Dear Mr. Rice, I know that you have already heard all of this before but for some strange reason, I feel compailled (did I spell that right?) to write and submit my point of view. I am a christian of sorts. What I mean by 'of sorts' is that I believe some standard christian beliefs but not all. I believe that there is a God, and I also believe that Jesus lived, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. The only proof that I, or really anyone, can offer is that if you hear a piece of music, you know that some one wrote it. Likewise the universe exists, so some one or thing set it in motion. I believe in the 'Jesus way of living' (Do on to others as you have them do unto you, ect.) The reason I believe in Jesus is basically because based upon my own knowledge of world events and history, I have so far found no real reason not to. I do however question about the meaning about the death and ressurection. By the way I am fully aware of alot of the crap people have done in the name of God. I have seen , not just in the history books but on a regular basis where I went to high school, people doing things that according to thier own christian standards that were just plain evil, and stupid as well. The reason I am writing is because I wonder if you have ever considered the point of view that maybe there is a God, just we might not really know that much (if anything) about Him. I was brought up in a home that strongly advocated creationism. Recently I have started questioning my entire belief system because there is just too much evidence to suggest that that isn't how it happened. I do believe in a God, and regardless of what any one else might have you to believe, I don't believe for a second that that God would have us to buy into something that is clearly unreasonable. I do agree with you on your apparent point of view that creationism does promote racism. I also think that the creationism theory promotes the myth that physically attractive and strong people are better than those that aren't so. My birth was a difficult delivery and in the process I suffered some minor brain damage that resulted in a very minor case of cereberal palsy. For the most part I am quite a capable person physically as well as mentally but alot of my muscles have not quite developed like they should. I am not what most people would generally think of when they hear 'CP' but I have always been noticably skinnier and slightly physically weaker than most males my age. Also, my hand writing is a little sloppy. Regardless of the fact that (1) I can't do anything about that (2) i'm really the only person who 'really suffers' in any way from this minor inconvience and (3) would be the first to have it fixed if I could, alot of other people, most of whom were bible thumpers and football players(go figure), have treated me like i was less then them based soully on physical strength, some of my former teachers would even to a certain degree punish me for this. My whole point is that I have suffered first hand from the ignorance and stupid beliefs of people who do buy into unreasonable ways of thinking. My whole point is that maybe there is God, most people just don't have any real idea is to what he is actually like. And maybe the way to really believe and follow him is to do exacty what you are doing, seeking to further mankind by educating them and do away with ideas that we know to be crap, like racism, a flat world and other bs ideas, that get in the way of the developement of mankind or that serve to trample on the soul of the idividual. One final point. I do believe in a devil of sorts but not the regular horns and pitch fork devil. My devil's name is ignorance. What do you think? Jeremy Hopkins