By: Rod Swift Re: Excellent letter! AANEWS This message was from CHRISTOPHER BAKER to ALL, originally in conference A_Theist and was forwarded to you by ROD SWIFT. ___---------------------------------------------------------------------- Since we're running letters in today's dispatch, here is what Colorado American Atheist Director Margie Wait has to say about the Heaven's Gate events. Sounds a bit crazy to us, but you should decide for yourself. Ms. Wait is reporting this strange rumor to the editor of her local newspaper. March 29, 1997 Editor: One person who discovered the bodies of the so-called Heaven's Gate cult this week said they believed, "That they were going to be taken away by, as odd as this sounds, I'm just telling you what I head, by a UFO, that a UFO would come by and pick them up." So, 39 people committed suicide during their "holy week," in order to be transported to "heaven" in a UFO, which they believed to be traveling behind the Comet Hale-Bopp. Another cult is currently celebrating their "holy week," as well. Members of this cult believe that a man, as odd as this sounds, was allegedly born to a woman on earth, but fathered by an invisible, unknowable character from the heavens. They believe that this half- man/half-unknowable character later died on a cross and was buried. Then, three days later, he popped open his tomb by moving a very heavy rock, and was lifted up into the heavens by his invisible, unknowable father. The story gets even more ludicrous. I swear, I'm not making this up, I'm just telling you what I've heard from the cult leaders. They believe that this half-man/half-unknowable character returned to earth to tell a few people about it. However, he returned to the "heavenly" world to be with his father. Now, here is where it gets rather scary. Members of this cult believe that all people who profess a faith in this story will be forgiven of all their earthly sins. Upon death, believers say they will be whisked away into the heavens to live forever with this half- man/half-unknowable character. I understand that there are even some cult members who have committed suicide, while believing that this "heavenly" world they are going to be transported to is better than the knowable and real world in which we live. Where do you suppose people get these crazy ideas? Sincerely, (signed) Margie Wait ___----------------------------------------------------------------------