(44) Mon 27 Oct 97 10:07 By: Caroline Evans To: David Ragland Re: Think St: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:c0e3 235b50e0 @MSGID: 1:323/120.0 226f6a39 @PID: ViaMAIL! v1.30 97-0512 David, When I was in 7th grade I entered a school science fair with a little computer that I designed. It was a simple thing involving the addition of voltages to get a result. I designed a little electromagnetic device to light up different bulbs to represent the numbers instead of using a standard analog voltage meter. I was only 11 and thought that I had invented a digital computer because digits would be lit up. My father pointed out to me that it was an analog computer because it used voltages rather than pulses to do arithmetic. "No," I childishly insisted, "it's digital because digits light up." My father did not suffer fools gladly and he let it go at that. He wasn't going to argue electronics with an 11 year old. Do you know what my father did for a living? He was an instructor at a Navy Electronics School where he taught advanced transistor theory. Who do you suppose was right me or my father? Yet I insisted that I was right, so I continued to call it a digital computer. I billboarded it on my display. "Digital Electronic Computer" it said in huge unmistakable letters for all to see. I won an award at the local science fair which meant that I had won a spot in the state science fair. When I went to the state science fair I was quizzed by an engineer/judge about the difference between analog and digital computers. The engineer politely told me the difference. I won no awards and felt quite silly. It was a lesson I never forgot. The "theology" you offer is neither original nor convincing. That you imagine empty, tired platitudes to be profound only serves to highlight your ignorance. You offer illogic and call it logic. You envision delusions and proclaim them truth. You embrace superstition and imagine yourself religious. Apparently, you have yet to experience the insight that I had achieved by age 11. You spout religious speculations as though they were facts... affecting a wise demeanor that only fools the foolish. You refuse to learn from those who know more than you do, steadfastly insisting, like an 11 year old, that you are right. I stand before you as my father stood before me, pointing you away from error... go quietly and learn more... you are not there yet. The journey is long and you have hardly begun. Sincerely, Caroline ___ * UniQWK #5376* ============================================================ --- ViaMAIL!/WC4 v1.30 * Origin: Chowdanet! 20gb Amateur Radio BBS (401-331-5587) (1:323/120) SEEN-BY: 112/4 218/890 1001 323/120 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 3804/180 @PATH: 323/120 3615/50 218/1001