(2) Tue 18 Nov 97 17:36 By: Sheppard Gordon To: All Re: Scientology loses one St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:682f 23728c80 @MSGID: 1:278/230 0000ea28 T a s t y B i t s f r o m t h e T e c h n o l o g y F r o n t This issue: < http://www.tbtf.com/archive/11-17-97.html > [ . . . ] Scientology loses a big one The original church, stripped of $340M, can't hide behind new corporate shells: A Federal judge has issued a definitive ruling that clears the way for hundreds of lawsuits to go forward against the self-declared religious organization, and in addition calls into question its tax-exempt status [1]. When faced with paying a $6M judgement to a creditor, the Church of Scientology of California dissolved itself and transferred its assets to two new organizations called the Church of Scientology International and the Religious Technology Center. The judge ruled that the new Scientology corporations are merely shells controlled by and identical to the disbanded mother church so their assets are subject to court judgements against the original institution. Why am I writing about Scientology, new readers may wonder? The CoS has worked aggresively, using channels legal and dirty, to stifle free speech on the Internet and may have been responsible for shut- ting down a long-running anonymous remailer, anon.penet.fi [2], [3]. [1] http://www.factnet.org/Scientology/court.htm [2] http://www.tbtf.com/archive/08-21-95.html [3] http://www.tbtf.com/archive/09-08-96.html -> Alice4Mac 2.4.4 E QWK Hiya:05Nov94 Origin: ----------> Jack Sargeant, you look fabulist! --- PCBoard (R) v15.3/M 10 * Origin: MoonDog BBS þ RIME NetHub Brooklyn,NY (1:278/230) SEEN-BY: 218/890 1001 278/15 230 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 3804/180 @PATH: 278/230 3615/50 218/1001