(169) Wed 26 Nov 97 19:30 By: Ronald Vass To: Fr.chris Vaillancourt Re: Sophmoric Replies St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:1b21 237a9bc0 @MSGID: 1:221/1503 347E50B6 ============================ BBS: The Devil's Advocate Date: 11-23-97 (22:47) From: FR.CHRIS VAILLANCOURT To: KARL SCHNEIDER Subj: Sophmoric Replies - FV> -=> Quoting Karl Schneider to Fr.Chris Vaillancourt <=- FV> KS> On (22 Nov 97) Fr.Chris Vaillancourt wrote to Oliver... I wonder about the Fr. bit. So your a priest. Bet you don't stick around very long. The WOA's , will be f-shotting you all over the place. FV> FV> Hello my dear friend, figured out how to use this darn thing,and all FV> FV> by myself!We have left our dear friends place and of course I am FV> KS> You probably should go back to yourself for some more tutoring; FV> KS> I don't think you mean to be in this international echo. FV>Karl, thank you for taking the time to insert your comments into my message FV>intended for John. I do not think you are in any sort of a position to FV>determine my intentions. It would seem rather obvious to me that I did indee FV>intend to be in the international echo or I would not have entered.From your It was bait, and incase you missed it. It worked. FV>rather negative comments I sense that you may have some hostility issues FV>within yourself. Is it, I wonder, my message you seem offended by or the FV>fact that I am a Catholic priest?Do I detect the potential within you for FV>targeting messages from me due to my vocation? If this is true, than I must FV>say that this seems a rather childish and pathetic method in which to FV>address personal hostility issues..Fr.Chris... And i wonder why it is usually, those who have a Christian god, always come back with . . . poster is - negitive - childish - pathetic - etc. For a priest to come out with such put downs of a human [ posible human,anyhow ], it neither speaks much for your reglion of love/understanding, of your fellow man kind nor much for human understand. Could it be, you all ready know/understand that your following the wrong path? ie: the anger is at your end of the posting { delete } FV> KS> We played with our penises more... FV>Good gracious Karl, was this some sort of an attempt to be humourous?Just ho FV>old are you anyway? Such a reference to masterbation seems rather juvenile FV>and bordering on locker-room humour from a high school boy.Are you an FV>adult I wonder?Surely you could have displayed a tad more wit than this FV>sophmoric comment???Fr.Chris It also, could be the truth. Are you not in the, so called telling the truth game? But to digress, it was likely a bit of humor. Not so much for yourself, but more for the rest of the readers. Now here's some art humor by J.J.H., i believe. Subj: Missing Person Alert - ---------------------------- MISSING Person ALERT )\ _.___._ /( /:|'##666##'|:\ Name: Satan / __ __ \ Date of Birth: October 23, 4004 BC : __~\ /~__ : Race: Mytholical ( ( .\ \|/ /. ) ) Hair: none | \_~_) . (_~_/ | Eyes: red, glowing (._ ~ /_\ ~ _.) \\_._._._._// Last seen in the company of Jesus \\V V V V// Christ, a convicted felon from \\.^.^.// the middle east. Satan was wearing (_____) red leotards with a matching cape. Mr. Christ is reported to have been "Have you seen me?" wearing a white bathrobe. If you have any information regarding this missing demon or of any missing sprite, imp, devil, demigod, seraphim or magical being please call: National Lost Cause Recovery Service at 1-800-GET-LOST. * SLMR 2.1a * ...The Popemobile: proof prayer doesn't work. --- Alexi/Mail 2.02b (#10000) * Origin: * Skeptic Tank _Dunk a Reglion_ or a Rice tea_r * (1:221/1503) SEEN-BY: 130/3 147/109 218/890 1001 221/100 400 500 1500 1503 353/250 SEEN-BY: 396/1 3615/50 51 3804/180 @PATH: 221/1503 1500 100 3615/50 218/1001