Dear Friends & Supporters, As many of you may know, I attended the recent "Save the Commandments" rally in Montgomery Alabama in support of Judge Roy Moore and his refusal to abide another judge's order to remove his plaque of the Ten Commandments from the courtroom wall and cease beginning court sessions with organized prayer. On Sunday, May 11th at 2:30 pm I will be giving a slide presention and personal account of the rally for the Atlanta Freethought Society. The event will take place at the Lambda Center, 828 W Peachtree, across from the old Biltmore Hotel in Midtown. To get there take I-75/85 to the North Avenue exit just north of downtown, go east, take W Peachtree north about four or five blocks until you reach the Lambda Center on the west side of the road. This event made an incredible lasting impression on me. The things I saw and conversations I had with people both amazed and shocked me. Ultimately I was deeply saddened by the whole affair. But it has also steeled my opposition to the radical religious right like nothing else could have. Also speaking at the meeting with be Al Faulkenberry, a juror who walked out on Judge Roy Moore's official prayer. Gutsy guy! I think this presentation will be an eye opener for many people and give a pretty clear picture of who we really are up against in our efforts to oppose the radical religious right and preserve church/state separation. Hope to see you there! Skip Evans, President ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Americans United for Separation of Church and State Atlanta Chapter PO Box 79174 Atlanta GA 30357-7174 404-607-0660 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------