I am not exactly an ex-Scientologist but for the last few years I've had no willing contact with them, for various reasons. For all an intents and purposes I am no longer a member. It is from this perspective that I wish to reply to the quip in your web page which described Scientology as "criminal business" and that they "think nothing of torturing and murdering members and ex-members." (I believe that's verbatim but it in any case...) Now, I never had any hand in the running of the business of Scientology. I cannot give you any report from my perspective. But I would like to put in my two cents, if you are willing to listen, and explain a few things. When first I essentially broke contact with Scientology it was over a number of things; first, of course, is the cost, which is as you know not a walk in the park. Secondly, I was very unhappy with the way I had been handled there and there was a member there whom I felt was incompetent and had caused me some problems. But all of this is subjective so I'll go on: For about a year after I ex-ed myself, so to speak, I would receive relatively frequent calls from them (bi-weekly), inviting me to come over and continue 'training', or to come to an event. In each case I declined. Eventually these phone calls ended. I have had no contact with them in a while. They have not harrassed me in any way and indeed have tried to maintain at least a friendly association with me. In no way have they, even through innuendo, threatened, harrassed, annoyed, etc., etc. me. Now, my case may be an exception or perhaps they don't target all ex-members, I don't know. In any case, there you are. (continued in next message)