
They are a very small sample of a very real and present danger America faces--- the myth of "White Supremacy." Hate needs no excuse, but it does need a target.

* 4JULYKKK.ZIP APtn 07/03 1533 Klan Opposition
* 87-05-03.ZIP APut 04/29 1449 Justice
* ANTISEM.ZIP APn 02/11 1722 Anti-Semitism
* ATTYGENS.ZIP APnh 06/09 0447 Attorneys General
* BEAM.ZIP APut 07/14 1242 Beam-Most Wanted
* BEAM1118.ZIP APtx 11/18 0346 Beam
* BRGMURDR.ZIP APco 06/18 1812 Berg Suspects
* BUTLER.ZIP APut 05/05 1746 Richard Butler
* BUTLER1.ZIP APmo 05/07 2214 Richard Butler
* BUTLER2.ZIP APco 05/09 1540 Richard Butler
* BUTLER4.ZIP AP 05/20 1050 Richard Butler
* BUTLER63.ZIP APor 06/03 2345 White Supremacists-But
* BUTLER64.ZIP APar 06/04 0332 White Supremacists-Butl
* BUTLERSU.ZIP APar 06/01 2045 Butler-Supremacists
* BUTLR617.ZIP APca 06/17 1626 Butler
* BUTLR720.ZIP APut 07/20 1554 Butler
* CONGRESS.ZIP APut 07/13 1854 Aryan Nations
* COVENANT.ZIP 3 02-28-88 09:51 pcs
* DORR.ZIP APut 05/06 0832 Dorr
* HARRELSO.ZIP APar 06/16 2350 Harrelson Sentenced
* HITLIST.ZIP APn 02/29 2143 Sedition Trial
* HU-RIGHT.ZIP APwa 07/20 0616 Human Rights / WICCA
* INFORMAN.ZIP APut 05/04 0455 Informant-Aryans
* JONES.ZIP APco 07/13 0252 Aryans-Court
* MICH1.ZIP APut 05/04 1731 White Separatists
* MICH2.ZIP APnc 05/04 0245 Separatists Meeting
* MICH69.ZIP APmi 06/08 2117 Robert Miles
* MILES.ZIP APar 05/14 1321 White Supremacists-Mile
* MOCKLYNC.ZIP APut 05/07 1330 Mock Lynching
* NEWLAWS.ZIP APut 06/26 1116 Anti-Racist Laws
* NRA.ZIP ap 06/01 1754 NRA-Andrus
* NYVANDAL.ZIP APny 11/26 1117 Spray Paint Vandalism
* PIRES1.ZIP APut 05/18 0241 Pires Interview
* PIRES2.ZIP AP 05/15 0845 Supremacist Sentenced
* PIRES4.ZIP APor 05/15 0521 Pires Sentencing
* PIRES5.ZIP APmo 05/13 0530 Pires-Plea Bargain
* PRESCONF.ZIP By JOHN A. BOLT Associated Press Writer
* RRRIGNT.ZIP APnc 06/11 0634 Far Right
* SED216.ZIP 1 02-16-88 12:11 acs
* TERRORSM.ZIP APar 06/19 0058 BRF--Hutchinson
* TRAINING.ZIP APmo 05/10 1824 White Supremacists
* TRIAL224.ZIP APn 02/24 1811 Sedition Trial
* TURKOZAL.ZIP APn 10/05 1103 Ozal Assailant


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