> I really haven't been keeping up with the mixed bag of RC> nuts who have recently come through en masse to RC> entertain the echo. Welcome, George of the Space RC> Genesis Jungle. Please feel free to expostulate on all RC> the weird goofy shit you believe. That's what HolySmoke RC> is here for. Do carry on. GP> I've already stated what I have thus far for that GP> theory... the final proof will have to wait until I GP> learn how to plot numbers onto a sphere, which will, I GP> predict, pinpoint the location of a time capsule left GP> by our ancestors on Mars. I expect the time capsule GP> will contain the history of the reason for our exodus, GP> and likely detail the thinking that went into how it GP> would be effected (I've reconstructed some of the GP> thinking... ie. sending uneducated (I'm guessing GP> mentally handicapped) people to make it longer for us GP> to develop destructive technology; they would have been GP> given just enough knowledge of Deity to allow them to GP> reconnect upon arrival. . . it would take years to GP> hypothesize with any accuracy, I'm content to await the GP> documentation. The Prewett is dead! Long live the Prewett! ... Through a Jaundiced Eye Darkly--Rheum With a View (don@balt-rehab.med.va.gov) ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 --- Platinum Xpress/Win/Wildcat5! v2.0 * Origin: MetroNet BBS - Baltimore, MD (1:261/1137) SEEN-BY: 12/12 112/4 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 @PATH: 261/1137 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001