(223) Wed 26 Nov 97 15:21 Rcvd: Fri 28 Nov 11:07 By: Curtis Johnson To: Fredric Rice Re: Jesus wasn't hung omn a cross [1/2] St: Rcvd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @EID:3ceb 237a7aa0 @PID: BWMAX2 3.20 [Reg] @MSGID: 1:261/1000.0 347c8478 @REPLY: 1:218/890@FidoNet 7f922d8e >>> Part 1 of 2... -=> Quoting Fredric Rice to All <=- FR> To: Bruce Alderman FR> Nonsense. The Jesus wasn't a Roman citizen, Mike. He was Jewish. FR> The Christian mythologies specifically states that he was killed FR> and then hung in a tree -- just as the Jewish Toldoth states. ba> Please quote the Jewish Toldoth -and- the "Christian mythologies" ba> which "specifically states" that Jesus was "killed and then hung ba> in a tree". The _Toldoth_ is a strange book, though it is very entertaining. It builds on the handful of references to a heretical magician named Jesus in the Talmud, and borrows in a very distorted way the New Testament Jesus. It is rather clear, I think, that the Talmudic Jesus is cannot be the same person as the NT Jesus--for one thing, that Jesus is placed in the time of Queen Alexandra. Oddly, so is the _Toldeth Jesu_ Jesus. There is a passage in the TJ about the difficulty they had in disposing of Jesus, because while he still had the stolen Name of God by which he worked his magic, he laid a spell on all the trees but one by which he could not remain on them. No Romans about; the body of the blasphemer is afterwards stretched out on a log for public exhibition, per Jewish law. FR> For your education (which I'm sure you'll ignore:) FR> Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" FR> Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" FR> Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" FR> 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own seld bare our sins in his FR> own body on the tree" FR> Galatians 3:13 "Christ... eing made a curse upon us... FR> Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" FR> Under Rabbinic Law, criminals are to be stoned (John 8:3-11.) The Only blasphemers. A different form of capital punishment applied to adultresses, which makes the famous "Cast the first stone" story quite odd, unless the usual Biblical equation of following a different religion with adultery is applied. FR> 'Jesus' mythos was stoned to death and then hung on a tree -- which FR> is what the Christanic mythologies say. FR> The cross is a later addition which has been soundly debunked. ba> Only in your imagination. FR> No rational person still clings to the belief that the 'Jesus' mythos FR> was hung on the Roman cross. It was a fiction which was added in the FR> year 367. It is amazing that ignorants still cling to the myth. Oddly, both "Luke" and Paul also state that "Jesus" was crucified. There's several possible reasons for this muddle. I gather that "tree" was a euphemism for the instrument of crucifixion. Making the two easier to equate is the fact that the Romans did not always bother with the cross-piece, but instead attached the victim to a simple upright pole. (In the aftermath of the battle of Teutenberger Wald, the Germans crucified Romans to actual trees; possibly the Romans may have also used actual trees from time to time?) The NT Greek _stauros_ was used for both pole and what we think of as a cross. A close reading of the Gospels shows that neither possibility is ruled out. Fundies are strongly offended by the current Jehovah's Witness insistence that it was a simple upright pole; but in truth both seem to be victims of later dogma. The usage of "tree" would make an appeal to those Gentiles whose dying and resurrecting fertility Gods had died/hung on a tree. The usage of "cross" would appeal to those who followed Plato and his quasi-mystical importance of the fact that the equinoctal circle and the plane of the planets intersect; this symbolism would also draw in or be influenced by the various other religions that laid strong symbolic importance on their various crosses (for instantance, the Egyptian/Isis cult _ankh_ "cross of life"). These crosses did not have to resemble the cross-beamed instrument of crucifixion very much, though--swastikas were popular. Pre-Constantine Christian art and literary references make it clear that Christians were into cross symbolism long before the 367 date you mention. Oddly, though, Jesus was not portrayed on a cross until much later. ba> Please name even one reputable scholar ba> who denies that Jesus was crucified. FR> So you can have me do _your_ work for you? So you can ignore all of FR> the hurtful truth and claim you never saw it? Just like all other FR> fundies without an iota of shame? >>> Continued to next message... --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 [NR] * Origin: Nerve Center - Where the spine is misaligned! (1:261/1000) SEEN-BY: 12/12 218/890 1001 270/101 353/250 396/1 3615/50 51 3804/180 @PATH: 261/1000 1137 270/101 396/1 3615/50 218/1001