(12) Sun 2 Nov 97 10:15 By: Sheppard Gordon To: All Re: "Repression" overrated St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:0967 236251e0 @MSGID: 1:278/230 000ddca0 Lofty Ideas That May Be Losing Altitude 11/01/97 The New York Times The New York Times asked six scholars what they thought was the Most Overrated Idea. Here are their responses [ . . . ] Repression According to this notion, one represses a memory because it is profoundly traumatic and unacceptable to the conscious mind and this causes continuing psychological damage. Thus, if we want to make people whole again, we need to get at the early experiences that they have not been able either to remember or to forget. And so we get psychoanalytic therapy. This kind of therapy is going to be more prolonged and more expensive than any other kind. But there is no evidence whatsoever that the pursuit of repressed memories is any more therapeutic than placebo treatments. Over the past dozen years, we've had a much stronger concept of repression, one that even Freud would have hesitated to endorse. We now have innumerable cases of adults who, until they entered psychotherapy, had the impression that they had been raised in loving families and had been treated in normal ways. But thanks to the ministrations of therapists who believe that a whole range of adult symptoms can probably be best explained by the repression of childhood sexual abuse, these people emerge from therapy drastically alienated not only from their families but also from their own selves. In all but the tiniest minority of cases, these accusations are false. Frederick Crews, professor emeritus of English, University of California, Berkeley, [ . . . ] -> Alice4Mac 2.4.4 E QWK Hiya:05Nov94 Origin: ----------> Jack Sargeant, you look fabulist! --- PCBoard (R) v15.3/M 10 * Origin: MoonDog BBS þ RIME NetHub Brooklyn,NY (1:278/230) SEEN-BY: 218/890 1001 278/15 230 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 3804/180 @PATH: 278/230 3615/50 218/1001