By: Fredric Rice To: Steven Saus Re: Rape of children FR> Jim is lying and Preston is being somewhat inaccurate. In actual fact FR> it is the youthful morphology of children which motivates the behavior FR> of pedophiles, not the sex gender of the children they victimize. FR> When a Christian priest rapes a boy, it can't be considered 'homosexual FR> rape' any more than if the Christian priest rapes a girl it can be FR> considered 'heterosexual rape.' ss> Herm. You confuse me slightly here, sir. For me, the quintessal ss> question is "Can a child be realistically expected to give informed ss> consent?" Given that this is my criteria, the later teens are MUCH ss> more of a gray area than the early teens, with a break-point around ss> 16 for myself (as what I consider "age of consent" should be). ss> Is this what you speak of here? No, I'm saying that the distinction of homosexual vs. heterosexual behavior doesn't factor into the issue when it's a matter involving the sexual moslesting or rape of children. The child's consent doesn't factor into the equation either. Statistical data indicates that heterosexual males rape boys in higher number than in any of the other six groupings (boys vs. girls raped by male vs. female being homosexuals vs. heterosexuals.) This is because the youthful morphology of children motivates behavior, not gender. FR> It was only about 200 or 300 year or so that humanity routinely fucked FR> and reproduced around the age of 13 or 14 and society considered it to FR> be acceptable. Infant mortality was high due to the immatureity of the FR> parents yet such infant mortality was acceptable. ss> IMHO, knowing that such a mortality rate is the end result is cause ss> enough to discourage it strongly - even without the other ss> ramifications; much like the possiblity for birth defects is ss> (IMHO) the driving force behind incest taboos, and should be ss> taken into consideration more than actual physical relationship. As I recall, the number 1 reason for reproducing is ironically enough overpopulation. We look at third-world shitpots where the infant mortality rate is like 70% and we ask why people are still breeding. It's because the misery of their sexually-productive lives finds its best solace in sexual behavior. Someone also told me (or perhaps I read it in a National Geographic) that people in the Old West had children early so that they could assist on the farm. FR> Most of society seem to perfer mature sexual mates. Pedophiles aren't FR> looking for reproducing sexual mates, however... they're driven by FR> the desire to practice sexual behavior upon the young irresepective of FR> reproduction. ss> See, this goes against your potential hypothesis of a genetic ss> imperative for evolutionary reasons. Between this and ss> reproductive rates, it's clearly a non-functioning adaptave ss> behavior, even if it IS genetic. I'm not so sure it detracts from my hypothesis. Dolphin males and females exhibit sexual behavior resulting in coitus even though neither are mature functionally for reproduction to take place. I think it's done for exactly the same reason kittens play fight: it's educational and gets them ready for when they engage in the real thing. I'm also thinking that our societal predilections have been modified through social pressure which is itself caused by medical and social sciences which have elongated the human lifespan. You're wondering whether a genetic predisposition towards pedophilia should have been bred out of the populace already. The same question is asked of homosexuality. The reason why it has not for both of these cases is because both are fully capable of reproducing and both _do_ reproduce. FR> I hate to suggest that pedophiles are exhibiting genetic traits since FR> some people might claim that they shouldn't be held responsible for FR> their actions. The fact is, however, that _any_ genetically-based or FR> environmentally-based behavior which adversely impacts upon the health FR> or safety of any other individual is grounds for criminal liability. FR> If a genetic predisposition exhibited by behavior harms no one, then I FR> have no compunction against pronouncing the behavior "okay." ss> You sum up my viewpoint well here. Yeah, and most of the rest of the world. It seems that here in the United States we have a large number of religiously sick individuals who would like to ban sexual behavior which harms no one. And ironically it's the people who feel the desire to engage in that behavior. --- * Origin: Xians aren't forgiven 'til their victims forgive them (1:218/890)