I know these guys. --------- Begin forwarded message ---------- From: springersh@aol.com To: undisclosed-recipients:; Subject: Jerry Springer: Church of Euthanasia Date: Mon, 4 Aug 1997 09:08:29 -0700 Message-ID: <199708041608.JAA23010@animal.blarg.net> Monday 8/11/97 "I Want to Join a Suicide Cult" The infamous suicide-cannibal-sex cult known as the Church of Euthanasia is bringing their message "SAVE THE PLANET--KILL YOURSELF" to America's youth. Jerry wants to know why, but he doesn't get any answers: instead Pastor Kim waves a crucified chicken while cult leader Rev. Chris Korda spray-paints an inflatable globe. Grace wants to join the cult, but her ex-fiancee Chuck is determined to stop her. He's joined by members of the Creator's Rights Party, a Christian group that advocates seizing nuclear weapons to blackmail the federal government into arresting homosexuals. Then... Rev. Korda reveals that CRP founder Neal Horsely was raped in prison while doing time for drug dealing. Meanwhile the CRP can't stop Grace from stripping down to a dominatrix outfit. She becomes a member on the spot and accuses Jerry of harrassing her. Jerry goes one-on-one with Grace and we'll see who comes out top. Next up... Neal's friend Mike Bray, who served 46 months for conspiracy to bomb ten abortion clinics. He tries to hide in the audience, but the Church points him out, and produces evidence linking the CRP to "Army of God" bombings in Atlanta. Rev. Korda eats a fetus and throws its head into the audience, church member Vermin X squirts Neal in the face with a penis-shaped water pistol, and we can't air the gay sex demonstration. Church of Euthanasia: www.paranoia.com/coe Creator's Rights Party: www.christiangallery.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Jerry Springer Show www.mca.com/tv/jerryspringer 1-888-321-5350 springersh@aol.com --------- End forwarded message ----------