Sir: Hears some facts for you, a little reality. First, I'm not a member of any political party, i don't need any party to tell me whos the good guy, and who are the crooks. I know a crook when i see one. And being a Vietnam Veteren, living on a low annual income, I'm about the last thing on this planet that these millionare theives are thinking about. I find it laughable, that you're all stirred over these White Supremacists, who couldn't number more than 5% of society. While the millionare elite, are saleing our country to the highest bidder.While they talk about they're new World Order, which they've failed to give us the details about same. These Monsters are about to create a global economy, in which we and our children will be considered as a commodity to be explioted. THESE PEOPLE ARE ABOUT TO RULE THIS PLANET, AND WERE WORRYED ABOUT WHITE SUPREMACIST AND HILLBILLY WHITE SEPARATISTS !! WELL THEY AUGHT TO GIVE YOU GUYS THE NOBLE PRIZE FOR THIS ONE ! LISTEN TO ME,.....WE'VE LOST IT. SHIT!! THESE WHITE SUPREMICISTS DON'T KNOW IT, BUT THEY WON'T HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER WHATS ABOUT TO HAPPEN, THAN YOU WILL. ITS SIMPLE FOLKS, WHILE WE'RE DOWN HERE FIGHTING OVER A BONE, THEIR SALEING US INTO BONDAGE!! AND WITH THE HELP OF PEOPLE SUCH AS YOU'RE SELVES, I THINK THE JOB WILL GET DONE SOONER. ROBERT CARTER ROBOT@PEAKNET.NET